두한경(竇漢卿)의 표유부(標幽賦)에 대한 연구 (I)

A Literature Review on Pyoyubu (標幽賦) Written by Tu Han Kyoung (竇漢卿) (I)

  • 원진희 (원광대학교 광주한방병원 비계내과) ;
  • 이인영 (원광대학교 광주한방병원 비계내과)
  • Won, Jin-Hee (Dept. of Internal medicine, Wonkwang Hospital, College of Oriental Medicine, Won-Kwang University) ;
  • Lee, In-Young (Dept. of Internal medicine, Wonkwang Hospital, College of Oriental Medicine, Won-Kwang University)
  • 투고 : 2011.02.28
  • 심사 : 2011.03.23
  • 발행 : 2011.03.27


Objectives : This study is to provide a clear interpretation of Pyoyubu (標幽賦) which was written by Tu han kyoung (竇漢卿) during the Kum-Won dynasty of China (A.D 1196-1280). Methods : The translation was based on Original Chimgudaesung (原本鍼灸大成) and revisals on Chimguchuiyoung (鍼灸聚英), Yukyoungbuik (類經附翼), New Chimgudaesung (新鍼灸大成), etc. The critical review part helps to better understand acupuncture & moxibustion world. Results & Conclusions : The book covered all of the concepts involved in acupuncture theory and techniques. It provides a foundation and remains a key reference work for the current theory of acupuncture. An in-depth study of the book leads as follow ; 1. To full understanding of the fundamental principles of these fields. 2. To drawing up clinical practice guidelines for doctors toward patients. 3. To promoting the beneficial effects of acupuncture treatment.



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