An Empirical Study on the Influence of Post-Merger Integration for Organizational Effectiveness: Focused on the Merged Corporation of LH

  • Received : 2011.09.02
  • Accepted : 2011.10.19
  • Published : 2011.10.30


In the merged organization, the efforts of integration such as various PMI activities, etc. are exerted and the performance of PMI can be judged by evaluating the effectiveness of an organization. In this paper, the empirical analysis was conducted to see what effects of 'planned PMI activities' and 'voluntary integration efforts' have on the effectiveness of an organization which is 'Organizational Commitment', 'Job Satisfaction', 'Emotional Integration' and 'Shared Value Recognition'. The survey was made on the employees of LH, which is a representative case of public corporation advancement, and SPSS 17.0 and AMOS 17 were used for the analysis. As a result of the analysis of a structural equation model, it indicated that both 'planned PMI activities' and 'voluntary integration efforts' have direct influence on 4 indices of effectiveness of an organization respectively. In particular, it was found that 'planned PMI activities' affects 'Shared Value Recognition' the most and 'voluntary integration efforts' has the largest effect on 'Emotional Integration'. Through this study, it was verified that voluntary integration efforts of members as well as the planed formal PMI activities are also very important factor of effect on the integration performance of an organization.



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