A Case on Residens' Participation Workshop for Cohousing Plan

코하우징 계획을 위한 주민참여 워크숍 사례 - 30~40대 주부를 대상으로 -

  • 조정현 (가톨릭대학교 생활문화학과 주거학) ;
  • 최정신 (가톨릭대학교 생활문화학과 주거학)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


Resident participation plays much of a rule to the cohousing, which is organized independently and has the characteristics of community life, especially in the initial state of cohousing process. However, it is hard to realize the resident participation in proper order due to lack of a personal time, individual effort and an insufficient knowledge related with cohousing. So, it is thought that the guidance of cohousing expert and coordinator is needed to enable the residents to perform in an active attitude. The development of educational program and workshop connected with resident participation is also accompanied. In this study, to make the positive and systematic participation of cohousing residents, we established the workshop program and performed workshop with our developed program, based on preceding researches and examples. We selected the object of workshop as five housewives in thirties and forties. Workshop was consisted of six process steps. (1) Introduction and question of workshop and cohousing (2) examining and arranging the opinion (3) Master plan of cohousing village (4) Planning of common living space (5) Planning of individual living space (6) Analysis of final results and evaluation of workshop. The workshop held six times and it took about five~six hours per each meeting. Workshop participants expressed their opinion actively and attended in a positive manner in order to the design of their desired village and cohousing. During workshop process, the players established the common target of their village by means of life card, target card game. Also, based on the common target, the layout of village was planned using a collage game and card arrangement game. By workshop activity, the members started to recognize the significance of participation on the drawing board and improve their technique of communication and decision-making. Furthermore, workshop process made it possible to approach the concrete forms of their cohousing village. Especially, in the closing phase, the participant satisfaction about workshop and cohousing is increased suddenly and expressed their intention to join the real workshop related with cohousing.



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