꽃 이미지 남성복 패션 유형별 디자인 구성요소 분석

Analysis of design elements by men's fashion type using flower images

  • Kim, Jihye (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Yoo, Youngsun (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Kyung Hee University)
  • 투고 : 2020.11.11
  • 심사 : 2021.01.22
  • 발행 : 2021.02.28


This study aims to provide inspiration and methods for menswear design by analyzing elements for men's fashion using flower images. The results are as follows: Men's fashion types with flower images were categorized as classic tailored, casual tailored, casual wear, sports-outdoor. The order of frquency was casual tailored, casual, classic tailored, and sports outdoor. For the classic tailored type, the flower images are related with an X-line silhouette, and the arrangement methods, such as a scattered patterns, one-point patterns, and surface techniques, such as printing and embroidery were used, and similar color or monochromatic schemes appeared sequentially. For the casual tailored type, the flower images are related to an H-line silhouette, arrangement methods such as a scattered pattern, panel pattern, and surface techniques, such as print, embroidery, and jacquard were used, similar color and accent color schemes appeared sequentially. For the casual type, the flower images are related to H-line and Y-line silhouettes, and arrangement methods, such as a scattered pattern, all-round continuous pattern, and panel pattern, and surface techniques, such as print, jacquard, embroidery, and patchwork were used, similar color and contrast color schemes appeared sequentially. For the sports outdoor type, the flower image were related to A-line and H-line silhouettes, arrangement methods, such as a scattered pattern and all-round continuous pattern, and surface techniques, such as print and jacquard were used, monochromatic scheme and contrast color schemes appeared sequentially. Therefore, the flower images in men's fashion were applied to various design elements, and displayed an interesting result, different from conventional design approach.



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