A Study on Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Marine Environmentsin Construction Projects of Offshore Waste Disposal Landfills

해상최종처리장 건설사업의 해양환경 환경영향평가 가이드라인 개발 연구

  • Received : 2019.04.05
  • Accepted : 2019.05.24
  • Published : 2019.06.30


An offshore waste disposal facility refers to a landfill site for final landfilling of stabilized inorganic solid waste such as land and marine waste incineration materials, and the aim of such a facility is to solve the problem of insufficient waste disposal space on land and create and develop environmentally friendly marine spaces. The purpose of this study is to prepare guidelines for the construction of offshore waste disposal facilities, which reflect the need and importance of paying sufficient heed to environmental considerations from the initial stage of the project, in order to investigate, predict, and assess how such guidelines will affect the marine environment in relation to the construction of offshore waste disposal facilities, with the goal of minimizing the impact on and damage to the environment. For the purpose of this research, guidelines focusing on the construction of offshore waste disposal facilities were derived through an analysis of domestic cases and similar foreign cases and an assessment of their level of compliance with existing EIA guidelines through the operation of a discussion forum. In order to review the EIA report on similar cases in Korea, 17 EIA documents (2005~2016) for dredged soil dumping areas and ash ponds of thermal power plants were analyzed to investigate the status of marine organisms, marine physics, marine water quality, and marine sediment and to understand what types of problems can occur and what improvement measures can be taken. The purpose of these guidelines were to minimize damage to the marine environment by promoting EIA protocols in accordance with scientific and systematic procedures, to reduce the consultation period related to projects, to resolve social conflicts, and to reduce economic costs.

해상최종처리장은 육상에서의 폐기물 처리 공간 부족 문제 해소와 친환경적인 해양공간 조성 및 개발을 목적으로 육 해상 폐기물 소각재 등 안정화된 무기성 고형 폐기물을 해상에서 최종 매립하는 폐기물 처리장을 의미한다. 본 연구의 목적은 현재까지 국내 조성 사례가 없는 해상최종처리장의 건설 시 해양환경에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 조사 예측 평가하고 환경영향에 대한 저감과 피해를 최소화하여, 사업 초기단계에서부터 충분한 환경적 고려가 반영된 해상최종처리장 건설 환경영향평가 가이드라인을 마련하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 국내 외 유사사례 환경영향평가서 및 기존 환경영향평가 가이드라인 사례 분석과 포럼 운영을 통한 전문가 검토 및 합의과정을 거쳐 해상최종처리장 건설에 특화된 가이드라인을 도출하였다. 국내 유사사례 환경영향평가서 검토를 위해서 총 17건의 준설토 투기장 및 발전소 회처리장 조성사업 환경영향평가서(2005~2016년)를 대상으로 해양 동 식물 및 해양수질 및 해양저질, 해양물리 항목의 조사현황을 분석하고 문제점과 개선안을 도출하였다. 본 가이드라인을 통해 과학적이고 체계적인 절차에 따라 환경영향평가가 수행될 수 있도록 지원함으로써 해양환경 피해를 최소화하고, 사업과 관련한 협의기간 단축 및 사회적 갈등 해소와 제반 경제적 비용 절감 등에 기여하고자 하였다.


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Figure 1. Location zone of offshore waste disposal landfill.

Table 1. EIA survey overview of dredged soil dumping area and ash pond

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Table 2. Field survey methods of marine ecosystem survey items

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Table 3. Marine physical survey items according to the location of offshore waste disposal landfill

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Table 4. Number of survey points for marine physical survey items according to the project size of offshore waste disposal landfill

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Table 5. Survey method of marine physical survey items according to the project size of offshore waste disposal landfill

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Table 5. Continued

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Table 5. Continued

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