한국형 가족기능도 척도 개발 연구

The Development of Korean Family Functioning Scale

  • 최희진 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족전공) ;
  • 유영주 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족전공)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The purpose of this study was to develop a family functioning scale that is suitable for Korean families. The data for this study were obtained from a survey on a sample of 350 mothers of school-age children, who were living in Seoul, Kyunggi-do, and other cities of Korea. The major findings ate as follows; 1) Through the item discrimination test, 63 of the 77 items were found to be significant, thus deemed acceptable. The level of discrimination indices of the 63 items ranged from .38 to .84. 2) A factor analysis was conducted on the 63 items. Six different factors (Emotional Support, Family Intimacy, Respect for Autonomy, Communication, Family Rules, Time Spent Together) emerged for 37 items. The six factors accounted for 56.51% of total variance. 3) A multiple regression analysis was conducted to reduce the number of items, and the final 36 items were selected for the Family Functioning Scale. 4) The reliability measured by the internal consistency of the 36 items was high (Cronbach's a =.93). 5) The Family Functioning Scale was found to have a significant correlation with FACESIII(r=.80) as well as with FAD(r=.78).



  1. 한국가족관계학회지 v.4 no.2 순환모델에 따른 비폭력부부와 폭력부부의 가족기능 비교 김수연;김득성
  2. 가족치료:이론과 실체 김유숙
  3. 가정의 v.12 no.7 우울증 환자에서 가족기능도지수와 가족적응력.결속력 평가척도에 대한 연구 김홍기 외
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  16. 대한간호학회지 v.32 no.3 한국형 가족 기능 측정 도구 개발을 위한 연구: 만성질환아 가족을 대상으로 이인숙 외
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  18. 가족관계 정현숙;유계숙
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  20. 경희대 대학원 박사학위논문 한국형 가족기능 평가도구의 개발 최지호
  21. 한국가정관리학회지 v.17 no.1 `가족기능도 척도' 개발에 관한 연구:Tavitian,Lubiner,Green,Grebstein,Velicer의 가족기능도 척도(FFS)에 기초하여 최희진;유영주
  22. 사회조사분석 홍두승
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  24. Psychotherapy and growht;Family systems perspective Beaversm,W.R.
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  26. Family Process v.24 A Factor analysis of Self-Report Measures of Family Functioning Bloom,B.L.
  27. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy v.10 The family of FIRO model: A modest proposal for organizing family treatment Doherty,W.J.;Colangelo,N.
  28. Measures for Clinical Practce(2nd ed.) v.1 Fisher,J.;Corcoran,K.
  29. Treating families with special needs Family systems thinking and the helping process:Misconceptions and basic assumption Freeman,D.S.;Freeman,D.S.(ed.);Trute,B.(ed.)
  30. 가족치료 Goldenberg,I.;Goldenberg,H.;장혁표(외 2인 공역)
  31. Journal of Marriage and the Family v.39 The topography of marital conflict: A sequential analysis of verbal and nonverbal behavior Gottman,J.;Markman,H.;Notarius,C.
  32. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy v.8 Thinking like a family therapist:A model for integrating the theories and methods of family therapy Grunebaum,H.;Chasin,R.
  33. No single thread: Psychological health in family systems Lewis,J.M.;Beavers,W.R.;Gossett,J.T.;Phillips,V.A.
  34. Palo Alto. Family Environment Scales Moos,R.
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  36. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy v.9 Integrative problem-centered therapy toward the synthesis of family and individual psychotherapies Pinsoff,W.M.
  37. Journal of social Behavior and Personality v.2 no.2 Dimensions of family functioning Tavitian,M.L.;Lubiner,J.;Green,L.;Grebstein,L.C.;Velicer,W.F.
  38. Topic in Early Childhood Special Education v.10 no.1 Assessing family strengths and family functioning style Trivette,C.M.;Dunst,C.J.