• Title/Summary/Keyword: Overlapped Areas

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Study for Calculating Overlapped Areas of Ellipse Bumper with Real-time Weight (실시간 가중치를 갖는 타원형 범퍼의 겹치는 면적을 계산하기 위한 연구)

  • Gang, Sang-Geun;Yim, Jeong-Bin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.262-265
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    • 2017
  • This study is to calculate the Real-Time Overlapped Area of ellipses with weight by Ship's Bumper Theory. In this paper, The Real-Time Overlapped Area of ellipses with weight can be used the important tool to feel the perceived risk evaluation by navigator. In this paper, through how to feel the risk of collision between the vessels in advance, We will study the technique to certify the perceived risk of collision from several different angles.

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Detection and Recognition of Overlapped Circular Objects based a Signature Representation Scheme (Signature 기반의 겹쳐진 원형 물체 검출 및 인식 기법)

  • Park, Sang-Bum;Hahn, Hern-Soo;Han, Young-Joon
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a new algorithm for detecting and recognizing overlapped objects among a stack of arbitrarily located objects using a signature representation scheme. The proposed algorithm consists of two processes of detecting overlap of objects and of determining the boundary between overlapping objects. To determine overlap of objects, in the first step, the edge image of object region is extracted and those areas in the object region are considered as the object areas if an area is surrounded by a closed edge. For each object, its signature image is constructed by measuring the distances of those edge points from the center of the object, along the angle axis, which are located at every angle with reference to the center of the object. When an object is not overlapped, its features which consist of the positions and angles of outstanding points in the signature are searched in the database to find its corresponding model. When an object is overlapped, its features are partially matched with those object models among which the best matching model is selected as the corresponding model. The boundary among the overlapping objects is determined by projecting the signature to the original image. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested with the task of picking the top or non-overlapped object from a stack of arbitrarily located objects. In the experiment, a recognition rate of 98% has been achieved.

Development and Evaluation of Stitching Algorithm With five Degrees of Freedom for Three-dimensional High-precision Texture of Large Surface (대면적/고정밀 3차원 표면형상의 5자유도 정합법 개발 및 평가)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyeok;Ahn, Jung-Hwa;Cho, Nham Gyoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a new method is proposed for the five-degree-of-freedom precision alignment and stitching of three-dimensional surface-profile data sets. The control parameters for correcting thealignment error are calculated from the surface profile data for overlapped areas among the adjacent measuring areas by using the "least squares method" and "maximum lag position of cross correlation function." To ensure the alignment and stitching reliability, the relationships betweenthe alignment uncertainty, overlapped area, and signal-to-noise level of the measured profile data are investigated. Based on the results of this uncertainty analysis, an appropriate size is proposed for the overlapped area according to the specimen's surface texture and noise level.

Yeast Diversity of Wild Flowers in Islands, Jejudo, Ulleungdo and Yokjido of Korea

  • Lee, Jong-Soo;Hyun, Se-Hee;Kim, Ha-Kun
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.30-30
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    • 2014
  • We isolated various yeasts from wild flowers in main islands, Jejudo, Ulleungdo and Yokjido of Korea and their yeasts were identified by comparison of their PCR-amplified D1/D2 regions of 26S rDNA using the BLAST database. Thirty two yeast strains of fourteen species were isolated from wild flowers of Jejudo. Forty eight yeast strains of twenty two species were isolated and identified from wild flowers of Ulleungdo, Korea. Sixty yeast strains belonged to twenty five species were isolated identified from wild flowers of Yokjido in Tongyeong, Korea. Only Metschnikowia reukaufii was overlapped from the three different islands areas. Two species overlapped from Jejudo and Ulleungdo: Pichia guilliermondii, Metschnikowia reukaufii. Seven species were overlapped from Ulleungdo and Yokjido: Cryptococcus albidus, Cryptococcus laurentii, Metschnikowia reukafii, Pichia scolyti, Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodotorula graminis and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Four species were overlapped from Jejudo and Yokjido: Candida sp. Cryptococcus aureus, Metschnikowia reukafii and Pseudozyma sp.

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A Frequency Resource Assignment Algorithm for FH Radio Using Isotropic Multi Dimension Array (등방 다차원 배열을 이용한 FH 무전기용 주파수 자원 할당 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Seong-Min;Han, Joo-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2006
  • To reduce the interferences between the radio equipments which are operated in frequency hopping mode, the frequency resource should be assigned to each equipment without overlapping when several groups of radio equipments operate in the same area. If the radio equipments are in a different area, the partial frequency overlaying can be permitted. From the isotropic multi-dimensional array, several frequency assignment tables can be extracted for a same area. Also several tables can be extracted for different areas. Since there can be no overlapped frequencies between the tables for the same area, no interference between the radio equipments in an area is guaranteed. The frequencies overlapped between 2 tables for 2 different areas are pre-planed as required. The interference performance in frequency hopping radio can be controlled as desired using the proposed Frequency Resource Assignment Algorithm using Isotropic multi-dimensional Array.

A Node Positioning Method for Minimizing the Overlap of Sensing Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks with Adjustable Sensing Ranges (가변 감지영역을 갖는 센서노드로 구성된 무선 센서 네트워크에서 중첩영역 최소를 위한 노드의 위치 결정방법)

  • Seong, Ki-Taek;Song, Bong-Gi;Woo, Chong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we address the node positioning method for minimizing the overlap sensing areas in wireless sensor networks with adjustable sensing ranges. To find a optimal node position, we derive a optimal equations by using the overlapped areas, each node's radiuses and expended angles of opposite neighboring nodes. Based on it, we devise a new node positioning method, called as ASRC(Adjustable Sensing Ranges Control). Unlike existing condition based model, our proposed method is derived from mathematical formula, and we confirm its validity through various simulations.

A Modified Digital Elevation Modeling for Stormwater Management Planning in Segmentalized Micro-catchment Areas

  • Lee, Eun-seok
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2021
  • Background and objective: Urban topology can be characterized as impervious, which changes the hydrologic features of an area, increasing surface water flow during local heavy rain events. The pluvial flooding is also influenced by the vertical structures of the urban area. This study suggested a modified digital elevation model (DEM) to identify changes in urban hydrological conditions and segmentalized urban micro catchment areas using a geographical information system (GIS). Methods: This study suggests using a modified DEM creation process based on Rolling Ball Method concepts along with a GIS program. This method proposes adding realized urban vertical data to normal DEM data and simulating hydrological analyses based on RBM concepts. The most important aspect is the combination of the DEM with polygon data, which includes urban vertical data in three datasets: the contour polyline, the locations of buildings and roads, and the elevation point data from the DEM. DEM without vertical data (DCA) were compared with the DEM including vertical data (VCA) to analyze catchment areas in Shin-wol district, Seoul, Korea. Results: The DCA had 136 catchments, and the area of each catchment ranged from 3,406 m2 to 423,449 m2. The VCA had 2,963 catchments, with the area of each ranging from 50 m2 to 16,209 m2. The most important finding is that in the overlapped VCA; the boundary of areas directly affected by flooding and the direction of surface water flow could be identified. Flooding data from September 21, 2010 and July 27, 2011 in the Shin-wol district were applied as ground reference data. The finding is that in the overlapped VCA; the boundary of areas directly affected by flooding and the direction of surface water flow could be identified. Conclusion: The analysis of the area vulnerable to surface water flooding (SWF) was more accurately determined using the VCA than using the DCA.

Analysis of Landslide Hazard Area using RS/GIS (RS/GIS를 이용한 산사태 위험지역 분석)

  • Lee Yong-Jun;Park Geun-Ae;Kim Seong-Joon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.202-205
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study is to analyze the hazard-areas for landslide using GIS and RS. LRA (Logistic Regression Analysis) and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Program) methods were used for evaluation of the hazard-areas by six topographic factors (slope, aspect, elevation, soil drain, soil depth, land use). These methods were applied to Anseong-si where frequent landslides were occurred mainly by the regional heavy rainfall. A landslide hazard-map of Anseong-si could describe into 7 hazard-grades. As results, LRA method was underestimated in higher grades areas, while AHP method was underestimated in lower grades areas. In order to evaluate the hazard-areas for landslides with accuracy, these results of each method were overlapped and the results of suggested method were compared with the historical landslide hazard records of KFRI (Korea Forest Research Institute).

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A Study on the Sector Division for Effective Vessel Traffic Service : Focused on Daesan, Pyeongtaek and Inchon Harbour

  • Yang, Hyoung-Seon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.265-270
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    • 2010
  • The national VTS was launched in 1993, and has adopted a harbour-oriented control method which is unable to consider enough characteristics of its work. However, for the past 17 years, the characteristics has changed due to increased amount of vessels. Up to now the domestic Vessel Traffic Service has adopted harbour-oriented control method which is unable to consider enough characteristics of its work. However, developed countries have carried out waters-oriented control method, according to the using areas of ships, to be well considered the characteristics of control for increasing efficiency of it. Especially, VTS of Daesan, Pyeongtaek and Inchon harbour can have confusions of control because of overlapped service areas of it. Therefore, in this paper suggested a new Sector Division that the relevants waters is divided into 3 operational Regions and these are divided into nine sectors again, for the purpose of improving the efficiency and the concentration of VTS.

Development of the Method for Liquefaction Hazard Microzonation in Korean Coastal Areas (국내 연안지역의 액상화 재해도 작성기법 개발)

  • 곽창원;최재순;강규진;김수일
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.03a
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2002
  • Reclaimed coastal areas for the construction of ports and harbors are in general subjected to strong possibility of liquefaction. In this research, a new method for liquefaction hazard microzonation based on liquefaction settlements was developed. Severity of liquefaction hazard was defined by liquefaction settlements obtained from the method proposed by Tokimatsu and Seed. 10 coastal areas, representing typical geological and geotechnical characteristics of Korean ports and harbors, and 3 real earthquake records for site response analysis were selected. From this research, liquefaction settlement criteria is adapted as a new quantitative index for the liquefaction hazard microzonation. Liquefaction settlements were also compared with LPI (Liquefaction Potential Index), obtained from the assessment of liquefaction potential based on the modified Seed and Idriss's method. As an example, 2 and 3 dimensional liquefaction hazard microzonations of Pusan port and harbor area were mapped by overlapped liquefaction settlement contours.

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