Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Art Treatment Using Smart Devices on the Changes of an Emotionally Disturbed Child

스마트기기 활용 인지행동 미술치료가 정서불안 아동의 변화에 미치는 효과

  • Park, Mija (Department of Educational Technology, Konkuk University) ;
  • Lim, Keol (Department of Educational Technology, Konkuk University)
  • 박미자 (건국대학교 교육공학과) ;
  • 임걸 (건국대학교 교육공학과)
  • Received : 2019.03.27
  • Accepted : 2019.05.20
  • Published : 2019.05.28


The purpose of this study was to understand educational changes and effects of cognitive behavioral art therapy using the smart device. The participant of the study was a 4th grade of male elementary school student who had aggressiveness and impulsiveness with emotional instability. The study was conducted one to two times a week for six months with a total of 30 educational sessions. Among 80 minutes per session, 60 minutes of art therapy and 20 minutes of cognitive behavioral therapy were applied, and during the sessions, cognitive action art therapy (drawing and shaping activities), cognitive restructuring, behavioral modification, systemic dullness, social skills training, empathy and landscaping training were applied. For the numeral assessment, Traffic Anxiety Inventory for Children (TAIC), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and emotional instability measures were used. Research showed that cognitive behavioral art therapy using smart devices had the effect of positive emotional change in children with emotional anxiety, and based on this, future development directions including systematic instructional design, scientific analysis and feedback technologies were discussed.

본 연구는 스마트기기를 활용한 인지행동 미술치료가 정서불안을 드러내는 단일 연구참가자의 교육적 변화와 효과를 확인하는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구 대상은 정서불안정으로 공격성과 충동성이 있는 초등학교 4학년 남아이다. 연구는 6개월 동안 매주 1-2회에 걸쳐 회당 80분, 총 30회의 교육처치가 실시되었다. 회당 80분의 시간 중 미술치료 60분, 인지행동치료 20분 교육프로그램이 적용되었으며, 30회 동안 스마트기기를 활용한 인지행동 미술치료기법(그리기 및 조형활동)을 비롯, 인지 재구조화 작업, 행동수정기법, 체계적 둔감법, 사회기술훈련, 공감훈련과 조망훈련, 자기주장훈련 등의 교육방법이 적용되었다. 연구측정도구로는 TAIC(Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children), BAI(Beck Anxiety Inventory), 정서적 불안정 척도가 활용되었다. 연구 결과 스마트기기를 활용한 인지행동 미술치료가 정서불안 아동에게 긍정적인 정서 변화의 효과성이 있음이 나타났으며, 이를 기반으로 체계적인 교수학습전략 의 필요성, 과학적 분석 및 환류기법 적용 등 향후 발전방향이 논의되었다.


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Fig. 1. Descriptive results for quantitative data

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Fig. 2. Samples of the early stages

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Fig. 3. Samples of the middle stages

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Fig. 4. Samples of the latter stages

Table 1. Example of Gagné’s Instructional Event

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Table 2. Summary of the Overall Instructional Program

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