현장체험에 터한 u-PBL 교수지원시스템의 핵심가치 및 설계전략 연구

Study of u-PBL Support System Core Value and Design Strategy based on Field Experience Learning

  • 투고 : 2012.02.08
  • 심사 : 2012.03.07
  • 발행 : 2012.04.30


The purpose of this study was to extract an u-PBL support system core value and design strategy based upon field experience learning. To accomplish this the study, first of all, analyzed the core values, design strategy which was selected after needs analysis and literature review of theories and cases regarding the PBL, e-PBL, blended-PBL, Field experience learning based on ubiquitous environment, and learning model based on ubiquitous technology. This study identified the three core values as; systemic support for instructional activity, just in time support for instructional activity and support for interaction facilitation. As further research areas, it might be useful to develop u-PBL instructional support system based upon the model designed from this study. Also, research concerning the verification of the model based upon implementation of the program case might be necessary.



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