Animal Bioscience
아세아태평양축산학회 (Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies)
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- 2765-0189(pISSN)
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- 2765-0235(eISSN)
- 농림수산식품 > 농업기계/설비
Aim & Scope
Animal Bioscience (AB) aims to publish original and cutting-edge research results and reviews on animal-related aspects of the life sciences. Emphasis will be placed on studies involving farm animals such as cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, and poultry. Animal Bioscience will encompass all areas of animal production and fundamental aspects of animal sciences: breeding and genetics, reproduction and physiology, nutrition, dairy and meat science, biotechnology, behavior, health, welfare and livestock farming systems. Animal Bioscience is subdivided into 10 sections. Animal Breeding and Genetics: quantitative and molecular genetics, genomics, genetic evaluation, evolution of domestic animals, and bioinformatics Animal Reproduction and Physiology: physiology of reproduction, development, growth, lactation, and exercise; and gamete biology Ruminant Nutrition and Forage Utilization: rumen microbiology and function, ruminant nutrition, physiology and metabolism, and forage utilization Swine Nutrition and Feed Technology: swine nutrition and physiology; evaluation of feeds, feed additives, and feed processing technology Poultry and Laboratory Animal Nutrition: nutrition and physiology of poultry and other non-ruminant animals Animal Products: dairy and meat science, muscle biology, food safety, food security, and functional foods Animal Biotechnology: molecular nutrition, transgenic animals, identification and manipulation of genes Animal Health: immune modulation, nutritional immunology, infection and immunity, stress responses, vaccines and therapeutics Animal Behavior and Welfare: social and sexual behavior and animal welfare Environment and Management: livestock waste management, livestock and environment, and livestock farming system KCI SCOPUS SCI SCIE제34권4호
Ullengala, Rajkumar;Prince, L. Leslie Leo;Paswan, Chandan;Haunshi, Santosh;Chatterjee, Rudranath 471
Objective: A comprehensive study was conducted to study the effects of partition of variance on accuracy of genetic parameters and genetic trends of economic traits in Vanaraja male line/project directorate-1 (PD-1) chicken. Methods: Variance component analysis utilizing restricted maximum likelihood animal model was carried out with five generations data to delineate the population status, direct additive, maternal genetic, permanent environmental effects, besides genetic trends and performance of economic traits in PD-1 chickens. Genetic trend was estimated by regression of the estimated average breeding values (BV) on generations. Results: The body weight (BW) and shank length (SL) varied significantly (p≤0.01) among the generations, hatches and sexes. The least squares mean of SL at six weeks, the primary trait was 77.44±0.05 mm. All the production traits, viz., BWs, age at sexual maturity, egg production (EP) and egg weight were significantly influenced by generation. Model four with additive, maternal permanent environmental and residual effects was the best model for juvenile growth traits, except for zero-day BW. The heritability estimates for BW and SL at six weeks (SL6) were 0.20±0.03 and 0.17±0.03, respectively. The BV of SL6 in the population increased linearly from 0.03 to 3.62 mm due to selection. Genetic trend was significant (p≤0.05) for SL6, BW6, and production traits. The average genetic gain of EP40 for each generation was significant (p≤0.05) with an average increase of 0.38 eggs per generation. The average inbreeding coefficient was 0.02 in PD-1 line. Conclusion: The population was in ideal condition with negligible inbreeding and the selection was quite effective with significant genetic gains in each generation for primary trait of selection. The animal model minimized the over-estimation of genetic parameters and improved the accuracy of the BV, thus enabling the breeder to select the suitable breeding strategy for genetic improvement. -
Zsolnai, Attila;Kovacs, Andras;Kaltenecker, Endre;Anton, Istvan 482
Objective: This study was conducted to estimate effect of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) on the estimated breeding value of Hungarian Grey (HG) bulls and to find markers associated with horn colour. Methods: Genotypes 136 HG animals were determined on Geneseek high-density Bovine SNP 150K BeadChip. A multi-locus mixed-model was applied for statistical analyses. Results: Six SNPs were identified to be associated (-log10P>10) with green and white horn. These loci are located on chromosome 1, 3, 9, 18, and 25. Seven loci (on chromosome 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 28) showed considerable association (-log10P>10) with the estimated breeding value. Conclusion: Analysis provides markers for further research of horn colour and supplies markers to achieve more effective selection work regarding estimated breeding value of HG. -
Objective: Milk production is one of the most desirable traits in livestock. Recently, the toll-like receptor (TLR) has been identified as a candidate gene for milk traits in cows. So far, there is no information concerning the contribution of this gene in milk traits in sheep. This study was designed to investigate the TLR 4 gene polymorphisms in Barki ewes in Egypt and then correlate that with milk traits in order to identify potential single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for these traits in sheep. Methods: A part of the ovine TLR 4 gene was amplified in Barki ewes, to identify the SNPs. Consequently; Barki ewes were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism protocol. These genotypes were correlated with milk traits, which were the daily milk yield (DMY), protein percentage (PP), fat percentage (FP), lactose percentage, and total solid percentage (TSP). Results: Age and parity of the ewe had a significant effect (p<0.05 or p<0.01) on DMY, FP, and TSP. The direct sequencing identified a missense mutation located in the coding sequence of the gene (rs592076818; c.1710C>A) and was predicted to change the amino acid sequence of the resulted protein (p.Asn570Lys). The association analyses suggested a significant effect (p<0.05) of the TLR genotype on the FP and PP, while the DMY tended to be influenced as well (p = 0.07). Interestingly, the presence of the G allele tended to increase the DMY (+40.5 g/d) and significantly (p<0.05 or p<0.01) decreased the FP (-1.11%), PP (-1.21%), and TSP (-7.98%). Conclusion: The results of this study suggested the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) as a candidate gene to improve milk traits in sheep worldwide, which will enhance the ability to understand the genetic architecture of genes underlying SNPs that affect such traits.
Mulim, Henrique Alberto;Pinto, Luis Fernando Batista;Valloto, Altair Antonio;Pedrosa, Victor Breno 499
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic behavior of a population of Holstein cattle in response to the variation of environmental temperature by analyzing the effects of genotype by environment interaction (GEI) through reaction norms for the somatic cell score (SCS). Methods: Data was collected for 67,206 primiparous cows from the database of the Paraná Holstein Breeders Association in Brazil, with the aim of evaluating the temperature effect, considered as an environmental variable, distinguished under six gradients, with the variation range found being 17℃ to 19.5℃, over the region. A reaction norm model was adopted utilizing the fourth order under the Legendre polynomials, using the mixed models of analysis by the restricted maximum likelihood method by the WOMBAT software. Additionally, the genetic behavior of the 15 most representative bulls was assessed, in response to the changes in the temperature gradient. Results: A mean score of 2.66 and a heritability variation from 0.17 to 0.23 was found in the regional temperature increase. The correlation between the environmental gradients proved to be higher than 0.80. Distinctive genetic behaviors were observed according to the increase in regional temperature, with an observed increase of up to 0.258 in the breeding values of some animals, as well as a reduction in the breeding of up to 0.793, with occasional reclassifications being observed as the temperature increased. Conclusion: Non-relevant GEI for SCS were observed in Holstein cattle herds of southern Brazil. Thus, the inclusion of the temperature effect in the model of genetic evaluation of SCS for the southern Brazilian Holstein breed is not required. -
Binabaj, Fateme Bahri;Farhangfar, Seyyed Homayoun;Jafari, Majid 506
Objective: Initial consequence of inbreeding is inbreeding depression which impairs the performance of growth, production, health, fertility and survival traits in different animal breeds and populations. The effect of inbreeding on economically important traits should be accurately estimated. The effect of inbreeding depression on growth traits in sheep has been reported in many breeds. Based on this, the main objective of the present research was to evaluate the impact of inbreeding on some growth traits of Iranian Baluchi sheep breed using quantile regression model. Methods: Pedigree and growth traits records of 13,633 Baluchi lambs born from year 1989 to 2016 were used in this research. The traits were birth weight, weaning weight, six-month weight, nine-month weight, and yearling weight. The contribution, inbreeding and co-ancestry software was used to calculate the pedigree statistics and inbreeding coefficients. To evaluate the impact of inbreeding on different quantiles of each growth trait, a series of quantile regression models were fitted using QUANTREG procedure of SAS software. Annual trend of inbreeding was also estimated fitting a simple linear regression of lamb's inbreeding coefficient on the birth year. Results: Average inbreeding coefficient of the population was 1.63 percent. Annual increase rate of inbreeding of the flock was 0.11 percent (p<0.01). The results showed that the effect of inbreeding in different quantiles of growth traits is not similar. Also, inbreeding affected differently on growth traits, considering lambs' sex and type of birth. Conclusion: Quantile regression revealed that inbreeding did not have similar effect on different quantiles of growth traits in Iranian Baluchi lambs indicating that at a given age and inbreeding coefficient, lambs with different sex and birth type were not equally influenced by inbreeding. -
Torres, Tatiana Saraiva;Sena, Luciano Silva;dos Santos, Gleyson Vieira;Filho, Luiz Antonio Silva Figueiredo;Barbosa, Bruna Lima;Junior, Antonio de Sousa;Britto, Fabio Barros;Sarmento, Jose Lindenberg Rocha 516
Objective: The genetic evaluation of Santa Inês sheep was performed for resistance to gastrointestinal nematode infection (RGNI) and body size using different relationship matrices to assess the efficiency of including genomic information in the analyses. Methods: There were 1,637 animals in the pedigree and 500, 980, and 980 records of RGNI, thoracic depth (TD), and rump height (RH), respectively. The genomic data consisted of 42,748 SNPs and 388 samples genotyped with the OvineSNP50 BeadChip. The (co)variance components were estimated in single- and multi-trait analyses using the numerator relationship matrix (A) and the hybrid matrix H, which blends A with the genomic relationship matrix (G). The BLUP and single-step genomic BLUP methods were used. The accuracies of estimated breeding values and Spearman rank correlation were also used to assess the feasibility of incorporating genomic information in the analyses. Results: The heritability estimates ranged from 0.11±0.07, for TD (in single-trait analysis using the A matrix), to 0.38±0.08, for RH (using the H matrix in multi-trait analysis). The estimates of genetic correlation ranged from -0.65±0.31 to 0.59±0.19, using A, and from -0.42±0.30 to 0.57±0.16 using H. The gains in accuracy of estimated breeding values ranged from 2.22% to 75.00% with the inclusion of genomic information in the analyses. Conclusion: The inclusion of genomic information will benefit the direct selection for the traits in this study, especially RGNI and TD. More information is necessary to improve the understanding on the genetic relationship between resistance to nematode infection and body size in Santa Inês sheep. The genetic evaluation for the evaluated traits was more efficient when genomic information was included in the analyses. -
Ming, Liang;Siren, Dalai;Yi, Li;Hai, Le;He, Jing;Ji, Rimutu 525
Objective: Old World camels are a valuable genetic resource for many countries around the world due to their adaptation to the desert environment. At present, Old World camels have encountered the challenge of unprecedented loss of genetic resources. Through our research, we would reveal the population structure and genetic variation in Old World camel populations, which provides a theoretical basis for understanding the germplasm resources and origin and evolution of different Old World camel populations. Methods: In the present study, we assessed mtDNA control region sequences of 182 individuals from Old World camels to unravel genetic diversity, phylogeography, and demographic dynamics. Results: Thirty-two haplotypes confirmed by 54 polymorphic sites were identified in the 156 sequences, which included 129 domestic and 27 wild Bactrian camels. Meanwhile, 14 haplotypes were defined by 47 polymorphic sites from 26 sequences in the dromedaries. The wild Bactrian camel population showed the lowest haplotype and nucleotide diversity, while the dromedaries investigated had the highest. The phylogenetic analysis suggests that there are several shared haplotypes in different Bactrian camel populations, and that there has been genetic introgression between domestic Bactrian camels and dromedaries. In addition, positive values of Tajima's D and Fu's Fs test demonstrated a decrease in population size and/or balancing selection in the wild Bactrian camel population. In contrast, the negative values of Tajima's D and Fu's Fs test in East Asian Bactrian camel populations explained the demographic expansion and/or positive selection. Conclusion: In summary, we report novel information regarding the genetic diversity, population structure and demographic dynamics of Old World camels. The findings obtained from the present study reveal that abundant genetic diversity occurs in domestic Bactrian camel populations and dromedaries, while there are low levels of haplotype and nucleotide diversity in the wild Bactrian camel population. -
Objective: Pluripotent stem cell-derived lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) show great promise in their therapeutic application in the field of regenerative medicine related to lymphatic vessels. We tested the approach of forced differentiation of mouse embryonal stem cells into LECs using biodegradable poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) nanospheres in conjugation with growth factors (vascular endothelial growth factors [VEGF-A and VEGF-C]). Methods: We evaluated the practical use of heparin-conjugated PLGA nanoparticles (molecular weight ~15,000) in conjugation with VEGF-A/C, embryoid body (EB) formation, and LEC differentiation using immunofluorescence staining followed by quantification and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Results: We showed that formation and differentiation of EB with VEGF-A/C-conjugated PLGA nanospheres, compared to direct supplementation of VEGF-A/C to the EB differentiation media, greatly improved yield of LYVE1(+) LECs. Our analyses revealed that the enhanced potential of LEC differentiation using VEGF-A/C-conjugated PLGA nanospheres was mediated by elevation of expression of the genes that are important for lymphatic vessel formation. Conclusion: Together, we not only established an improved protocol for LEC differentiation using PLGA nanospheres but also provided a platform technology for the mechanistic study of LEC development in mammals.
Taniguchi, Asako;Nishikawa, Tatsuya;Morita, Yasuhiro 539
Objective: Endometritis is a major disease, that causes infertility in cattle, and is usually categorized as clinical or subclinical endometritis (SCE). The nutritional condition during the dry period is important for recovery after the last stage of the lactation period, and for postpartum production and reproduction. This study aimed to clarify the relationship between nutritional and metabolic characteristics in the dry period, and the risk of postpartum SCE. Methods: Multiparous Holstein dairy cows (n = 25, raised in a tied stall) were used. Endometrial cytological analysis was performed around 30 days post-partum, with 5% to 14% polymorphonuclear (PMN) as a cut-off point to define SCE. Serum levels of glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA), blood urea nitrogen, total cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium were measured in the cows at the dry period to evaluate energy status, protein metabolism, and mineral metabolism. Results: The incidence of SCE in the cows was 60.0% (n = 15/25) and the mean PMN% in postpartum cows diagnosed as SCE was 8.05%±2.6%. Overall, 17 and 8 samples were collected from the cows in the far-off and close-up periods, respectively. The serum concentration of BHBA in the far-off period and serum glucose concentration in the closeup period were correlated with postpartum PMN% (r = 0.62, p<0.01; r = -0.74, p<0.05, respectively). Serum levels of calcium and magnesium in the dry period were associated with the incidence of postpartum SCE (healthy vs SCE cows, p<0.05). Conclusion: Blood levels of glucose, BHBA, calcium, and magnesium in dry periods could be useful parameters for predicting the risk of postpartum SCE. The present study also suggests that management in the close-up period is essential for promoting recovery from calving fatigue. -
Yoon, Jae-Wook;Lee, Seung-Eun;Park, Yun-Gwi;Kim, Won-Jae;Park, Hyo-Jin;Park, Chan-Oh;Kim, So-Hee;Oh, Seung-Hwan;Lee, Do-Geon;Pyeon, Da-Bin;Kim, Eun-Young;Park, Se-Pill 546
Objective: If fertilization does not occur within a specific period, the quality of unfertilized oocytes in the oviduct (in vivo aging) or in culture (in vitro aging) will deteriorate over time. Icariin (ICA), found in all species of Epimedium herbs, has strong antioxidant activity, and is thought to exert anti-aging effects in vitro. We asked whether ICA protects oocytes against age-related changes in vitro. Methods: We analyzed the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and expression of antioxidant, maternal, and estrogen receptor genes, and along with spindle morphology, and the developmental competence and quality of embryos in the presence and absence of ICA. Results: Treatment with 5 μM ICA (ICA-5) led to a significant reduction in ROS activity, but increased mRNA expression of glutathione and antioxidant genes (superoxide dismutase 1 [SOD1], SOD2, peroxiredoxin 5, and nuclear factor erythroid 2-like 2), during aging in vitro. In addition, ICA-5 prevented defects in spindle formation and chromosomal alignment, and increased mRNA expression of cytoplasmic maturation factor genes (bone morphogenetic protein 15, cyclin B1, MOS proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase, and growth differentiation factor-9). It also prevented apoptosis, increased mRNA expression of antiapoptotic genes (BCL2-like 1 and baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5), and reduced mRNA expression of pro-apoptotic genes (BCL2 antagonist/killer 1 and activation of caspase-3). Although the maturation and cleavage rates were similar in all groups, the total cell number per blastocyst and the percentage of apoptotic cells at the blastocyst stage were higher and lower, respectively, in the control and ICA-5 groups than in the aging group. Conclusion: ICA protects oocytes against damage during aging in vitro; therefore, it can be used to improve assisted reproductive technologies. -
Silva, Flavia Adriane de Sales;Valadares Filho, Sebastiao de Campos;Silva, Luiz Fernando Costa e;Fernandes, Jaqueline Goncalves;Lage, Bruno Correa;Chizzotti, Mario Luiz;Felix, Tara Louise 558
Objective: Objectives were to estimate energy and protein requirements of dairy crossbred steers, as well as to evaluate equations previously described in the literature (HH46 and CS16) to predict the carcass and empty body chemical composition of crossbred dairy cattle. Methods: Thirty-three Holstein×Zebu steers, aged 19±1 months old, with an initial shrunk body weight (BW) of 324±7.7 kg, were randomly divided into three groups: reference group (n = 5), maintenance level (1.17% BW; n = 4), and the remaining 24 steers were randomly allocated to 1 of 4 treatments. Treatments were: intake restricted to 85% of ad libitum feed intake for either 0, 28, 42, or 84 d of an 84-d finishing period. Results: The net energy and the metabolizable protein requirements for maintenance were 0.083 Mcal/EBW0.75/d and 4.40 g/EBW0.75, respectively. The net energy (NEG) and protein (NPG) requirements for growth can be estimated with the following equations: NEG (Mcal/kg EBG) =$0.2973_{({\pm}0.1212)}{\times}EBW^{0.4336_{({\pm}0.1002)}$ and NPG (g/d) = 183.6(±22.5333)×EBG-2.0693(±4.7254)×RE, where EBW, empty BW; EBG, empty body gain; and RE, retained energy. Crude protein (CP) and ether extract (EE) chemical contents in carcass, and all the chemical components in the empty body were precisely and accurately estimated by CS16 equations. However, water content in carcass was better predicted by HH46 equation. Conclusion: The equations proposed in this study can be used for estimating the energy and protein requirements of crossbred dairy steers. The CS16 equations were the best estimator for CP and EE chemical contents in carcass, and all chemical components in the empty body of crossbred dairy steers, whereas water in carcass was better estimated using the HH46 equations. -
Lim, Dong-Hyun;Mayakrishnan, Vijayakumar;Ki, Kwang-Seok;Kim, Younghoon;Kim, Tae-Il 567
Objective: In this study we investigated the effect of seasonal thermal stress on milk production and milk compositions between Holstein and Jersey dairy cows under the temperate-climate in Korea. Methods: A total of 9 Holstein lactating dairy cows (2.0±0.11 parity) which had a daily milk yield of 29.77±0.45 kg, and days in milk of 111.2±10.29 were selected similarly at the beginning of the experiments in each season. Also, a total of 9 Jersey lactating dairy cows (1.7±0.12 parity) which had a daily milk yield of 20.01±0.43 kg, and days in milk of 114.0±9.74 were selected similarly at the beginning of the experiments. Results: Results showed that the average ambient temperature (℃) and temperature-humidity index (THI) were higher in summer, and were lower in winter (p<0.05). The average relative humidity (RH, %) was higher in autumn than that of other seasons (p<0.05). Milk production was significantly decreased (Holstein 29.02 kg/d and Jersey 19.75 kg/d) in autumn than in other seasons (Holstein 30.14 kg/d and Jersey 20.96 kg/d). However, the milk production was negatively correlated in Holstein cows, and positively correlated in Jersey cows with THI values increased from 16 to 80. In addition, milk yield was increased by 15% in Holstein cows and decreased by 11% in Jersey cows with the THI values increased from 16 to 20. The fat and protein content percentage was significantly higher in Jersey milk than in Holstein milk, furthermore the fat and protein content yield was higher in Jersey cow milk than that of Holstein cow's milk with all THIs. Conclusion: From the study results, we concluded that Jersey cows might be less adaptable to low temperature of the winter, and this would have a negative impact on dairy farmer income since Korea's milk price estimation system places a higher value on milk yield than on milk compositions or sanitary grades. -
Kuczynska, Beata;Puppel, Kamila;Golebiewski, Marcin;Wisniewski, Konrad;Przysucha, Tomasz 575
Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of parity and the stage of lactation on the metabolic profile of cows based on the basic chemical milk components and the blood parameters. Methods: The study material consisted of high-yielding Holstein-Friesian cows. In total, 473 cows were examined. According to the parity, cows were divided into four groups: primiparous (P), and multiparous in the second (M2), in the third (M3), and in subsequent lactations (M4). The feeding of cows was based on total mixed ration (TMR) ad libitum. Milk and blood samples were collected individually from each cow three times per standard lactation period. Results: Greater exacerbation of changes in the dynamics of the blood plasma parameters examined was proved for multiparous cows. The highest value of β-hydroxybutyrate acid (0.946 mmol/L) was found for multiparous cows from group M3 at the beginning of lactation. However, it was still in the normal range. The results showed aspartate aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities in dairy cows during lactation had significant variations taking in to account stage of lactation. The highest activity of GGT was found in the group of the oldest cows and measured from 26.36 U/L at the beginning of lactation to 48.75 U/L at the end of the lactation period. Conclusion: The time-related changes in the concentrations of the biochemical parameters described differ markedly among lactating cows, though the housing conditions on the research dairy farm are highly standardised. This indicates that the ability to cope with metabolic stress is mainly affected by the individual predispositions of cows and feed nutrient supply in different stage of lactation. Especially, the feed nutrient supply (in net energy for lactation), which was the best in TMR 1 in comparison TMR 3. -
Niu, Huaxin;Xu, Zhongjun;Yang, Hee Eun;McAllister, Tim A;Acharya, Surya;Wang, Yuxi 584
Objective: The objective of this study was to compare fenugreek (FG) with alfalfa (Alf) in ruminal fermentation and methane (CH4) production in vitro. Methods: Whole-plant FG harvested at 11- and 15-wk and Alf harvested at early and mid-bloom maturities, alone or as 50:50 mixture of FG and Alf at the respective maturity, were assessed in a series of 48-h in vitro batch culture incubations. Total fermentation gas and methane gas production, dry matter (DM) disappearance, volatile fatty acids, microbial protein and 16S RNA gene copy numbers of total bacteria and methanogens were determined. Results: Compared to early bloom Alf, FG harvested at 11-wk exhibited higher (p<0.05) in vitro DM and neutral detergent fibre disappearance, but this difference was not observed between the mid-bloom Alf and 15-wk FG. Regardless plant maturity, in vitro ruminal fermentation of FG produced less (p<0.001) CH4 either on DM incubated or on DM disappeared basis than that of Alf during 48-h incubation. In vitro ruminal fermentation of FG yielded similar amount of total volatile fatty acids with higher (p<0.05) propionate percentage as compared to fermentation of Alf irrespective of plant maturity. Microbial protein synthesis was greater (p<0.001) with 11-wk FG than early bloom Alf as substrate and 16S RNA gene copies of total bacteria was higher (p<0.01) with 15-wk FG than mid-bloom Alf as substrate. Compared to mid-bloom Alf, 15-wk FG had lower (p<0.05 to 0.001) amount of 16S RNA methanogen gene copies in the whole culture during 48-h incubation. Conclusion: In comparison to Alf, FG emerges as a high quality forage that can not only improve rumen fermentation in vitro, but can also remarkably mitigate CH4 emissions likely due to being rich in saponins. -
Matra, Maharach;Totakul, Pajaree;Viennasay, Bounnaxay;Phesatcha, Burarat;Wanapat, Metha 594
Objective: An experiment was conducted to assess the effect of dragon fruit peel pellet (DFPP) as a rumen enhancer of dry matter consumption, nutrient digestibilities, ruminal ecology, microbial protein synthesis and rumimal methane production in Holstein crossbred bulls. Methods: Four animals, with an average live-weight of 200±20 kg were randomly assigned in a 4×4 Latin square design to investigate the influence of DFPP supplementation. There were four different dietary treatments: without DFPP, and with 200, 300, and 400 g/h/d, respectively. Results: Results revealed that dry matter consumption of total intake, rice straw and concentrate were not significantly different among treatments (p>0.05). It was also found that ruminal pH was not different among treatments (p>0.05), whilst protozoal group was reduced when DFPP increased (p<0.01). Blood urea nitrogen and NH3-N concentrations were increased at 400 g of DFPP supplementation (p<0.01). Additionally, volatile fatty acid production of propionate was significantly enhanced by the DFPP supplementation (p<0.05), while production of methane was consequently decreased (p<0.05). Furthermore, microbial protein synthesis and urinary purine derivatives were remarkably increased especially at 400 g of DFPP supplementation (p<0.05). Conclusion: Plant secondary compounds or phytonutrients (PTN) containing saponins (SP) and condensed tannins (CT) have been reported to influence rumen fermentation. DFPP contains both CT and SP as a PTN. The addition of 400 g of DFPP resulted in improved rumen fermentation end-products especially propionate (C3) and microbial protein synthesis. Therefore, DFPP is a promising rumen enhancer and indicated a significant potential of DFPP as feedstuff for ruminant feed to mitigate rumen methane production. -
Piao, Minyu;Jung, Da Jin Sol;Kang, Hyeok Joong;Park, Seung Ju;Lee, Jin Oh;Kim, Minsu;Kim, Hyun Jin;Kim, Do Hyun;Seo, Ja Kyeom;Jo, Cheorun;Haque, Md Najmul;Baik, Myunggi 603
Objective: We have tested our hypothesis that inclusion of purified glycerol as a replacer of portions of dried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS) would affect growth performance, rumen fermentation and blood parameters, carcass and sensory traits, reducing sugar and glycogen contents, and volatile compound profiles in longissimus thoracis (LT) in Korean cattle steers. Methods: A total of 20 Korean cattle steers (27.0±0.2 months old; 647±10.5 kg body weight [BW]) were assigned to a conventional control group or a glycerol group (3.17% purified glycerol addition as a replacement for DDGS and molasses). The steers were individually allowed to receive the experimental concentrate at the daily amount of 1.5% of their individual BW and a total 1.0 of kg/d of rice straw twice daily. The feeding trial was conducted for a period of 20 weeks. Results: Glycerol supplementation (GS) increased (p = 0.001) concentrate intake. However, GS did not affect (p>0.05) average daily gain, feed efficiency, and ruminal volatile fatty acid concentrations. GS tended to increase (p≤0.10) serum glucose concentrations at the 16th and 20th weeks. GS decreased (p = 0.001) LT pH. GS did not affect (p>0.05) carcass traits and the chemical or physicochemical compositions, reducing sugar or glycogen contents, sensory traits, and most of volatile compounds in the LT. Conclusion: The inclusion of purified glycerol as a replacement for DDGS in the finishing diet did not affect growth performance, rumen fermentation parameters, and carcass quality in Korean cattle. The purified glycerol could be used as a substitute for other energy sources such as DDGS in beef cattle, depending on the price. -
Phesatcha, Burarat;Viennasay, Bounnaxay;Wanapat, Metha 613
Objective: This study aimed at studying the potential use of Flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla) as a protein source fodder to improve nutrients digestibility and ruminal fermentation efficiency in beef cattle. Methods: Four, Thai native beef cattle were randomly assigned in a 4×4 Latin square design. Four levels of Flemingia hay meal (FHM) were used to replace soybean meal (SBM) in the concentrate mixtures in four dietary treatments replacing levels at 0%, 30%, 60%, and 100% of SBM. Results: The experimental findings revealed that replacements did not effect on intake of rice straw, concentrate and total dry matter (DM) intake (p>0.05). However, the apparent digestibilities of DM, organic matter, crude protein, acid detergent fiber, and neutral detergent fiber were linearly increased up to 100% replacement levels. Moreover, the production of total volatile fatty acids, and propionate concentration were enhanced (p<0.05) whereas the concentration of acetate was reduced in all replacement groups. Consequently, the CH4 production was significantly lower when increasing levels of FHM for SBM (p<0.05). Furthermore, rumen bacterial population was additionally increased (p<0.05) while protozoal population was clearly decreased (p<0.05) in all replacement groups up to 100%. In addition, microbial nitrogen supply and efficiency of microbial nitrogen synthesis were enhanced (p<0.05), as affected by FHM replacements. Conclusion: The findings under this experiment suggest that 100% FHM replacement in concentrate mixture enhanced rumen fermentation efficiency, nutrients digestibilities, bacterial population, microbial protein synthesis, and subsequently reduced CH4 production in beef cattle fed on rice straw. -
Barido, Farouq Heidar;Lee, Chang Woo;Park, Yeon Soo;Kim, Do Yeong;Lee, Sung Ki 621
Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of supplementation with rumen-protected γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on carcass characteristics and meat quality of Hanwoo steers. Methods: Eighteen Hanwoo steers with an average initial weight of 644.83±12.91 kg were randomly allocated into three different groups. Each group consisted of 6 animals that were treated with different diets formulated based on the animals' body weights. The control (C) group was fed a basal diet consisting of concentrate and rice straw with 74% total digestible nutrients (TDNs) and 12% crude protein (CP). The two other groups were treatment groups; one group was fed a basal diet (74% TDNs and 12% CP) supplemented with rumen-protected GABA at a dose of 150 mg/kg feed, and the other group was fed a basal diet (74% TDNs and 12% CP) supplemented with GABA at a dose of 300 mg/kg feed. Results: The GABA supplementation significantly contributed to better growth performance (p<0.05), especially the weight gain and average daily gain. It also contributed to the lower cooking loss (p<0.05), improvements in essential antioxidant enzymes and stable regulation of antioxidant activities in the longissimus lumborum of Hanwoo steers, as represented by the lower formation of malondialdehyde content within the meat, the inhibition of myoglobin oxidation indicated by the retention of the oxymyoglobin percentage, and the suppression of metmyoglobin percentage during cold storage (p<0.05). Conclusion: Higher doses of GABA may not significantly promote better animal performance and meat quality, suggesting that dietary supplementation with GABA at a dose of 100 ppm is sufficient to improve the meat quality of Hanwoo steers. -
Zhang, Chen;Zhang, Chongyu;Du, Meiyu;Wang, Yunpeng;Zhang, Guiguo;Lee, Yunkyoung 633
Objective: The effects of adding fermented feed to a pelleted total mixed ration (PTMR) on the growth performance of lambs remain unclear. The present study aimed to investigate the feed efficiency and productivity of lambs that were fed PTMR containing fermented soybean meal (FSM) or wheat bran (FWB). Methods: Sixty 90-d-old hybrid lambs were randomly allocated into 12 pens (5 lambs/pen) that were randomly assigned to 4 dietary treatments (3 pens/treatment) with PTMR (basal diet), 2% FSM, or Lactobacillus- or yeast-FWB (L-FWB or Y-FWB) addition in the basal diet. Results: The findings showed that lambs fed 2% FSM supplemented diet had enhanced (p<0.05) average daily gain (ADG) and carcass yield (p = 0.015), while they had a decreased (p = 0.006) feed conversion ratio compared to that of other three groups. Inclusion of FSM or FWB in PTMR improved (p<0.05) the nutrient digestibility, while it reduced the urea nitrogen content in serum compared to the PTMR group. Additionally, the decreased ratio of N excretion to ADG (p<0.01) was observed with FSM and L-FWB supplementation compared with the PTMR and Y-FWB groups. Conclusion: In conclusion, feeding the fermented feed-supplemented diet improved nutrient digestibility and growth performance, and 2% FSM-supplemented diet exhibited superior production-promoting efficiency to lambs. -
Miguel, Michelle;Mamuad, Lovelia;Ramos, Sonny;Ku, Min Jung;Jeong, Chang Dae;Kim, Seon Ho;Cho, Yong Il;Lee, Sang Suk 642
Objective: This study aimed to determine the effects of different roughages in total mixed ration (TMR) inoculated with or without coculture of Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus) and Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) on in vitro rumen fermentation and microbial population. Methods: Three TMRs formulations composed of different forages were used and each TMR was grouped into two treatments: non-fermented TMR and fermented TMR (F-TMR) (inoculated with coculture of L. acidophilus and B. subtilis). After fermentation, the fermentation, chemical and microbial profile of the TMRs were determined. The treatments were used for in vitro rumen fermentation to determine total gas production, pH, ammonianitrogen (NH3-N), and volatile fatty acids (VFA). Microbial populations were determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). All data were analyzed as a 3×2 factorial arrangement design using the MIXED procedure of Statistical Analysis Systems. Results: Changes in the fermentation (pH, lactate, acetate, propionate, and NH3-N) and chemical composition (moisture, crude protein, crude fiber, and ash) were observed. For in vitro rumen fermentation, lower rumen pH, higher acetate, propionate, and total VFA content were observed in the F-TMR group after 24 h incubation (p<0.05). F-TMR group had higher acetate concentration compared with the non-fermented group. Total VFA was highest (p<0.05) in F-TMR containing combined forage of domestic and imported source (F-CF) and F-TMR containing Italian ryegrass silage and corn silage (F-IRS-CS) than that of TMR diet containing oat, timothy, and alfalfa hay. The microbial population was not affected by the different TMR diets. Conclusion: The use of Italian ryegrass silage and corn silage, as well as the inoculation of coculture of L. acidophilus and B. subtilis, in the TMR caused changes in the pH, lactate and acetate concentrations, and chemical composition of experimental diets. In addition, F-TMR composed with Italian ryegrass silage and corn silage altered ruminal pH and VFA concentrations during in vitro rumen fermentation experiment. -
Pan, Xiaona;Zhang, Lin;Xing, Tong;Li, Jiaolong;Gao, Feng 652
Objective: Wooden breast (WB) is a novel myopathy affecting modern broiler chickens, which causes substantial economic losses in the poultry industry. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of WB abnormality on meat quality, redox status, as well as the expression of genes of the nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) pathway. Methods: A total of 80 broilers (Ross 308, 42 days of age, about 2.6 kg body weight) raised at Jiujin farm (Suqian, Jiangsu, China) were used. Twelve unaffected (no detectable hardness of the breast area) and twelve WB-affected (diffuse remarkable hardness in the breast muscle) birds were selected from the commercial broiler farm according to the criteria proposed by previous studies. Results: The results indicated that WB showed histological lesions characterized by fiber degeneration and fibrosis, along with an increase of muscle fiber diameter (p<0.05). Moreover, higher pH value, lightness, yellowness, drip loss and cooking loss were observed in the WB group (p<0.05). Compared with the normal breast (NOR) group, the WB group showed higher formation of reactive oxygen species (p<0.05), increased level of oxidation products and antioxidant activities (p<0.05), accompanied with mitochondrial damages and lower mitochondrial membrane potential (p<0.05). Meanwhile, the relative mRNA expressions of Nrf2 and its downstream antioxidant genes including heme oxygenase-1, NAD(P)H qui none dehydrogenase 1, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and glutamate-cysteine ligase were higher than those of the NOR group (p<0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, WB myopathy impairs meat quality by causing oxidative damages and mitochondrial dysfunction in broilers, even though the activated Nrf2/antioxidant response element pathway provides protection for the birds. -
Szalai, Klaudia;Tempfli, Karoly;Zsedely, Eszter;Lakatos, Erika;Gaspardy, Andras;Papp, Agnes Bali 662
Objective: Effects of linseed oil (LO) supplementation on the fat content and fatty acid profile of breast meat, and the expression of three genes in the liver, breast muscle and fat tissues of commercial 154-day-old hybrid male turkeys were investigated. Methods: The animals in the control group were fed a commercially available feed and received no LO supplementation (n = 70), whereas animals in the LO group (n = 70) were fed the same basic diet supplemented with LO (day 15 to 21, 0.5%; day 22 to 112, 1%). The effect of dietary LO supplementation on fatty acid composition of breast muscle was examined by gas chromatography, and the expression of fatty acid desaturase 2 (FADS2), peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARγ), and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) genes was analysed by means of quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: The LO supplementation affected the fatty acid composition of breast muscle. Hepatic FADS2 levels were considerably lower (p<0.001), while adipose tissue expression was higher (p<0.05) in the control compared to the LO group. The PPARγ expression was lower (p<0.05), whereas IGF1 was higher (p<0.05) in the fat of control animals. There were no significant (p>0.05) differences in FADS2, PPARγ, and IGF1 gene expressions of breast muscle; however, omega-6/omega-3 ratio of breast muscle substantially decreased (p<0.001) in the LO group compared to control. Conclusion: Fatty acid composition of breast meat was positively influenced by LO supplementation without deterioration of fattening parameters. Remarkably, increased FADS2 expression in the liver of LO supplemented animals was associated with a significantly decreased omega-6/omega-3 ratio, providing a potentially healthier meat product for human consumption. Increased PPARγ expression in fat tissue of the LO group was not associated with fat content of muscle, whereas a decreased IGF1 expression in fat tissue was associated with a trend of decreasing fat content in muscle of the experimental LO group. -
Ding, Xuedong;Peng, Chenglu;Li, Siting;Li, Manman;Li, Xinlu;Wang, Zhi;Li, Yu;Wang, Xichun;Li, Jinchun;Wu, Jinjie 670
Objective: Glucose transporter 9 (GLUT9) is a uric acid transporter that is associated with uric absorption in mice and humans; but it is unknown whether GLUT9 involves in chicken uric acid regulation. This experiment aimed to investigate the chicken GLUT9 expression and serum uric acid (SUA) level. Methods: Sixty chickens were divided into 4 groups (n = 15): a control group (NC); a sulfonamide-treated group (SD) supplemented with sulfamonomethoxine sodium via drinking water (8 mg/L); a fishmeal group (FM) supplemented with 16% fishmeal in diet; and a uric acid-injection group (IU), where uric acid (250 mg/kg) was intraperitoneally injected once a day. The serum was collected weekly to detect the SUA level. Liver, kidney, jejunum, and ileum tissues were collected to detect the GLUT9 mRNA and protein expression. Results: The results showed in the SD and IU groups, the SUA level increased and GLUT9 expression increased in the liver, but decreased in the kidney, jejunum, and ileum. In the FM group, the SUA level decreased slightly and GLUT9 expression increased in the kidney, but decreased in the liver, jejunum, and ileum. Correlation analysis revealed that liver GLUT9 expression correlated positively, and renal GLUT9 expression correlated negatively with the SUA level. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that there may be a feedback regulation of GLUT9 in the chicken liver and kidney to maintain the SUA balance; however, the underlying mechanism needs to be investigated in future studies. -
Niu, Jun Li;Wei, Lian Qing;Luo, Yuan Qing;Yang, Wen Ting;Lu, Qi Cheng;Zheng, Xin Xia;Niu, Yu Jie;Sheng, Wen;Cheng, Hong;Zhang, Wen Ju;Nie, Cun Xi 680
Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of fermented cottonseed meal (FCSM) on growth performance, carcass traits, and fat deposition in white-feather broiler chickens. Methods: A total of 480 male one-day-old white-feather broiler chickens were selected randomly and divided into four groups with six replicates of 20 chickens in each. The experimental chickens were fed diets including 3%, 6%, or 9% FCSM fermented by Candida tropicalis until 42 days old. In the experiment, the chickens of the control group were fed soybean meal. Results: FCSM supplementation linearly decreased the feed conversion ratio from d 15 to 21 and d 36 to 42, respectively (p<0.05). The percentage of carcass and semi-eviscerate increased in response to dietary FCSM supplementation at d 21 (p<0.05). The percentage of eviscerated and semi-eviscerate of 3FCSM was higher than that in other groups at d 35 (p<0.05). At the age of 42 d, the percentage of carcass increased in a quadratic way among increasing FCSM in diets (p<0.05). The subcutaneous fat thickness linearly decreased with the increasing levels of FCSM at d 21 (p<0.05). Gompertz and Logistic functions provided a better fit on abdominal fat and subcutaneous fat, respectively. The best fitted equation predicted that the maximum growth rate of abdominal fat weight and subcutaneous fat thickness occurred at d 28. FCSM had no significant effects on the shape of growth curve of abdominal fat weight and subcutaneous fat thickness, but reduced the height of the curve. Birds receiving the 6FCSM diet for 21 d had smaller adipocyte surface and lower serum glucose as well as triglyceride concentration. Conclusion: FCSM is beneficial for broiler chickens as it positively affects their growth and carcass in addition to altering their fat deposition. -
Chantiratikul, Anut;Arunsangseesod, Orawan;Wangkahart, Eakapol;Leamsamrong, Kwanyuen;Chantiratikul, Piyanete 692
Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of dietary selenium (Se) from Se-enriched kale sprout (SeKS), selenomethionine (SeMet), and sodium selenite (SS) on performance, carcass characteristics and Se concentrations in the tissues, and to study the relationship between Se concentrations in muscle and feather in growing quails. Methods: The 320 quails (7 d of age) were divided into four treatments, according to a completely randomized design. The treatments were T1: control diet; T2, T3, and T4: control diets plus 0.2 mg Se/kg from SS, SeMet, and SeKS, respectively. The performance, carcass characteristics, and Se concentrations in the tissues of quails were determined. Results: The results indicated no effect (p>0.05) of Se supplementation on performance, carcass characteristics and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in breast muscle of quails. Supplemental Se from SS, SeMet, and SeKS increased greater (p<0.05) Se concentrations in breast muscle, liver, kidney, heart, and feather, compared to those of quails fed the control diet. Quails fed Se from SeMet had greater (p<0.05) Se concentrations in the tissues than quails fed Se from SeKS and SS. In addition, Se concentrations in breast muscle and feather of quails at 21 and 42-d-old were highly correlated (R2 0.714 to 0.756) (p<0.05). Conclusion: Performance, carcass characteristics and GSH-Px activity in breast muscle of quails were not affected (p>0.05) by dietary Se supplementation. The Se from SeMet was more effective in increasing Se concentrations in the tissues of quails than Se from SeKS and SS. Feather Se concentrations of 21 and 42-d-old quails can be used for assessment of Se bioavailability of Se sources. -
Yang, Pan;Wang, Hua Kai;Zhu, Min;Li, Long Xian;Ma, Yong Xi 701
Objective: The present work was undertaken to evaluate the effects of storage time, choline chloride, and high concentrations of Cu and Zn on the kinetic behavior of vitamin degradation during storage in two vitamin premixes and four vitamin-trace mineral (VTM) premixes. Methods: Two vitamin premixes (with or without 160,000 mg/kg of choline) were stored at 25℃ and 60% humidity. Besides, four VTM premixes were used to evaluate the effects of choline (0 vs 40,000 mg/kg) and trace minerals (low CuSO4+ZnO vs high CuSO4+ZnO) on vitamin stability in VTM premixes stored in room, and the VTM premixes were stored in room temperature at 22℃. Subsamples from each vitamin and VTM premix were collected at 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months. The retention of vitamin A (VA), vitamin D3 (VD3), vitamin E (VE), vitamin K3 (VK3), vitamin B1 (VB1), vitamin B2 (VB2), vitamin B3 (VB3), vitamin B5 (VB5), and vitamin B6 (VB6) in vitamin premixes and VTM premixes during storage was determined. The stability of vitamins in vitamin premixes and VTM premixes was determined and reported as the residual vitamin activity (% of initial) at each sampling point. Results: The effect of choline on VK3 retention was significant in vitamin premixes (p<0.05). The negative effect of storage time was significant for the retentions of VD3, VK3, VB1, VB2, VB5, and VB6 in vitamin premix (p<0.05). For VTM premixes, negative effect of storage time was significant (p<0.05) for the losses of vitamin in VTM premixes. Choline and high concentrations of Cu and Zn significantly increased VA, VK3, VB1, and VB2 loss during storage (p<0.05). The supplementation of high concentrations of Cu and Zn significantly decreased the concentrations of VD3 and VB6 (p<0.05) in VTM premixes at extended storage time. Conclusion: The maximum vitamin stability was detected in vitamin and VTM premixes containing no choline or excess Cu and Zn. The results indicated that extended storage time increased degradation of vitamin in vitamin or VTM premixes. These results may provide useful information for vitamin and VTM premixes to improve the knowledge of vitamin in terms of its stability. -
Chen, Hao;Wang, Chunwei;Wang, You;Chen, Yilin;Wan, Meng;Zhu, Jiadong;Zhu, Aixia 714
Objective: This study aimed to determine the effects of soft pellet creep feed (SPCF) on growth performance and intestinal development in piglets. Methods: A total of 18 sows and their litters of crossbred piglets (14±2 days, 3.73±0.72 kg) were assigned to one of three dietary groups receiving i) powder creep feed (PCF), ii) hard pellet creep feed (HPCF) or iii) SPCF during the pre-weaning period. After weaning, piglets were selected for continuous evaluation of the three diets on growth performance and intestinal health. Results: In the pre-weaning period, the average daily feed intake and average daily dry matter intake were significantly higher in the SPCF group than the HPCF group (p<0.05). In the post-weaning and entire experimental period, the different diets had no significant effect on growth performance. At 10 d after weaning, the serum glucose concentration was lower in the SPCF group (p<0.05) than the other groups; a higher (p<0.05) villus height and lower (p<0.05) crypt depth in the jejunum were also observed in the SPCF group than the other groups; Meanwhile, in the duodenum and jejunum, the SPCF group had a higher (p<0.05) villus height to crypt depth ratio than the other groups; Furthermore, the higher (p<0.05) threshold cycle values of lactic acid bacteria and lower (p<0.05) threshold cycle values of Clostridium, Enterobacter and Escherichia coli were also observed in the SPCF group, and the sucrase and maltase activity was higher (p<0.05) in the SPCF group than the other groups in duodenum and ileum. Conclusion: The SPCF improved pre-weaning feed intake and decreased the negative effects of weaning stress in the intestine in piglets. -
Zhang, Muhan;Wang, Daoying;Xu, Xinglian;Xu, Weimin 724
Objective: The objectives of this study were to investigate the direct antioxidative effect of 90 Kda heat shock protein (Hsp90) obtained from duck muscle. Methods: The interaction of Hsp90 with phospholipids and oxidized phospholipids was studied with surface plasmon resonance (SPR), and their further oxidation in the presence of Hsp90 was evaluated with thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay. The scavenging effect on the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) was measured, and the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in combination with 5-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-5-methyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide and 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5,-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (PTIO) was utilized to determine the abilities of Hsp90 in scavenging hydroxyl and PTIO radicals. Results: SPR showed Hsp90 could bind with both phospholipids and oxidized phospholipids, and prevent their further oxidation by the TBARS assay. The DPPH and ABTS scavenging activity increased with Hsp90 concentration, and could reach 27% and 20% respectively at the protein concentration of 50 μM. The EPR spectra demonstrated Hsp90 could directly scavenge ·OH and PTIO· radicals. Conclusion: This suggests that Hsp90, a natural antioxidant in meat, may play an important role in cellular defense against oxidative stress, and may have potential use in meat products. -
Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the occurrence and species of coagulase-positive staphylococci (CoPS) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) in retail pork meat samples collected during nationwide monitoring. The staphylococcal isolates were characterized for antimicrobial and zinc chloride resistance and enterotoxigenic potential. Methods: A total of 260 pre-packaged pork meat samples were collected from 35 retail markets in 8 provinces in Korea for isolation of staphylococci. Antimicrobial and zinc chloride resistance phenotypes, and genes associated with the resistance phenotypes were determined on the isolates. Furthermore, the presence and distribution of 19 staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) genes and enterotoxin-like genes among the pork-associated staphylococci were determined by multiplex polymerase chain reaction-based assays using the specific primer sets. Results: A total of 29 staphylococcal strains (29/260, 11.1%) were isolated from samples of retail pork meat, 24 (83%) of which were CoNS. The four CoNS species identified were S. saprophyticus (n = 16, 55%), S. sciuri (n = 3, 10%), S. warneri (n = 3, 10%), and S. epidermidis (n = 2, 7%). Among the 29 isolates, four methicillin-resistant CoNS (MR-CoNS; three S. sciuri and one S. epidermidis) and one methicillin-resistant CoPS (MR-CoPS; one S. aureus) were identified. In addition, a relatively high level of tetracycline (TET) resistance (52%) was confirmed in CoNS, along with a predominant distribution of tet(K). The most prevalent SEs were sep (45%), and sen (28%), which were carried by 81% of S. saprophyticus. Conclusion: These findings suggest that CoNS, especially S. saprophyticus strains, in raw pork meat could be a potential risk factor for staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP), and therefore, requires further investigation to elucidate the role of SEls in SFP and virulence of the pathogen. Our results also suggest that CoNS from raw pork meat may act as a source for transmission of antimicrobial resistance genes such as staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec and tet(K).
Lu, Xiao;Yang, Yuying;Zhang, Yimin;Mao, Yanwei;Liang, Rongrong;Zhu, Lixian;Luo, Xin 743
Objective: The objectives of this study were to explore the expression patterns of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) genes of different skeletal muscles from Chinese cattle, and to investigate the relationship between myofiber characteristics and meat quality of M. longissimus lumborum (LL), M. psoas major (PM), and M. semimembranosus (SM) from Chinese Luxi and Qinchuan cattle. Methods: Three major muscles including LL, PM, and SM from Chinese Luxi cattle and Chinese Qinchuan cattle were used in this study. The myofiber characteristics were measured by histochemical analysis. The MyHC isoforms expression was evaluated by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Quality traits including pH value, meat color, cooking loss, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and sarcomere length were determined at day 5 postmortem. Results: PM muscle had higher pH value, a* value, sarcomere length and lower WBSF value compared to LL and SM muscles (p<0.05). Numbers of type I myofiber and the relative expression of MyHC I mRNA in PM muscle were higher than those of LL and SM muscles (p<0.05). Myofiber diameter of PM muscle was lower than that of LL and SM muscles, regardless of myofiber types (p<0.05). Conclusion: According to the stepwise linear regression analyses, tenderness was influenced by myofiber characteristics in all three examined muscles. Tenderness of beef muscles from Qinchuan and Luxi cattle could be improved by increasing numbers of type I myofiber. -
Tunim, Supanon;Phasuk, Yupin;Aggrey, Samuel E.;Duangjinda, Monchai 751
Objective: The objectives of this study were to investigate the relationship between the mRNA expression of adipocyte type fatty acid binding protein (A-FABP) and heart type FABP (H-FABP) in Thai native chicken crossbreeds and evaluate the level of exotic inclusion in native chicken that will improve growth while maintaining its relatively low carcass fat. Methods: The fat deposition traits and mRNA expression of A-FABP and H-FABP were evaluated at 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks of age in 4 chicken breeds (n = 8/breed/wk) (100% Chee breed [CH] [100% Thai native chicken background], CH male and broiler female [Kaimook e-san1; KM1] [50% CH background], broiler male and KM1 female [Kaimook e-san2; KM2] [25% CH background], and broiler [BR]) using abdominal fat (ABF) and muscular tissues. Results: The BR breed was only evaluated at 6 weeks of age. At week 6, the CH breed had a significantly lower A-FABP expression in ABF and intramuscular fat (IF) compared with the other breeds. At 8 to 12 weeks, the KM2 groups showed significant upregulation (p<0.05) of A-FABP in both ABF and IF compared to the CH and KM1 groups. The expression of H-FABP did not follow any consistent pattern in both ABF and IF across the different ages. Conclusion: Some level of crossbreeding CH chickens can be done to improve growth rate while maintaining their low ABF and IF. The expression level of A-FABP correlate with most fat traits. There was no consistency of H-FABP expression across breed. A-FABPs is involved in fat deposition, genetic markers in these genes could be used in marker assisted studies to select against excessive fat accumulation. -
Jiang, Mingming;Alugongo, Gibson Maswayi;Xiao, Jianxin;Li, Congcong;Ma, Yulin;Li, Tingting;Cao, Zhijun;Liu, Dasen 759
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of stocking density on the behavior, productivity, and metabolism of periparturient Holstein cows as well as calf performance. Methods: A total of 48 periparturient cows were randomly assigned into three groups at 28 days (±3 days) before their expected calving date. The stocking densities of the groups, relative to the standard cubicle and feed bunk number, were i) 80% (13 cows), ii) 100% (16 cows), and iii) 120% (19 cows). Lying and rumination behavior was recorded using electronic data loggers and HR-Tags from d -21 ("d-" means days before calving) until the calving date, d 0. Lying time was assessed to determine the diurnal total hours spent lying per day. Rumination time was averaged in 2 hours interval periods over 24 hours during the experimental period. Results: Cows in the 80% group spent more time lying and ruminating between d -21 and d -7 and tended to ruminate more between d -14 and d 0. Calcium levels tended to be higher for cows in the 80% group, no other observable differences were found in monitored blood parameters. Moreover, 3.5% fat corrected milk and energy corrected milk yields were higher in 80% group in the first month of lactation. No other observable differences were found in the yield and composition of colostrum and milk in the first 10 months of lactation. The growth and performance of calves in the first week of life was not affected by stocking density of the dams. Conclusion: We concluded that lower stocking density may increase lying and ruminating behavior of prepartum Holstein cows. However, this did not translate into improved productivity and metabolism. -
Grzesiak, Wilhelm;Zaborski, Daniel;Szatkowska, Iwona;Krolaczyk, Katarzyna 770
Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of three approaches (the seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average [SARIMA] model, the nonlinear autoregressive exogenous [NARX] artificial neural networks and Wood's model) to the prediction of milk yield during lactation. Methods: The dataset comprised monthly test-day records from 965 Polish Holstein-Friesian Black-and-White primiparous cows. The milk yields from cows in their first lactation (from 5 to 305 days in milk) were used. Each lactation was divided into ten lactation stages of approximately 30 days. Two age groups and four calving seasons were distinguished. The records collected between 2009 and 2015 were used for model fitting and those from 2016 for the verification of predictive performance. Results: No significant differences between the predicted and the real values were found. The predictions generated by SARIMA were slightly more accurate, although they did not differ significantly from those produced by the NARX and Wood's models. SARIMA had a slightly better performance, especially in the initial periods, whereas the NARX and Wood's models in the later ones. Conclusion: The use of SARIMA was more time-consuming than that of NARX and Wood's model. The application of the SARIMA, NARX and Wood's models (after their implementation in a user-friendly software) may allow farmers to estimate milk yield of cows that begin production for the first time.