노인장기요양보험 관련 미디어 내용 분석

Contents Analysis of Media on Long-term Care Insurance

  • 진영란 (청운대학교 간호학과) ;
  • 이효영 (동서대학교 보건의료계열 보건행정학과)
  • 투고 : 2016.02.14
  • 심사 : 2016.06.15
  • 발행 : 2016.06.30


Objectives : This study confirmed the limitation of long-term care insurance by analyzing media contents. Methods : Articles and reviews were searched with the article searching system (KINDS) from July 2008 to December, 2015. Results : Among the 155 articles examined, 61.1% highlighted the faults of suppliers, and 25.2% indicated the responsibility of the insurer. As for their purpose, 56.8% reported on accidents, and 32.3% provided information. Furthermore, 74.2% reported on negative contents and only 25.8% on neutral contents. The negative contents consisted of requesting false insurance benefits, amending the range and price indicating the very low salaries of the care givers, limitations on the care grade assessment, and problems related with assistive devices. The majority of neutral articles is for providing information. Conclusions : There were many problems starting from the early stage of the insurance. We must pay attention to these problems. Moreover, we should try to handle and prevent these problems with supportive responses from authorities.



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