Discriminant Analysis of Children's Peer Status based on their Conflict-Resolving Strategies and Emotional Intelligence

갈등해결전략과 정서지능에 의한 아동의 또래지위 판별

  • Received : 2011.04.23
  • Accepted : 2011.06.04
  • Published : 2011.06.30


The purposes of this study were to test differences in conflict-resolving strategies and emotional intelligence based on children's peer status, and to verify the discriminance of conflict-resolving strategies and emotional intelligence for peer status. 58 popular children and 52 rejected children from 4 elementary school were selected, and the data were analyzed with independent sample t-test and discriminant analysis. The research findings are as follows: First, negotiation- and cooperation-strategies (sub-factors of conflict-resolving strategy) and emotional intelligence showed statistically significant differences between popular children and rejected children, while other sub-factors of conflict-resolving strategy and sub-factors of emotional intelligence showed indifference between them. Second, negotiation- and cooperation-strategies among 4 sub-factors of conflict-resolving strategy and 5 sub-factors of emotional intelligence were the most discriminant predictors for children's peer status. The results suggest systematic teacher training and program for the rejected children's improvement of negotiation- and cooperation-strategies in their peer relations.



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