남한강변 강변숲 조성을 위한 유형분류연구 -경기도 양평·여주군 구간을 중심으로-

A Study on the Classification of Types of Han Riverside Forests -In the Case of Yangpyeng and Yeoju gun-

  • 투고 : 2009.11.24
  • 심사 : 2010.01.27
  • 발행 : 2010.02.28


Riverside forests make a river bank stable because trees of them hold together the stone and soil by roots and decrease the speed of running fluid by trunks. So they become known to have positive effects on flood prevention. So This study will be a basic study to preserve and restore of riverside forests. The goal of this study is to classify types of Han riverside forests between Yangpyeng and Yeoju gun. and find out sites of planting. Results of this study can be summarized as follows; The evaluation indicators were set up based on literature review and site survey. Two indicator categories were developed: natural environment and human environment. And they were divided into 5 sub-categories for calculating weights. As for the major indicator categories, the weighted index of natural environment is at 0.5. And the weighted index of human environment is at 0.5 followed by access at 0.15, the range of user at 0.15, cultivated land at 0.1 and legislation at 0.1. This study selected 53 sites for riverside forests planting. They were classified with types of bank(11), level-upped riverside(32), island(10). The amount of the length of 11 bank types is 23,050m, the area of 32 level-upped riverside types is $4,490,000m^2$ and the area of 10 island types is $4,590,000m^2$. After the evaluation of 53 riverside forests, this study selected 12 sites of riverside forests. They were two bank types, nine level-upped riverside types, and one island type. Rebuilding riverside forests are to accomplish the green network which links and divides region. It will be one of the best ecological methods to construct friendly environmental region.



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