국내 결혼이민자의 자녀 양육과 교육 - 소아를 중심으로 -

Child raising and education of marriage-based immigrants in Korea: On the focus of infants

  • 투고 : 2009.03.24
  • 심사 : 2009.03.30
  • 발행 : 2009.04.15


Due to recent upsurge in international marriages, the socio-cultural adaptation, the reinforcement of family stability, and the social integration support of marriage-based immigrant family have been the major social issues. This paper tries to show the current status of marriage-based immigrants and their children nation-wide. Specifically, it analyzes the statistical trends in international marriages, traits of marriage-based immigrants and their children, their attitudes towards child raising and education, and presents policy measures to enhance their life quality.



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