An Exploratory Study on the Trends and Introductions of Innovation Management System International Standards

혁신경영시스템 국제표준 개발 동향 및 도입 방안에 관한 탐색적 연구

  • Park, Se-Hoon (Pukyong National University Graduate School of Management of Technology) ;
  • Chun, Dong-Phil (Pukyong National University Graduate School of Management of Technology)
  • 박세훈 (부경대학교 기술경영전문대학원) ;
  • 천동필 (부경대학교 기술경영전문대학원)
  • Received : 2018.10.13
  • Accepted : 2018.11.25
  • Published : 2018.12.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to introduce the development trend of international standard in the innovative management system and propose the application method of the standard for SME certification system. Methods: This study is based on literature studies and case studies considering the initial stage of development of standards as well as lack of domestic and international research examples. In the literature review, we focused on the characteristics of the innovation management system standards at the national, regional and global level. We examined case studies of Spain and Portugal as case studies. Besides, the evaluation items and certification status of domestic innovative SMEs certification were also searched to find out how to introduce them in Korea. Results: The results of this study can be summarized in three major points. First, new international standards of innovation management are being developed under the ISO management system standard and are currently in the DIS stage. Second, in the case of Spain adopting the national innovation management system standard, it has been reported that the innovation management system standard has a significant effect on the innovation ability and management performance. Third, it was not easy to establish a standardized innovation process between the innovation based on creativity and the standardized based product. The Oslo manual was not enough to provide enough guidance in this area. Conclusion: Companies that want to strengthen their organizational innovation capabilities from a management system point of view and Policymakers that want to plan the upgrading and integrated certification operating system of the domestic innovation SME certification need to consider the ISO 50500 series as a global level standard other than the Oslo manual.


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Figure 1. Reserch framework SIMSMA2 Source : Mir, Casadesús and Petnji(2016: p.30)

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Figure 2. ISO/TC279 Organization structure Source : ISO/TC279 Strategic business plan(2014)

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Figure 3. The framework to develop and manage innovation partnerships Source : ISO/DIS 50503:2018 p.2

Table 1. Definitions of Innovation

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Table 2. Classification of Innovation Process Model by Rothwell

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Table 3. Classification of North American Innovation Process Model

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Tabel 4. CEN/TC389 Innovation Management Standards

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Table 5. Existing standards for innovative management systems by country

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Table 6. ISO/TC279 Participation

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Table 7. Standards being developed by ISO/TC 279

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Table 8. ISO/DIS 50501:2018 Table of contents and main contents

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Tabel 9. Development Trends of Korean Standards & Certifications

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Table 10. Comparison of evaluation criteria of innovative SMEs

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Table 11. Innobiz certification evaluation and examination items

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Table 12. Certification status of domestic companies ISO and Innovative companies

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Table 13. Status of duplicate certification of domestic companies ISO, INNOBIZ, MAINBIZ

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