A Study on the Development of "Premarital Education Programs" for Marriage Expectant Couple

예비부부를 위한 "결혼준비교육프로그램"의 개발에 관한 연구

  • Park, Ju-Hee (Dept. of Welfare, Sungshin Women's Univ.) ;
  • Im, Sun-Young (Dept. of, Social Welfare Kukje Theological Univ. of Seminary)
  • 박주희 (성신여자대학교 복지학과) ;
  • 임선영 (국제신학대학원 대학교 사회복지학과)
  • Published : 2009.04.30


This study proposes to implement premarital education programs designed to enhance potential capacity in marital life, targeted at marriage expectant couple and verify the effectiveness of the programs. For this study, 8 marriage expectant couples residing in Seoul participated. For this study, advance and follow-up surveys were conducted. To be specific, the advanced surveys questions were posed regarding general features, the level of communication, conflict-resolution skills and the attitude toward the role of the gender and so forth of those persons polled. In follow-up surveys, questions were asked regarding the extent to which the participant was satisfied with the contents of the education and teaching process in each session of the programs, the attitude toward the role of the gender, the level of communication and conflict-resolution skills. The effectiveness of the program was verified based on the subjective level of satisfaction of the instructor and the program manager and the statistical analyses of advance and follow-up surveys. Our findings show: First, the changes in 'the attitude toward the role of the gender' of the participants after 'the education of the role of the gender' were not significantly related. Second, after 'the education of communication' was implemented, the capability of the participants to communicate proved to have improved. Third, the extent to which the participants were satisfied with the contents of the education scored higher than the average, the level of educational satisfaction with 'the skills of communication between the husband and wife' scoring the highest. Fourth, with respect to the level of overall satisfaction with the educational effects of the program, the level of satisfaction with improved relationship between each party of the couple turned out relatively high, and the level of the overall education program also proved to be high.



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