Almost derivations on the banach algebra $C^n$[0,1]

  • Jun, Kil-Woung (Department of Mathematics, Chungnam National University, Taejon 305-764) ;
  • Park, Dal-Won (Department of Mathematics Education, Kongju National University, Kongju 314-701)
  • Published : 1996.08.01


A linear map T from a Banach algebra A into a Banach algebra B is almost multiplicative if $\left\$\mid$ T(fg) - T(f)T(g) \right\$\mid$ \leq \in\left\$\mid$ f \right\$\mid$\left\$\mid$ g \right\$\mid$(f,g \in A)$ for some small positive $\in$. B.E.Johnson [4,5] studied whether this implies that T is near a multiplicative map in the norm of operators from A into B. K. Jarosz [2,3] raised the conjecture : If T is an almost multiplicative functional on uniform algebra A, there is a linear and multiplicative functional F on A such that $\left\$\mid$ T - F \right\$\mid$ \leq \in', where \in' \to 0$ as $\in \to 0$. B. E. Johnson [4] gave an example of non-uniform commutative Banach algebra which does not have the property described in the above conjecture. He proved also that C(K) algebras and the disc algebra A(D) have this property [5]. We extend this property to a derivation on a Banach algebra.
