성격유형별 의복 라이프스타일과 의복구매행동

Clothing Life-Style and Clothing Buying Behavior on Personality Types

  • 권보애 (광주대학교 디자인학부 의상전공) ;
  • 오현정 (광주대학교 디자인학부 의상전공)
  • 발행 : 2004.07.01


The purposes of this study were to find the difference of clothing life-style and to examine clothing buying behaviors on personality types. Personality types were identified using Myers-Briggs Type indicator(MBTI). The data were collected from 360 female adults using a questionnaire to clothing lifestyle and clothing buying behavior. The data were analysed with factor analysis, one- way ANOVA and Duncan's multiple range test. Results are summarized as follows: First, 'Fashion-oriented', 'self-regulate-oriented', 'activity-oriented', 'economic-oriented', 'social-oriented', 'leisure-oriented' and 'conservationoriented' clothing life-style had a significant difference of psychological types. Second, Extroverted(E) or Sensation(S) or Feeling(F) types regarded significantly higher in 'VMD', 'store atmosphere', 'famous brand name and store name' as criteria for store selection than combination types(IN, IT, NT) of Introverted(Ⅰ), iNtuition(N), Thinking(T). Third, Sensation Judgement types(SJs) of a patron temperament preferred a 'plan-oriented' life-style and considered 'famous brand name and store name' important. Sensation Perceiving types(SPs) of an artist temperament had an 'unplanned' clothing life-style and a significantly higher impulsive buying orientation than SJs.



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