영국 철도화물정책의 변화 - 보조금제도를 중심으로 -

Changes in the Rail Freight Policy of the UK focusing on Grants

  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


Following the recent privatization of the UK railway system there has been an increase in the volume of rail freight. It. Influential factors include the problem of road congestion, and policies towards increasing grants. With a focus on grants (government subsidies), this paper examines changes in rail freight, and the tasks facing the UK railway. I attempt to explain recent trends in rail freight grants and changes that have positively influenced the rail freight. In particular, I demonstrate the trends in rail freight and scheme which link the government and industry. Moreover, I explain the grants scheme and method of calculation, concisely. Finally I reveal the characteristics of UK rail grants scheme. In this paper, I argue that grants have played an important role of in the development of freight and that rail freight is more environment friendly than road transport. This paper have a many important aspects. Namely, an account of the introduction of the grant scheme of UK. Also, I explore the method of calculation of these grants. It will give some lessons for Korea rail. In conclusion, I note some suggestions and those problems which impede the freight transport. In future, the problems of some of these problems should be addressed, For example, the lack of infrastructure and development of an adequate train time schedule in case of rail freight have to be improved.



  1. Alistair Darling (2005.7.19), 'Rail freight: market growth and support from Government' (www.dft.gov.uk)
  2. Department of Transport (1982), 'Transport Statistics Great Britain 1972-1982'
  3. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (2000), 'Transport2010:The Ten Year Plan'
  4. Department for Transport (2004), 'Transport Statistics Great Britain, 2004 Edition', p.60
  5. Department for Transport (2005), 'Transport Statistics Great Britain, 2005 Edition'
  6. JR Research Center (2004), '英国における貨物鉄道輸送システムに対する公的助成スキーム調査報告書'
  7. SRA(2003), 'Everyone's railway', p.22
  8. UN(2005),'Economic Survey of Europe', p.59
  9. http;//www.dft.gov.uk/transtat
  10. http;//www.sra.gov.uk
  11. http;//www.railfreightonline.com
  12. http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/gropus/dft_freight/document/page/dft