Recently, researches for droplet impact phenomena have been faced a new phase in the direction of studying the effect of complex external conditions (e.g. wettability, temperature, morphology, electric field, etc.) for depth understanding and precise controlling in various applications. Hence, here we investigated the electrified droplet impact phenomena, because there were few quantitative researches for electrified droplet impact when we considering many real applications such as electrospray, electrohydrodynamic (EHD) jet printing. To observe interaction effect of surface charge between substrate and droplet simultaneously, micro-droplets with various Reynolds number (Re) and Weber number (We) were dripped on super-hydrophobic surface with existence and nonexistence of electrical surface charge. It shows three kinds of impact behaviors, fully bouncing, partial bouncing, and splashing with different We. Also, charged droplet bounced higher on electrically charged surface than on non-charged surface. Additionally, transition regions of three impact behaviors were classified quantitatively with water hammer pressure value, which means instant pressure inside droplet at the impact moment.