The Effect of Family Restaurant Brand Identity on the Purchase Intention of Consumer

패밀리 레스토랑 브랜드 아이덴티티가 소비자의 구매의도에 미치는 영향

  • Park, Jung-Hun (Department of Foodservice Management, Sunlin College) ;
  • Kim, Ji-Eung (Department of Foodservice Management, Shinsung University)
  • 박정훈 (선린대학 호텔외식경영계열) ;
  • 김지응 (신성대학 호텔조리제빵계열)
  • Published : 2009.06.30


As multinational brands have made inroads into domestic food service industry, and its recognition has been high to consumers, This research has tried to examine the general identity of brand, their recognition, and re-purchase behaviors. The purpose of this study is to inquire into how the brand value by brand identity was caused by recent development of food service industry, and how it had an effect on the purchase behaviors of them. In particular, factors of general identity have a significant effect on the revisit and purchase intention, as the image and ads of family restaurant among brand property factors of family restaurant showed an significant effect on the revisit intention. This study was made with priority given to the brand identity as four brand factors such as product brand, organizational brand, community brand and design brand based on the confidence. Results found that the community brand and design brand had a significant difference on purchase intention. Consequently, it has been suggested that the marketing strategies to make the brand identity strong have to be established with various brand enhancement tactics in the food service industry.



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