Purpose: It has always been an aspiration for Asians to look more balanced and feminine, considering their facial features regarding relatively flat midface with marked prominences of the zygoma. Many studies have been dealt in this subject. However, the authors would like to emphasize the concept and introduce the technique of repositioning of the malar complex to a cosmetically beneficial point and stationing it on proper position by fixation on zygoma body and arch. Methods: From January 1998 to December 2007, this method was performed in 50 patients of mild to moderate prominence and malposition of the malar complex. A simplified technique of lateral orbital osteotomy and oblique osteotomy on zygomatic arch through intraoral and preauricular incision was developed. Then, liberal malar complex can be moved to a supero-posterior direction and repositioned to a more cosmetically beneficial point. To maintain the stationed position and to protect from vector affected by the attached masticating muscle to zygomatc bone, fixation was done on both zygoma body and arch. Results: We have obtained satisfactory results using this procedure without any observable complications. The advantages of this procedure are proper exposure, inconspicuous scar, safe, more natural contour, improved stability, and shorter healing time. Conclusion: The authors suggest that reduction malarplasty should be approached with underlying concept of repositioning and fixation. In mild moderate malar prominent cases, our technique will provide with maintenance of aesthetic concept, equal to the malar reduction performed under coronal approach and provide with more natural facial contour with stability even with less invasive surgical approach.