A Study on the Improvement of Local Education Autonomy System

  • Received : 2021.01.25
  • Accepted : 2021.02.04
  • Published : 2021.02.26


Article 117, Paragraph 1 of the 「Constitution」 states that "Local governments may enact provisions relating to local autonomy, within the limit of Acts and subordinate statutes". It restricts the enactment of effective self-government laws. The fundamental problem-solving is securing the right to self-governing legislation through constitutional amendment. Therefore, it must be revised to "Local governments can make regulations on self-government to the extent that they handle resident welfare affairs in accordance with the subsidiarity and do not violate the law." In the long-term perspective, the current education council problem, which is contrary to the constitution, has to be revived as a constitutional independent education committee system, and the voting agency and the executive agency must go together and education councilors must have about 10 years of experience in education and education administration. The current superintendent's election system is of great significance in establishing democratic legitimacy by ensuring residents' right to vote and securing a superintendent's representation of residents. It hasn't been long since the system was implemented, but there are some side effects and it is argued that the election system should be replaced by the appointment by the head of the local government, the running mate system or the joint registration system. However it is thought that it is necessary to minimize and supplement the side effects rather than fixing the system as it violates the Constitution of the local education autonomy system.

「헌법」제117조 제1항에서 "지방자치단체는 법령의 범위 안에서 자치에 관한 규정을 제정할 수 있다"고 밝히고 있다는 문제로 실효성 있는 자치법규를 제정하는 데 한계가 있어,. 근본적인 문제해결은 헌법 개정을 통한 자치입법권을 확보하는 것이다. 따라서 "지방자치단체는 보충성의 원칙에 따라 주민 복리에 관한 사무 등을 처리하며 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위 안에서 자치에 관한 규정을 제정할 수 있다"로 개정을 해야 하는 것이다. 헌법에 위배되는 현행의 교육의원 문제는 장기적인 관점에서는 합헌인 독립적인 교육위원회 제도로 부활하여 의결기관과 집행기관이 짝으로 이루어져야 하고, 자격요건은 10년의 교육행정 경력이 있어야 한다. 현행 교육감직선제는 민주적 정당성 확립의 의미가 있지만, 제도 시행이 짧은 상황에서 나타나는 부작용이 커서 교육감직선제에 대한 폐지 주장에서 나오는 지방자치단체장의 임명제, 러닝메이트제, 공동등록제 등은 헌법에 위배되어 또 다시 제도개선을 하기 보다는 부작용을 보완하는 방안이 필요하다고 생각된다.



  1. Constitutional Court 2000.3.30. 99 Hunbar 113 Decision. Constitutional Court 2000.3.30. 99 Hunbar 113 Decision. Constitutional Court 2000.3.30. 99 Hunbar 113 Decision.
  2. Constitutional Court 2000 Hunmar 283.
  3. Constitutional Court 2000.3.30. 99 Hunbar 113 Decision.
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  5. [2000669] Partial Revised Bill of Local Education Autonomy Act(10 members including Hak-yong, Kim), National Assembly Information System.
  6. [2014714] Partial Revised Bill of Local Education Autonomy Act(10 members including Eun-jae, Lee), National Assembly Information System.
  7. [2012122] Partial Revised Bill of Local Education Autonomy Act(11 members including Dong-cheol, Kim), National Assembly Information System.
  8. Constitutional Court 2014 Hunmar 662.
  9. Presidential Committee on Autonomy, "2019 Autonomy Decentralization Implementation Plan", 151p-152p, 2019. 3.