Evaluation of the Clothing Store Attributes in the Department Using Importance-Performance Analysis

중요도-성취도 분석에 의한 백화점 의류점포속성 평가

  • Yang, Lee-Na (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Paichai University)
  • 양리나 (배재대학교 의류패션학과)
  • Published : 2008.12.31


The purpose of this study was to take the gauge of the importance-performance of the clothing store attribute in the department store. The survey was administered to customers of department stores in Deajeon city and frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and importance-performance analysis were used to analyze the data of 37 clothing store attributes. The findings of this study were as bellows: 1. 8 factors were distracted from 37 clothing store attributes by factor analysis (Factor 1: goods, Factor 2; store's facility and environment, Factor 3; salesman and service, Factor 4; brand, Factor 5; price, Factor 6; store's atmosphere, Factor 7; convenience of the transportation and access, Factor 8; promotion and advertisement) 2. as results of importance-performance analysis, 10 attributes were shown in area I (high importance and high performance) which needed a strategy of Keep Up the Good Work, 6 attributes in area II (low importance but high performance) fitted a strategy of Possible Overkill, 12 attributes in area III (high importance but low performance) corresponded to a strategy of Concentrate Here, and finally a strategy of Low Priority was needed to 9 attributes in area IV (low importance and low performance).



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