A Study on the Generation of the Production Material Information of a Building Block and the Simulation of the Block Erection

선체 블록의 물량 정보 생성 및 블록 탑재 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구

  • 이규열 (서울대학교 조선해양공학과 및 해양시스템공학연구소) ;
  • 노명일 (서울대학교 조선해양공학과)
  • Published : 2006.04.01


At the initial design stage, the generation process of the production material information of a building block and the simulation process of the block erection, which are required to perform the production planning and scheduling, have been manually performed by using 2D drawings, data of parent ships, and design experiences. To make these processes automatic, the accurate generation method of the production material information and the convenient simulation method of the block erection using the 3D CAD model, which was generated from the initial hull structural design system early developed by us, were proposed in this study. For this, a 3D CAD model for a whole hull structure was generated first, and the block division method for dividing the 3D CAD model into several building blocks was proposed. The generation method of the production material information for calculating the weight, center of gravity, painting area, joint length, etc. of a building block was proposed as well. Moreover, the simulation method of the block erection was proposed. Finally, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed methods for the generation of the production material information and the simulation of the block erection, these methods were applied to corresponding processes of a deadweight 300,000 ton VLCC (Very Large Crude oil Carrier). As a result, it was shown that the production material information of a building block can be accurately generated and the block erection can be conveniently simulated in the initial design stage.



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