Bluff bodies under the external periodic force vibrate at their own natural or forced frequency. Rectangular bodies or similar structures such as high-rise towers and apartments, and recently a well-cited application - offshore floating bodies, usually needs to reduce these vibrations for stability and the mode control. Therefore, this study is aiming to reduce or control the vibration of a structure by a passive control method, i.e., TLCD (Tuned Liquid Column Damper). Controlling a moving body with a TLCD based on a variety of the orifice shape has been preliminary studied. In order to get a proper control, an optimized study is made on the design of the orifice shape, which has internal plates with the holes. The results show the force acting on the body due to the periodic movement highly depends on the number of holes on the plate and the height of the water level. Therefore, the optimum shape of the orifice and the height of the water level should be confirmed by a series of experiments.