A Recognition Method for Korean Spatial Background in Historical Novels

한국어 역사 소설에서 공간적 배경 인식 기법

  • 김서희 (단국대학교 대학원 컴퓨터학과) ;
  • 김승훈 (단국대학교 응용컴퓨터공학과)
  • Received : 2016.02.01
  • Accepted : 2016.03.10
  • Published : 2016.03.31


Background in a novel is most important elements with characters and events, and means time, place and situation that characters appeared. Among the background, spatial background can help conveys topic of a novel. So, it may be helpful for choosing a novel that readers want to read. In this paper, we are targeting Korean historical novels. In case of English text, It can be recognize spatial background easily because it use upper and lower case and words used with the spatial information such as Bank, University and City. But, in case Korean text, it is difficult to recognize that spatial background because there is few information about usage of letter. In the previous studies, they use machine learning or dictionaries and rules to recognize about spatial information in text such as news and text messages. In this paper, we build a nation dictionaries that refer to information such as 'Korean history' and 'Google maps.' We Also propose a method for recognizing spatial background based on patterns of postposition in Korean sentences comparing to previous works. We are grasp using of postposition with spatial background because Korean characteristics. And we propose a method based on result of morpheme analyze and frequency in a novel text for raising accuracy about recognizing spatial background. The recognized spatial background can help readers to grasp the atmosphere of a novel and to understand the events and atmosphere through recognition of the spatial background of the scene that characters appeared.



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