A Study on the Estimation of Optimal Unit Content of Binder for the Soil Stabilizer Using the Recycled Resource in DMM

심층혼합공법에서 순환자원을 활용한 지반안정재의 최적 단위결합재량 산정에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2018.05.07
  • Accepted : 2019.06.20
  • Published : 2019.06.30


The compressive strength of the soil stabilizer in the deep mixing method (DMM) depends on kinds of soil, particle size distribution, and water content. Because of this, Laboratory test has to perform to estimate the unit weight of binder to confirm the satisfaction of the design strength. In this study, uniaxial compression strength was measured by mixing the soil stabilizers developed in the previous study with clay in Busan, Yeosu, and Incheon area. And the strength enhancement effect was evaluated comparing with blast furnace slag cement (BFSC). Also, the relationship between the unit content of binder and uniaxial compressive strength was investigated in order to easily calculate the unit weight of binder required to ensure the stability of the ground at the field. As the results of the analysis, the relationship between the unit content of binder and the uniaxial compressive strength are ${\gamma}_B=(108.93+0.0284q_u){\pm}35$ when W/B is 70%, and ${\gamma}_B=(122.93+0.0270q_u){\pm}40$ when W/B is 80%.

심층혼합공법에 지반안정재를 사용하는 경우, 흙의 종류와 입도분포, 함수비 등의 조건에 따라 압축강도의 발현이 다르게 나타날 수 있어 지반의 안정성을 확보하기 위해 필요한 단위결합재량을 산정하기 위해서는 실내에서의 배합시험을 통해 설계기준강도의 만족 여부를 확인하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 선행연구를 통해 순환유동층 보일러의 연소재를 고로슬래그의 알칼리 활성화 반응의 자극재로 활용하여 개발한 심층혼합공법용 지반안정재에 대해 다양한 단위결합재량을 적용하여 부산, 여수, 인천지역에서 채취한 점토와 혼합한 후 실내시험을 실시하여 압축강도의 발현효과를 고로슬래그 시멘트와 비교 평가하였다. 또한 국내에서 심층혼합공법에 개발된 지반안정재를 적용하는 경우, 실내에서의 배합시험을 수행하지 않고 단위결합재량을 산정할 수 있도록 실내시험 결과를 종합적으로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 물/결합재비(W/B)가 70%인 경우, ${\gamma}_B=(108.93+0.0284q_u){\pm}35$, 물/결합재비(W/B)가 80%인 경우, ${\gamma}_B=(122.93+0.0270q_u){\pm}40$의 관계가 있는 것으로 도출되었다.


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Fig. 1. Alkali activated reaction of the stabilized soil

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Fig. 2. Making process of specimen (Mixed with soil and pile-filling material)

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Fig. 3. Test result of uniaxial compression strength (Busan, W/B=70%)

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Fig. 4. Test result of uniaxial compression strength (Busan, W/B=80%)

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Fig. 5. Test result of uniaxial compression strength (Yeosu, W/B=70%)

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Fig. 6. Test result of uniaxial compression strength (Yeosu, W/B=80%)

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Fig. 7. Test result of uniaxial compression strength (Incheon, W/B=70%)

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Fig. 9. Relationship between qu and γB (W/B=70%)

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Fig. 8. Test result of uniaxial compression strength (Incheon, W/B=80%)

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Fig. 10. Relationship between qu and γB (W/B=80%)

Table 1. Chemical constituents of materials

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Table 2. Test result of fish toxicity test

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Table 3. Physical properties of soil

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Table 4. Mixing condition of materials

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Table 5. Test result of uniaxial compression strength

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