아동 대상 인터넷 사이트의 개인정보보호 실태와 개선 방향

A Content Analysis of Web sites from a Perspective of Children's Online Privacy Protection

  • Kim, So-Ra (Department of Consumer Science, Seoul National University) ;
  • Rhee, Kee-Choon (Department of Consumer Science, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.30


The objective of this study was to discuss child privacy issues at Web sites targeting children, Specifically, the study examined l)types of information required for join the membership, 2)whether privacy policies at Web sites for children abide by privacy guideline, and 3)specific examples of recommendable privacy policy and problematic privacy policy from Web sites, Total of 305 Web sites targeting children were used for content analysis, Selected Web sites included recommended sites by Korea Council of Children's Organizations and food business Web sites, The results showed that more than 70% of Web sites required private information when children join the membership. Most of these Web sites provided mailing service for children. Generally, Web sites showed problems in parents' approval procedures. Also, privacy policies at Web sites frequently omitted purpose specification principle and the security safeguard principle. Regulating online service provides and marketers targeting children would be necessary for protecting child privacy. Further, education program targeting parents and children could help them make right choices to protect children's online privacy.



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