Effects of Career Education Program in Science & Engineering Fields to Career Outcome Expectation, Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Grit for Science Gifted High School Students

이공계 진로교육 프로그램이 과학영재 고등학생의 진로결정자기효능감, 진로결과기대, 그릿에 미치는 영향

  • 최진수 (한국과학기술원(KAIST) 과학영재교육연구원) ;
  • 김영민 (한국과학기술원(KAIST) 과학영재교육연구원) ;
  • 이영주 (한국과학기술원(KAIST) 과학영재교육연구원)
  • Received : 2021.08.25
  • Accepted : 2021.09.15
  • Published : 2021.09.30


The purpose of this study was to develop and apply of career education program in science and engineering fields for science gifted high school students. To do this, the career education program was developed and applied to science gifted high school students 129 in H-science gifted high school with K-institute. The results are followings. First, after participating in the career education program, the career decision making self-efficacy of students were increased significantly. Second, it has been increased that external factor of career outcome expectation and continuation effort of grit. In this study, it has showed educational effects of the career education programs that related to career recognition in science and engineering fields for science gifted high school students by developing and applying of program. Based on these results, it is necessary to recognize the importance of customized career education programs for science gifted high school students.



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