Psychological Aspects of Burning Mouth Syndrome

  • Kim, Cheul (Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnosis, College of Dentistry and Research Institute of Oral Science, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
  • 투고 : 2015.01.05
  • 심사 : 2015.01.21
  • 발행 : 2015.03.30


The etiopathogenesis of burning mouth syndrome (BMS) seems to be complex and many patients probably involves interactions among local, systemic, and/or psychological factors in the pathophysiologic mechanism. Although there are controversies over whether the psychological factor is a cause or a result of BMS, several studies have supported strong relationships between psychological factors and chronic pain. It has been suggested that somatic complaints from unfavorable life experiences may influence both individual personality and mood changes; however, initiation of BMS symptoms is not necessarily correlated with stressful life events despite their elevated psychological stress. If the psychological distress is not a causal factor of BMS, it seems that BMS patients may be particularly vulnerable to psychological problems, primarily depression, anxiety, and hostility due to the characteristic entities of BMS such as chronic persistent pain itself. It seems likely that both physiological and psychological factors play a role in causing, perpetuating and/or exacerbating BMS; therefore, both two components of the patient's symptoms must be addressed. The acceptance of psychological factors by the patient is often an important element of BMS, management. The evaluation of psychological and emotional status of BMS patient enables clinicians to recognize prolonged negative and subclinical factors which can complicate the management of pain or indirectly perpetuate other physical factors. This evaluation improves the doctor-patient relationships, motivation, and compliance through a correct understanding of the clinical problem. Appropriate emotional and psychological evaluation may be required prior to developing a treatment plan in order to gain the successful treatment outcome.



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