A Study of Verifying e-Portfolio System Success Model in a College Education

대학 e포트폴리오 성공모형의 검증에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2019.08.22
  • Accepted : 2019.09.26
  • Published : 2019.09.30


Purpose The purpose of this study is to empirically verify an ePortfolio success model which shows the structural causal relationships among the basic modeling constructs. We developed the success model based on DeLone and Mclean(2003) from IS perspective and on Balaban et al(2013) from ePortfolio perspective. And we are focused on the success of ePortfolio system designed for college students and professors. Design/methodology/approach Structural equation modeling techniques were applied to data collected 375 users of the ePortfolio system, K-Folio, at least one semester during one academic year. The structural model was analyzed using a Lisrel 8.54 statistical program. Findings The followings are the findings of the study. First, the constructs of IS success model are well applied to ePortfolio for college education. Second, the proposed model which has direct causal relationships from ePortfolio's quality to performance is more significant than the D&M and Balaban's model(2013). Third, the information quality among ePortfolio quality constructs does not have effect on system usability and performance. It means that information contents' quality issued by professor or system manager is not satisfied with the students yet. Finally, by using indirect analysis of structural equation model, we found that the ePortfolio operation manager should focus on ensuring system maintenance activities and providing fast and accurate services for improving ePortfolio performance.



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