A Study on Management and Present-Condition of Invasive Alien Species

외래식물 분포 및 관리방안

  • Received : 2018.08.02
  • Accepted : 2018.11.02
  • Published : 2018.11.30


This study examined the Gangwon Province's current implementation of its elimination of invasive plants and explored a plan to effectively manage invasive plants. The percentage of the distribution of the plants was 39.6% for riverside areas, 23.3% for roadside areas, 12.4% for roadside & riverside areas, and 4.6% for areas around farm land and river banks. To ensure the systematic management of invasive plants, the current study suggests a) developing an invasive plants monitoring and management system; b) reinvigorating the participation of residents, private organizations, and military posts; c) planting of native replacement plants and the conversion of the locations as attractions, and d) nurturing the project for using invasive plants. For policy directions to be pursued based on the results of the study, the following are suggested: a) improving laws and systems regarding invasive plants, b) developing a cooperative system for managing invasive plants, c) implementing the training of civilian professionals, d) implementing the elimination of invasive plants, e) developing replacement plants for cities and counties, f) fostering industries that tap into invasive plants, and g) using the Han River Water System Management Fund for funding and greater efficiency.

본 연구는 강원도 생태계 교란식물 관리 제거사업 추진 현황을 종합적으로 평가하여, 교란식물의 효율적인 관리방안을 모색하는 것이다. 또한 근본적인 해결방안을 도출하여 예산투입의 효율성 제고, 생태계 기능 향상, 일자리 창출 및 소득화와 연계하여 지역경제 활성화 등을 제안하고자 한다. 생태계 교란식물 분포지역은 하천변이 39.6%로 가장 많았으며, 도로변 23.3%, 도로변-하천변 12.4%, 경작지 주변 및 제방 4.6% 등의 순으로 나타났다. 생태계 교란식물 관리방안으로는 i) 생태계 교란식물 모니터링 및 관리체계 구축, ii) 도민, 민간단체, 군(軍)부대 참여 활성화, iii) 대체식물 식재, iv) 생태계 교란식물 활용 산업 육성 등을 제안하였다. 본 연구 결과를 기초로 향후 추진되어야할 정책으로 i) 생태계 교란식물 관련 법률 제도 개선, ii) 생태계 교란식물 관리 협력체계 구축, iii) 민간 전문가 양성교육 사업 추진, iv) 생태계 교란식물 제거사업 방식의 병행 추진, v) 시 군별 대체식물 식재 모델 개발, vi) 생태계 교란식물을 활용한 산업 육성, vii) 재원확보 및 효율화를 위한 한강 수계관리기금 활용 등을 제안하였다.


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Fig. 1. Invasive alien species habitat type

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Fig. 2. Invasive alien species distribution type

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Fig. 3. Amount eliminated per area

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Fig. 4. Invasive alien plant elimination performance in the civilian control zone

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Fig. 5. Invasive alien plant elimination performance outside of the civilian control zone outside

Table 1. Invasive alien species distribution area in Gangwon Province(2015 base year)

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Table 2. Invasive alien species removal status(2009~2016)

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Table 3. Budget expenditure for eliminating invasive alien species(2009∼2016)

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Table 4. Priority for invasive alien plant elimination rate in Gangwon Province(Plan)

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Table 5. Calculate the unit price of the directly hired workforce

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Table 6. Comparison of business unit price by professional service method

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Table 7. Case study on purchase system of invasive alien plant

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