A Study on the Development of Global Leadership Program Model

  • Received : 2018.12.13
  • Accepted : 2019.03.21
  • Published : 2019.03.28


The objective of this study was to explore a specific method and strategy for 'Global Leadership Program Model' in order to enhance global leadership, which will emphasize the aspect of open mind and attitude toward diversity, cross-culture, communication, and global manner. This research explored the concept and characteristics of global leadership and competency based education, and analyzed effectiveness of satisfaction and participation on global leadership programs implemented in K University and analyzed the learners' recognition on the experience. Also, the research integrated the values of global leadership with the strategies of competency-based education, and finally developed 'Global Leadership Program Model'. As a result, 'Global Leadership Program Model' might be able to help students use knowledge and skill in various contexts, and serve in the community with responsibility. It is expected that students could be facilitated to perform task and role communicating with others, and they might know exactly what learning outcome they are required to establish and what standard is used to evaluate the performance, so that this environment might motivate them and encourage them to follow the learning process more effectively.



These days, global leadership has been a very important issue in University education because the goal of University education has changed from focusing on training students who have professional knowledge, to producing leaders who can actively face the problems and suggest solutions and alternatives in personal life as well as in community and society. With rising awareness of the need for developing leadership, it is required for university students to have a basic skills and leadership abilities for personal success in University and adulthood. There also has been increasing attention to develop global leadership through extracurricular program [1, 2, 3].

Leadership is defined as a method and degree that a leader affects members of the organization to establish goals [4]. This society requires global leaders who can communicate globally, have open mind and attitude, and global manner. These days educational researchers have been trying to find out the definition and characteristics of global leadership, and deducted core competencies elements of global leadership. The researchers emphasized the relationship between global leadership and competency-based education, and insisted that global leadership should be develop based on competency-based education [5], [6]. The main stress of the global leadership research focuses on the relationship between leadership and the vocational competence [7], [8], [9], [10], leadership and curriculum [11], [12], [13], leadership and adult education [14]. These researches reviewed the relationship among leadership and vocational core competencies, university curriculum for cultivating global leadership competencies, and adult education for personal successful life as well as social life. The researchers emphasized that students should be equipped with leadership skill in order to adapt into a rapidly changing environment and demonstrate their own ability in knowledge based society. In addition, those researches maintain that students should enhance global leadership to demonstrate high level of vocational, global, and compassionate rational leadership competency. It is insisted to conceptualize core competencies of leadership, make a clear educational object, set a content and evaluation system to establish students’ personal and social successful life as they raise their global leadership competency. Those researches mentioned above have been focusing on basic concept, characteristics of global leadership and relatives among competencies. However, there has been little researching on extracurricular programs, the strategy of program building and managing that might be able to help faculties integrate global leadership in the educational field and support students to be equipped with leadership systematically and strategically. 

Therefore, suggesting a global leadership program Model that suggests the methods and strategies in developing students’ global leadership is needed. So this study will examine the effectiveness and students’ recognition on global leadership programs, and explore core value, idea and strategy of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ [15], [16]. The specific objectives of this study are like the following. Firstly, the concept and characteristics of global leadership and competency-based education will be investigated. Secondly, the degree on the students’ satisfaction, participation on global leadership program, and the strong, weak, opportunity and treat of global leadership programs will be analyzed. Thirdly, core value, idea, and strategy of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ will be developed. 

This research sets the following questions to analyze the effectiveness and students’ participating experience on the global leadership programs.

1) Is there any improvement of the degree of satisfaction of the participants and global leadership competency of the students?
2) What is the strong, weak, and alternatives of the global leadership program, and what has effected on the recognition of students’ learning?



2.1 Global Leadership 

Several concepts of global leadership were made with some aspects like the following. In an aspect of company and organization, global leadership focuses on the goal of company and organization and is defined as a quality that manager in the global company or in abroad should be equipped. Global leadership means a quality that shows positive effects toward others beyond limitation of geology, national, economy, language and race, to establish goals. Song [17] includes some elements of global leadership and suggests a specific concept of leadership emphasizing process affecting positively on thought, attitude and deed of related people [18]. Recently, the ability of global leadership discusses with core competency, which is the ability of performing roles and tasks with knowledge and information.

Table 1 shows the researches attempted to integrate the characteristics of global leadership into competency-based education [19]. 


Table 1. Core competencies of global leadership

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2.2 Competency Based Education 

Kouwenhoven and Perrenoud maintained that the paradigm shift into competency-based education had been emphasized, and knowledge informational society has been coming up by the radical development of science technology [26]. Education becomes more focusing on competency which is the ability of utilizing knowledge in the specific situational context and emphasizing knowledge creation, application, spread, and value creation in 21st society [27]. Competency-based education is the education which decides educational goal, curriculum, teaching and learning activities, and evaluation in order to cultivate competency [28]. The characteristics of competency-based education are like the following [29], [30]. 

1) Expecting students to be equipped with capability rather than knowledge, and develop ability to perform task and role in the context 
2) Emphasizing instructor’s responsibility 
3) Proposing developmental level of learning outcome at the end of the curriculum should be established according to grade, major, course and quality to graduate university 
4) Designing a program with the ability and role that is required in the society 
5) Emphasizing the evaluation that shows the degree of the establishment of the students’ performance 


Based on the result of research, this research explores how these key elements of competency-based education could integrate and apply into the global leadership program. If these characteristics of competency-based education will integrate into the extracurricular program for developing global leadership, it would be possible to raise the leaders equipped with skill, attitude and knowledge, and can solve diverse problems in the real life situation. 



3.1 Research Process 

This research has implemented like Fig. 1. First, the literature studies were done. Secondly, analysis of the programs was implemented, and then, finally ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ was developed.  


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Fig. 1. Research Design


3.2 Participants and Procedure

Table 2 shows the participants in global leadership programs. There were 227 undergraduate students participated in global leadership programs such as ‘Leadership Seminar’, ‘Global Tutoring’, ‘Writing Seminar’ from 2016-2017 in CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning), K-University. The students participated in the programs and established all requirements in order to gain the certification [31], [32]. 


Table 2. The participants of global leadership program

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Before programs begin, the CTL professor and instructor organized program contents and schedule, set the outcomes, and guided sequencing the detailed activities to cover the major unit of program and at the end of the semester. This research measured students’ satisfaction and participants, and global leadership competency, which developed in CTL, K University, including 16 items in 5 subscales ranging from 1 (not at all true of me) to 5 (very true of me), covers satisfaction and global leadership competency. The survey performed by the CTL professor and researchers at the end of last seminar of the semester. 


3.3 Research Result 

Table 3 shows the detail of programs, participants, the degree of satisfaction and global leadership competency each year. The result shows that the participating rate was increased, the satisfaction level has grown, and the global leadership competency, 2017 is higher than 2016. The annual report of the programs was referenced for the analysis [31], [32]. 


Table 3. The effectiveness of global leadership program

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Table 4 shows the strong point, weak point of the programs students experienced and alternatives that could improve the quality of the programs. This survey results show that the program needs to supplemented with various program like IT usage, and it was found out that the quality of lecturer should be improved. For this, the feedback from the participants should be handed to the instructor, and strategic marketing is needed. So the ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ will be developed reflecting on this result and implemented in the programs. And the competency based education will be integrated to supplement this weak point of the program. 


Table 4. The strong points, weak point, and alternatives of the program

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4.1 Core Value and Ideas of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ 

Core values and ideas of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ is developed based on the characteristics of competency based education and global leadership. The core value and idea of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ is like the following.

1) To serve others and put priority on the followers or the members of the organization through listening, healing, and community building.
 2) To develop responsible attitude to others with open mind toward diversity, understanding cross culture honestly and passionately 
3) To develop communication for interacting with diverse culture and global network using language 
4) To lead and guide others, to express the opinions to challenge against existing procedure or policy 


4.2 Core Strategies of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’

Core strategies of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ are like the following. Table 5 shows the core value, idea and strategies of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’. 

1) To supply various programs and training related to global leadership for developing usage of knowledge and problem solving skill. 
2) To develop ability to collaborate with team members and perform one’s role and assignment properly, and to perform the task and role in various situations and learning content.
3) To describe clear learning outcomes and procedures for establishing in orders.
4) To present the standard of evaluation, the level of students’ performance, and self/peer evaluation, and the process of feedback for learning experience. 


Table 5. Core Value, Idea, and Strategies of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’

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4.3 Designing Global Leadership Program Model 

This research deducted the core value, idea and strategies of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ according to the background, concept, characteristics and principles of global leadership and competency-based education. ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ is composed of 3 steps like the following. Fig. 2 shows ‘Global Leadership Program Model’. 

1) Step1: analyzing learners, environment and the task 
2) Step2: developing core value, idea and strategy of program, designing the learning outcome, proof and activities of the program 
3) Step3: applying in the field processing before learning (supplying orientation, workshop, team building), during learning (determine problem definition, problem solving, finalize the solution), after learning (synthesize and present, assess products and process, reflection interview) 


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Fig. 2. Global Leadership Program Model


In step 2, the procedure of developing the program based on competency based education is like the following [33], [34]. 

1) Identify learning outcome 
This step shows the expected learning outcome of the program that shows core competencies embedded in educational philosophy and ideology of university, and the capability that needs to develop through the program. Learning outcome shows what is required for students to be able to do with knowledge and skill as they develop practical ability that can solve the practical problems. 

2) Standard of evaluation 
This step shows the standard of evaluation and level of students’ establishment that can prove students’ fulfillment of task and role during the program. 

3) Plan activity 
This step shows specific activity to establish the outcome, supporting system and feedback for improving learning experience. The educational goal of K University is cultivating men of talent based on reform theology and Christian worldview, for this, extracurricular programs try to make activities suit this educational ideology. If this competency based model for developing global leadership would be applied in K University, it would be available to raise future men of talent equipped with character and faith, and global leadership through the training with university programs and other learning competencies like creative problem solving, critical thinking, IT skill, self-directed learning ability as well. Table 6 shows learning outcome and value of global leadership programs such as ‘English Training Course’, ‘Abroad Culture Training Course’, and ‘Abroad Service Activity’. 


Table 6. Learning Outcome and Value of Global Leadership Program

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This research explored the concept and characteristic of global leadership and competency-based education, and analyzed the effect of global leadership programs on satisfaction, participation and recognition of the programs in K University, then found out the alternatives and suggestions for improving the program. This research integrated the characteristics of the competency based education for supplementing the weak point of global leadership program, and finally drew out the core value, ideas and strategies of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’. And this research suggested ‘identifying learning outcome’, determining ‘standard of evaluation’ and planning ‘activities of the programs’ of the global leadership programs, then designed learning outcome and value of three global leadership programs coming up. 

According to this research, ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ emphasizes serving in the community, humility, responsibility, communication, and leading and guiding in the community. For designing and implementing ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ effectively in the field, this research made 3 steps such as ‘learning outcome’, ‘standard of evaluation’ and ‘learning activity’.

The expected effects of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ as it is applied in the educational field are like the following. 1) global leadership program model might be able to help students use knowledge and skill in various contexts, and serve in the community with responsibility. 2) As students practice to solve the problem, they can perform task and role communicating with others. 3) Students might know exactly what learning outcome they should establish and how their performance is evaluated, so that this environment might help student be able to get motivated and follow the process, which leads to responsible action.

For the further research, the investigation of the process, result and effect of ‘Global Leadership Program Model’ in the Universities, should be examined. It is possible to apply this model not only in the extracurricular program, but also in the various departments, majors and courses. And it is needed to examine the effectiveness of the model in diverse fields, and it is required to make s specific evaluating method as well. 


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