Behavior Problem According to Children's Temperament and Self-Regulation

유아의 기질과 자기조절능력에 따른 문제행동

  • 정혜진 (인하대학교 아동복지학) ;
  • 이완정 (인하대학교 소비자아동학과)
  • Published : 2009.06.30


The purpose of this study was (1) to investigate the difference of temperament, self-regulation, and problem behavior according to children's gender and age, (2) to investigate the relationship among three variables by use of canonical correlation analysis. The subjects were 210 children ages from 3 to 5 in five day-care center in Incheon city. The SPSS WIN 12.0 Program was used to analyze the collected data. The statistical methods were Frequency, Percentage, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, Two-way ANOVA, Correlation analysis, and Canonical Correlation analysis. The major results of this research are summarized as follows: (1) Children's temperament were significantly different by their gender and age. The boys got higher score than girls in adaptability, activity, and total temperament. Girls got higher score than boys in reactivity. The age 3 got higher score than the age 5 in activity and the ages 3, 4 got higher than the age 5 in total temperament. (2) Children's self-regulation were significantly different by their age. The children who were older got higher scores in self-regulation ability. (3) Children's problems behavior were significantly different by their gender and age. The boys got higher score than girls in anxiety behavior, aggressive behavior, hyperactive/distractive behavior, and total problem behavior. And the ages 3, 4 got higher score than the age 5 in anxiety behavior and hyperactive/distractive behavior. The age 4 got higher score the ages 3, 5 in aggressive behavior and the age 3 got higher score the ages 4, 5 in total problem behavior. (4) Canonical correlation results showed that stable temperament and self-regulation were positively correlated and self-regulation and problem behavior were negatively correlated.



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