Fig. 2. Process of YOLO network model
Fig. 3. YOLO Network Structure
Fig. 4. Concept for multi-layer overlapped windows
Fig. 5. Sample CCTV image captured on the road
Fig. 6. Detection Result in Small Dense Vehicles case
Fig. 7. Example of assign and keep ID each vehicle on entrance and exit image
Fig. 8. Sub-Window and Intersection Area
Fig. 9. Setup method for identical vehicle decision
Fig. 10. Vehicle Identity Decision inside Intersection Area
Fig. 11. Setup Multi-Windows in Experiment
Fig. 12. Detection result for small dense vehicle
Fig. 13. Voting detection result according to distance
Fig. 14. Comparison for vehicle tracking result using own ID from entrance to way out
Fig. 15. Relationship accurate and FPS for changing filters
Fig. 1. (a) Comparison mAP and time of YOLO v2 with other algorithms [12] (b) YOLO v3 [17]]
Table. 1. Vehicle Detection Result
Table. 2. Vehicle Tracking Result
Table. 3. Comparison accurate and time according to change filters
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