Factors for the Intra-organizational Diffusion of Big Data Systems

조직 내 빅데이터 시스템 확산에 영향을 주는 요인에 대한 연구

  • 박성관 (LGCNS Enterprise빅데이터담당 제조빅데이터1팀) ;
  • 김청 (한국공항공사 Smart Airport팀, 성균관대학교 경영학)
  • Received : 2019.05.03
  • Accepted : 2019.06.03
  • Published : 2019.06.30


In this paper, factors affecting intra-organizational diffusion of Big Data systems from the perspective of the Big Data system vendors have been analyzed. In particular, the theory of resistance against innovation that exists in some form before the adoption or rejection of innovation has been focused on. In order to do that, the resistance has been divided into three categories : postponement, rejection and opposition. The variables affecting each type are also divided into four independent variables : perceived risk, innovation characteristics, user attributes, and organizational attributes. As a result of the survey, it was confirmed that the influences of each variable are different according to the type of resistance. As the strength of the resistance was increased, the influence of the trialability was increased as well. As the strength of the resistance was decreased, the satisfaction with the existing system became more influential on the resistance. The time risk and the satisfaction with the existing system were found to affect all types of resistance. From the vendor's point of view, strategic implications are presented in terms of marketing or system development for diffusion, depending on the degree of resistance of the adopter.


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2017 Big Data Market Survey(NIA, 2018)

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2017 Market Size for Big Data(NIA, 2018)

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Big Data System Architecture(Proposal of Big Data Analytics System for Big Traffic Relieve, Ahn et al., 2016)

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Research Model

Demographic Information of Respondents

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Variables and Questions

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Variables and Questions(Continued)

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EFA Results

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EFA Results of Resistance

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Multiple Regression Analysis : Factors that Influence Postponement

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Multiple Regression Analysis : Factors that Influence Rejection

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Multiple Regression Analysis : Factors that Influence Opposition

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Relative Influence of Variables

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Result of Fisher’s Z

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