1. The Jung-Sa(正邪) of the Excessive Liver-Symptoms belongs to the eleven symptoms, there are blue face, blue thin fingernail, anger, fancy of larg body, dizziness, eye flame, Bell's palsy, hard swelling pain at braest, side pain going on the belly from the side, side pain and movement at the left side. 2. The Mi-Sa(微邪) of the Excessive Liver-Symptoms belongs to the four symptoms, there are meat in eye, edema in cheek, lack of appetite and diarrhea. 3. The Juk-Sa(賊邪) of the Excessive Liver-Symptoms belongs to the only one symptom, this is nosebleeding. 4. The Hu-Sa(虛邪) of the Excessive Liver-Symptoms belongs to the three symptoms, there are scrotum constraction, strain in belly and constipation. 5. The Sil-Sa(實邪) of the Excessive Liver-Symptoms belongs to the twenty eight symptoms, there are red eye, raised eyes(兩眼上?), spitting blood, sternocostal turgid pain, turgidity in belly, drooping testis, vomiting water acid, sickening, belching, confusion, impatience, frequent forgetfulness, headache, giddness, eye pain, deaf, ringing in the ear, feeling inverse, drying mouth, stuffiness sensation in the chest, chest pain, stuffiness sensation in the belly, bellyache, quadriplegia, spasm of extremities, tremor, alternate spells of fever and chills, high fever and strain in muscle. 6. Those symptoms, Red corner of the eye, red face, swelling on the forehead, stiff-neck and back strong, opisthotonos, constracture of the limbs, vomiting yellow bitter water, speech impediment, epilepsy, depression, strong tongue, different thing in throat, fullness and distention of the gastric region, feeling sick and tenesmus, have no connected with the Excessive Liver-Symptoms(肝實證) 7. The Excessive Liver-Symptoms(肝實證) is connected with the ganjabyoung(肝自病) and Hwa(火) which the pathology is, than because Mock(木) is excessive and Mock-Saeng-Hwa(木生火), the ganjabyoung(肝自病) and Sil-Sa(實邪) are many. 8. There are the sixteen symptoms with the exception of The Excessive Liver-Symptoms(肝實證), because supposed that the scholars in medicine included the union syndroms(合病), the combine syndroms(兼病) and the analysis of symptoms(辨證) in The Analysis of Five Visceral Symptoms. 9. During consideration of the symptoms at the above statements, where are many causes by Gan-Pung(肝風), there is difficult of distinction between the excessive Liver-Symptoms(肝實證) and C.V.A(Cerebral Vascular Attack). Because than NaeKyung(內經) distinguished between the excessive Liver-Symptoms(肝實證) and C.V.A., the future medical specialists connected with the excessive Liver-Symptoms(肝實證) and C.V.A.. 10. An appearance of Sang-Hwa(相火) that the liver possessed is divided into an appearance of Hwa(火), there will be making a study att the more necessary. 11. The cuases of each syndroms are consist of the origins of syndroms, its pathology and the positions where the syndroms appeared, I consider that is the various ways how judge the syndroms except the Five Pathogenic Factors(五邪). 12. If more than study will be achieved in all, the new definition will be standed about the Excessive and Deficient Five Visceral Syndroms(五臟虛實證), I consider this will be the foundation data that study the Oriental Medicine and the important data that is a judgement standard of clininc.