Numerical studies on the hydrodynamics of a freely falling rigid sphere in bounded and unbounded water domains are presented having investigation on the drag coefficient, normalized velocity, surface pressure and skin friction coefficient as a function of time. Two different conditions of the bounded and unbounded domains have been simulated by setting the blockage ratio. Four cases of bounded domains (B.R. = 1%, 25%, 45%, 55%, 65% and 75%) have been taken, whereas the unbounded domain has been considered with 0.01%. In the case of the bounded domain (higher values of B.R.), a substantial reduction in normalized velocity and increase in the drag coefficient have been found in presence of the bounded domain. Moreover, bounded domains also yield a significant increase in the pressure coefficient when the sphere is partially submerged, but the insignificant effect is found on the skin friction coefficient. In the case of the unbounded domain, a significant reduction in normalized velocity occurs with a decrease in Reynolds number (Re) and also increase in the drag coefficient.