수준별 유아수업설계모형이 유아교사의 전문성 발달에 미치는 효과

The Effect of Differentiated Instruction Design Model for Early Childhood on Development of Teacher's Professionalism

  • 투고 : 2012.01.02
  • 심사 : 2012.02.01
  • 발행 : 2012.02.28


This study which is an alternative exploration for improving the quality level of instruction considering the perception of the teachers in early childhood education field on instructional design is to develop Differentiated Instructional Design Model coincides with the purpose of differentiated instruction curricula and with instructional design principles, and to find out whether the model has significant effect on development of teacher's professionalism. With these purposes, the perception of 343 teachers from early childhood education institutions are investigated, and after component variables are set by drawing the instructional design model available in early childhood education field and reviewing the literature of differentiated instruction model, the Differentiated Instructional design Model for Early Childhood are developed based on FGI(Focus Group Interview) expert evaluation. The experimental study of 88 teachers working in childcare facilities was implemented for effectiveness verification. As a result, first, most teachers consider the priority on making the lesson plans as the development of early childhood and Kindergarten Educational Subjects, and they realize the development of instructional design model which contributes on lesson planning and implementation is much needed. Second, the Differentiated Instructional design Model for Early Childhood are developed, which consists of the cyclic process - pre-lesson phase, lesson implementation phase, and assessment phase -based on development characteristics of early childhood. Third, the experiment of the developed model showed that the scores of experimental group is significantly higher than those of comparative group in knowledge and technique development aspect, and self-understanding development aspect among the aspects of development of teacher's professionalism.



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