The Professionalism and Enlightenment of Pierre Fauchard, a scholar of 18th century

임상가를 위한 특집 1 - 18세기 피에르포샤르의 '전문가주의'와 계몽주의

  • 이주연 (세브란스치과의원, 대한치과의사협회)
  • Received : 2014.09.29
  • Accepted : 2014.10.29
  • Published : 2014.11.01


This literature considers Pierre Fauchard's exploits under historical context of the enlightenment movement and development of the surgery during 18th century in France. <치과의사 Le Chirurgien Dentiste, ou Traite des dents>, a vast collection of the former and contemporary dental knowledge, technologies, and skills, established Modern Dentistry. To emphasize the professionality of dental treatment and actions involving it, Fauchard replaces the title 'dental expert' with 'stomatologist, or Le Chirurgien Dentiste' As professionalism tried to contribute to the public interest by sharing dental knowledge and technolgies, it had become a model for the dentists. Moreover, the professionalism has been accepted as an important value throughout the manufacture crafts era and the modern capitalist industrial society. Also the principles of liberty, equality, and tolerance founded during enlightenment movement, which is based on empirical positivism and rational reason, has become the legal basis of modern nations. In order to resolve the contradiction or conflict between 'liberty and equality' by 'tolerance for the public benefit', Korean dentists need develop professionalism.



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