일 지역 성인의 성역할 정체감과 건강행위

Gender Role Identity and Health Behaviors in Adults

  • 은여옥 (전북 부안여자고등학교) ;
  • 정승희 (전북대학교 간호대학, 전북대학교 간호과학연구소) ;
  • 김현경 (시카고 일리노이대학교 간호대학)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Purpose: This study explored the relationship between types of gender role identity and health behaviors in 500 adults. Method: Data was collected with self-reporting questionnaire forms from April 23 to May 4, 2007. using the Korean Gender Role Identity Inventory and Health Behavior Assessment Tool. Results: The mean (SD) was 2.65 (0.42) for gender role identity, and 2.61 (0.38) for health behaviors. The subjects were classified into four gender role identity types; 30.4% in undifferentiated, 27.8% in androgyny, 22.4% in masculinity, and 19.4% in femininity. Four gender role identity types of subjects showed significant different levels of health behaviors (F=40.33, p<.001). The androgyny type subjects reported the highest mean of health behaviors scores, and the undifferentiated type subjects had the lowest mean. There were significant differences in health behaviors according to subjects' general characteristics, such as age, marital status, perceived health status, and smoking (p<.005). Conclusion: There is a need to make changes in family, school, and society toward better environments for helping adults develop desirable gender role identity. In addition, the gender role identity in adults has to be considered in establishing healthy lifestyles and developing health promotion programs.



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피인용 문헌

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