Study on the Development of a Standard Instrument of Diagnosis and Assessment for Spleen Qi Deficiency Pattern

脾氣虛證(비기허증) 진단평가도구 개발 연구

  • Oh, Hye-Won (Kyung Hee University Korean Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Ji-Won (Kyung Hee University Korean Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Je-Shin (Kyung Hee University Korean Hospital) ;
  • Song, Eun-Young (Kyung Hee University Korean Hospital) ;
  • Shin, Seung-Won (Kyung Hee University Korean Hospital) ;
  • Han, Ga-Jin (Kyung Hee University Korean Hospital) ;
  • Lu, Huanyu (The Second Clinical Medical College of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Disease prevention center) ;
  • Lee, Jun-Hee (Department of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
  • Received : 2014.02.22
  • Accepted : 2014.03.14
  • Published : 2014.03.31


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop a standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency pattern. Methods: Reports published in Korea and China related to spleen qi deficiency pattern were selected. Assessments of selected references were performed to select major symptoms of spleen qi deficiency pattern. Korean translation and review by a Korean linguist were performed to create a draft of [Standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency (for subject)]. The final [Standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency (for subject)] was completed after assessment on inclusion or exclusion, on importance of items and on validity of translation by an expert committee, consisting of professors from the National College of Korean Medicine. Results & Conclusions: 1. 14 major symptoms were selected by frequency from 45 references which were related to standard identification of spleen qi deficiency pattern, translated into Korean and reviewed by a Korean linguist. 2. 11 symptoms were selected after assessment on inclusion yes or no by the expert group. Items were listed in order of importance: tiredness of extremities (肢体倦怠), sallow complexion (面色萎黃), reduced appetite (食欲减退), abdominal distension after eating (腹胀食後尤甚), inability to eat (納少), pale tongue and white fur (舌淡苔白), lethargy (神疲), emaciation (消瘦), loose stool (大便溏薄), shortness of breath and reluctance to speak (少氣懶言), and weak pulse (脈緩弱). 3. Final [Standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency (for subject)] was completed after assessment of translation validity, reflection of individual opinions by the expert committee, and application of weighted value computed from assessment on importance of items.



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