항암단 투여로 호전된 진행성 또는 전이성 담낭암 연속환자증례

Case Series of Advanced or Metastatic Gallbladder Cancer Patients Treated with Hang-Am-Dan

  • 김경순 (대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터) ;
  • 유화승 (대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터) ;
  • 정태영 (대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터) ;
  • 이연월 (대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터) ;
  • 조종관 (대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터)
  • Kim, Kyung-Soon (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Dae-Jeon University) ;
  • Yoo, Hwa-Seung (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Dae-Jeon University) ;
  • Jung, Tae-Young (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Dae-Jeon University) ;
  • Lee, Yeon-Weol (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Dae-Jeon University) ;
  • Cho, Chong-Kwan (East-West Cancer Center, Dunsan Oriental Hospital of Dae-Jeon University)
  • 발행 : 2010.09.30


Objective : To investigate the therapeutic effects of Hang-Am-Dan(HAD) on gallbladder cancer patients. Method : We prescribed HAD three times a day(3,000-6,000 mg/day) during a treatment period of 8 and 34 months respectively. Computed tomography(CT) was taken to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy. Results : Two patients diagnosed with gallbladder cancer were recommended to go through chemotherapy. However, they refused the standard regimen due to their old age and the fear of side effects, and chose to go with Oriental medicine treatments instead. The patients were treated for 8 and 34 months respectively. Each patient showed stable disease(SD) state during the treatment period. Conclusion : According to these cases, it could be concluded that HAD may offer potential benefits in treating gallbladder cancer patients.



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