A Roadmap for Developing Digital Content Distribution Infrastructure

디지털 콘텐츠 유통 인프라 개발을 위한 로드맵

  • Published : 2009.12.31


Unlike physical products, the distribution of digital content has involved many participants in all distribution phases from providers to consumers. The longer the distribution channel for services is, or the more participants that take part in it, the more the added value of the content increases. Consequently, the customer usefulness has been maximized. In order to enhance the values of digital content, it is utterly urgent to implement a service infrastructure that could be shared by all participants along the distribution path. Digital content is distributed from a creator to a final user through complex value chain stages. All the participants along the value chain exchange information about copyrights, marketing, and contents themselves, through the distribution channel. Recently, the more the distributed Information Technology environment has been widely used, the more the necessity of an identifier for digital content has been increased. In this paper, we examine the current status of the Korean distribution market of digital content, identify necessary distribution services of digital content, and establish a systematic roadmap to implement these services.



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