Purpose: In the correction of cleft lip, there have been various methods to minimize recurrence of the nasal deformity after primary nasal surgery. After cheiloplasty and primary nasal surgery, we tried to elongate the columella of the cleft side, to stretch the vestibular lining of cleft side, and to elevate the alar cartilage of the cleft side with a molding prong. Methods: We had fifteen cleft lip patients; 12 unilateral cases(6.3-8.2 months), and 3 bilateral cases(3 - 7.5 months). Immediately after primary repair of the cleft lip, the toboggan shaped molding prong was located to deep inside of vestibular web of the cleft side. It was persistently suspended by a silicone tube which was connected to the prong and the frontal scalp. The results were analyzed with $Photoshop^{(R)}$ photogrammetrically for 6 - 48 months with on average of 20.6 months. We measured the proportion index of columellar length-interalar distance for three times(preoperation, immediate postoperation, and postoperation) on the nasal base views. Results: In unilateral, the index had a significant increase statistically between preoperation(10.73) and immediate postoperation(23.96). It is supposed that columellar length was reconstructed to 105.80% of normal side. But, it was decreased to maintain 87.7% of normal side in postoperation(20.54). The results were similar in bilateral. The linear scars by suture penetrating nose skin were not discernable. Conclusion: In summary, placement of the molding prong could elongate the reconstructed columella with some relapse postoperatively.