한국농업기계학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference) (Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference)
한국농업기계학회 (Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery)
- 반년간
- 농림수산식품 > 농업기계/설비
- 한국농업기계학회 2000년도 하계 학술대회 논문집
- 한국농업기계학회 2000년도 동계 학술대회 논문집
한국농업기계학회 1993년도 Proceedings of International Conference for Agricultural Machinery and Process Engineering
The social-economic development of the various countries and therefore, of the world agricultural market asks for a rationalization of the whole Agro-industrial System. In order to help the economic competitiveness of the various products, to improve their quality and to protect the environments Agricultural Engineers have to follow holistic research approaches for the whole system. The paper discusses the main problems that, in this view, Agricultural Engineers have to take into consideration.
The increase need for agricultural machinery production and its globalization through international Joint ventures are discussed in this paper. Examples of joint businesses for the overseas manufacturing of farm machinery are given and problems are pointed out. Overseas production of automobiles is illustrated through a few examples and suggestions are made for farm machinery production . Measures to be taken to promote global production of agricultural machinery through international joint ventures are mentioned.
The paper discusses a historical review(past and present) of the America Society of Agricultural Engineers and Agricultural Process Engineering programs, and curricula development and research areas for the future.
Economic background is discussed with consequences for tractor industry and tractor concepts. Particular reference is given to the question of frame chassis instead of block concept. Development trends of tractor components are analyzed for driving system (including four-wheel drive and brakes), diesel engines, transmissions, human engineering , hydraulics and implement control. Consideration is given to electronics and aspects of environmental protection as well. Expected further tractor design developments are summarized at the end of the paper.
The paper describes the major developments in agricultural engineering education at Silsoe College in the U.K. over the period 1960 to the present. It seeks to relate these developments to the profound changes which have taken plane in the agricultural , agricultural engineering, food and allied industries during the past three decades which are outlined. The emergence of deep public concerns about environmental and animal welfare issues combined with the reform of Europe's Common Agricultural Policy (C.A.P). now in train have had a major impact on the evolution of educational provision within the College and on the profit of its research. It is concluded that prospects for the discipline and profession remain healthy provided the new agenda is addressed.
China has a big population(22% of the world) and small cultivated land( only 7% of the world). Agriculture is very important and it has solved the problem of people's eating and wearing, and now it is creating favourable conditions for the state modernization and people's comparatively well-off. Farm mechanization plays an role in agriculture and has primarily developed. But the development is complicated since the big rural labour force and the small per capita cultivated land. The development and features of farm mechanization in China was summarized and the future task and its countermeasure was discussed in this paper.
Domestic production of agricultural machinery has come to be seen as appropriate entry route in the capital goods industry for most African countries, including Ghana, which has purely and strongly agricultural -based economics with a weak industrial infrastructure. Recent studies in Ghana do indicate that in addition to possessing technological capability in the manufacture of handtools, there is evidence of increased production of machinery for the primary food processing sector. Local manufacture of tractors and associated implements is embryonic, with an average domestic production of agricultural machinery in Ghana and analyses the available technologies and economic indicators in the local agricultural machinery industry. Areas for indicators in the local agricultural machinery industry. Areas for future development are identified.
Development process of agricultural technology has been studied with a case study of Korean agriculture. Technological is considered as a transformer of inputs into outputs and hence technological appropriateness, an important aspect of agricultural development strategies, is considered as a dynamic concepts. Considering the concept of agricultural system as a delivery system for providing essential materials and services to producers and consumers, it has been divided into two major groups of dimensions vis. external challenge dimensions and internal response dimensions. Market, investment and agro-ecosystem constitute the external challenge dimensions : whereas trade , technology as well as production and resources allocation constitute internal response dimensions. The system manager is responsible for maintaining equilibrium in the mentioned six sub-systems. Two kinds of alternatives paths of technological development viz. land saving technology and labour saving technolog have been studied. Technology is considered as a combination of four basic components viz. facilities, abilities, facts and frameworks. Adoption of innovation in agriculture depends on profitability, awareness, risk aversion, financial capacity, institutional infrastructure, availability of physical inputs and adaptability to the local conditions. For a cast study of Korea, changes in the agricultural system through external challenge dimensions are investigated. The impacts of industrialization on agro-ecosystem reported are shift of labour from the agricultural sector to non-agricultural sectors and continuously increasing demand of farm the agricultural sector to non-agricultural sectors accompanied by increase in land prices. The impacts on the commodity market discussed are shift in demand from rice, barley and other cereals to meat , dairy products and vegetables : and increasing in supply capacity of agricultural inputs. The process of agricultural development from 1962 to 19 1 9 (i.e. from start of the first to the end of the sixth five year plan) are also discussed in details with several policy measures taken. The trend of agricultural income and productivity are also analyzed. The main cause of increase in the agricultural income is considered as increase in labour productivity. The study revealed that during the span of 1965-88, holding size has not changed significantly, but both the land and labour productivity increased and so did the agricultural income. R&D activities in Korea have changed over time in three stages vix. import of improved technology, localization by adaptive research and technological mastery. For the new technology to be made affordable to farmers, policy measures like fertilizer and food grain exchange system, dual price system in rice and barely and loan for machinery were strengthened.
Effective machine capacity is affected by the physical and geometrical conditions of the fields. In the small and scattered farmland structure field efficiency is greatly influenced by plot geometry. In this paper, a method for estimating field efficiency and effective machine capacity was developed . The developed method was applied to Korean paddy cultivation. Various time elements related to farm operations for small and scattered plots are discussed in this paper . Available working time is divided into two parts, viz. the preparation time for machine operation and actual working time. Two kinds of machine efficiencies, namely , Machine Efficiency 1, applicable on a single large plot or set of well consolidated plots ; and Machine Efficiency 2, applicable on small and scattered multiple plots, are considered. Based assumptions made and steps followed to construct the model are discussed. Effective capacity of each machine based on different plot geometries are calculated y the model. Machine efficiency on a single plot increases with increase in the dimension of longer side of the plot . Low speed, low theoretical capacity machines have higher machine efficiency which is only slightly influenced by plot geometry. As plot geometry is improved , the machine efficiency of high speed, high capacity machines increases rapidly. The effects of short side length and plot size on machine efficiency on a single plot depend on the type of farm operation. For a particular plot shape, as plot size increases, machine efficiency on multiple plots increases rapidly. The effects of consolidation on machine efficiency is highly significant if the plot size is small and/or machine size is large.
The shortage of agricultural labour due to industrial growth has greatly induced the mechanization in Korean agriculture. However small and scattered land holdings have been the main constraints in the process of mechanization. This paper describes the interrelationships of farm land structure, machinery selection and machinery operation areas. The sandy silt loam irrigated paddy land having single crop a year was selected as a target areas for this study. Machine operation cost is greatly influenced by operation period, plot geometry and operation area. On the improved geometry plots, optimal machine size increases slowly with increase in operation area. Operable area increases due to increased effective machine capacity on better geometry plot. The difference between the effects of operation period and plot geometry is that in the former case, the cost reduction is caused by delay in increase of machine size, whereas in the latter case timeliness cost is reduced by increase ffective capacity. The effect of farmland consolidation is greater on small plots than that on big plots. Increasing wage rates have induced the adoption of more labor saving machinery. Bigger labor saving machines require enlargement of operation area and larger plots through improvement in farm land structure. Machine cost on poor plot geometry increases more rapidly than that on the good plot geometry and as operation area increases machine cost reduces significantly. It is concluded that the development of agricultural mechanization ion Korea will depend on the improvement in farm land structure and enlargement of operation area.
The rapid industrial growth, the consequent shortage of farm labour and increase in their wage level have facilitated more capitalized agricultural mechanization pattern in Korea. The efficiency of capital intensive machine is highly dependent on farm land structure. This paper describes a model explaining the relationship between farmland structure and required inputs for machine operation and to estimate required inputs for machine operation on the national basis for Korea for its paddy production system. The machine cost is closely related to operation area, but the required labour-hours are more related to machine type adopted . From the technology introduction point of view, if capital intensive machine is introduced, less labour-hours are required but machine kW-hours increase rapidly. From the plot geometry point of view, on good geometry plots, machine kW-hour and labour-hour required are less than that on the poor geometry plots. The kW-jhour per hectare of mechani al energy input id better indicator of mechanization level than kW per hectare or number of machine. If the adopted technology is more capital intensive and plot geometry is good, the cost reduction effect is highly significant.
A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of enamel coating on boat hull drag. The results were compared with drag required for varnished uncoated boats. Models of rice barge and fishing boat were used in this study. The speed range of 0.6 to 1.5㎧ at different loads varying from 6 to 9 kg for rice barge and 4.6 to 6.4kg for fishing boats were used during testing. The total weight of the coated and uncoated boats were kept the same. It was observed that the drag force required by the coated boats was less than identical uncoated ones at all speeds and loads. For both uncoated and coated the drag required increased with speed. The maximum recorded reductions in drag were 26% for the rice barge and 28% for the fishing boat model.
The formulated mechanization packages for grain maize production have performed to the expected limit generating encouraging information. Besides physical feasibility , management factors viz ; production operation sequence, operations scheduling and machinery matching with respect to environment can still limit system suitability. A new production operation sequence was introduced to overcome weed problems and limitations of available working days. Proper operations scheduling will improve the initial soil-crop environment for better seedling establishment, and reduce the (). been identified as key factors to reduce capital investment and cost of proudction .
In this papers analysis is made on the restrictive factors for agricultural mechanization . Experiences and lessons is summed up. Meanwhile, guiding principles is proposed for pushing forward the mechanization of agricultural.
The standard of agricultural mechanization is one of the important indicators for measuring the realized degrees of agricultural modernization in some regions. The Pearl river delta is most fertile, and thereby reputed as a land of fish and rice in the province. Studying the proceedings, profits and experiences of agricultural mechanization in the region obviously possesses the generally guiding significance for Guangdong to realize agricultural modernization by the year 2010. this paper involves these fields such as duainage, irrigation, harrowing, harvesting, transportation, processing and etc, in the Pearl River Delta, Results show as follows: (1) 80% work load in main production links has been mechanized ; (2) changed took place in traditionally agricultural production means and ways so took place in traditional agricultural production means and ways so that individual farmer in this region became commercial producer and then march toward commodity production of moderniza ion with high yields, good guality and high profits ; (3) further taping production potential to improve land output and labour productivity. Results also show that the degrees of agricultural mechanization in the Pearl River Delta are closely related to government' spolices, finance, moderate land scale management, rural industrialization and machine utility as well as talent training, shortage of which will surely; affect the proceeding of agricultural mechanization. Therefore, government must be urged to guarantee it by preferential policies and financial loan so as to greatly run rural industry, to create conditions for land scale management, to set up the socialized service system of agricultural mechanization, to actively train scientific talents and to introduce advanced equipments and technology from aborad in order to quicken the progress of agricultural mechanization in this regions.
In this paper , a historical review of agricultural mechanization in Guangdong is taken and the present situation and restricting factors are analyzed. The developmental orientation and objectives by 2010 are worked out, while measures necessary for quickening the progress of agricultural mechanization in this province are also suggested.
Following the transfer of China's economy from planning to market economy, it is necessary to develop and strength the service system for agricultural mechanization . The current situation of the service system was investigated and some suggestions are proposed in this paper.
Pipe drainage is one of the effective slope protein works that can be adopted practically. As fine soil particles are suspended in percolating water, the strainer structure of under drain pipes in necessary to prevent the immediate clogging by soil suspension flow. This study deals with the effective strainer structure of under drain pipes for slope protection. The effective strainer structure of under pipes is the funneled strainer in which pore radius is enlarged toward flow direction. It is designed from the rheological properties of soil suspension flow which prevents the immediate clogging. Experimental results showed that the pipe drain discharge through the funneled strainers was larger than that through the constant pore radius strainers. This theorectial and experimental results indicate that the strainer with enlarged pore radius toward flow direction, is more effective than the strainer with constant pore radius.
The successful design of several types of motorcycle power take off (M-pto) has opened possibilities for the use of a range of attachments matched to the power of the more popular motorcycle models in Asia. This paper reports on the implementation of the motorcycle power-take-off for low-speed and high speed applications utilizing some existing IRRI machines.
As results of not selecting and using farm well pump properly , it's running regime is far away from high efficient zone and running efficiency of farm well pump is lower. The paper analyses unhealthy tendencies of technical state of diving-electric pump, deep well and centrifugal pump which are commonly used in our country. The paper also summarizes several technical innovation plans to raise efficiency : stage change plan, diameter change plan, speed change plan and synthetic technical innovation . Each plan gives a detailed introduction of designing and construction manners, through practical measuring , the synthetic efficiency of innovated well pumps raise above 30 percent. Economic benefit is evident.
IRRI Engineering Division has developed a well drilling rig attachment that matched power tiller or hand tractor. It was designed in response to the growing demand for ground water utilization for small-scale irrigation, especially in drought-sticken and rained farms in Asian countries. The power tiller-driven rig can drill 30 meters of 100mm well in an unconsolidated formation in one day and can be rapidly converted from rotary to jetting or to the percussion method of drilling to suit different soil and rock formation. In addition, the power tiller can be quickly installed or removed from the rig frame and can be used for transporting the rig to other sites. The rig can be dismantled into smaller sub-assemblies for carrying by hand into less accessible areas. One manufacturer in Central luzon Philippines has started to produce the rig for well drillers in Central Luzon. The Department of Agriculture in the Philippines have procured thirty three(33) units of these machines f r their Shallow Tubewell program.
Xinjiang locates on the Middle Eurasia. Droaght features Xinjiang's climate , especially during the spring sowing season. Therefore, efficiency irrigation system is indispensable to Xinjiang farming. Furrow orborder irrigation system has replaced flooding irrigation. In farmland , new irrigation methods have been developed and introduced to more fields. This article introduce tow sowing machines for new irrigation methods. (1) Furrow or border grain drill : (2) On-firm irrigation drill.
The paper presents the experimental studies on the effectiveness of some vibration isolators developed for reducing transmission of vibration from the powered knapsack sprayer to the back and shoulders of the operator. A test rig was used to conduct detailed experimental studies on the powered knapsack sprayer mounted on it and fitted with different vibration isolators. Structural features of vibration isolators have been presented and their effectiveness of isolating transmission of vibration, from the engine-blower of the sprayer to its main frame and the operator, has been presented and discussed. Vibration measurements and analyses made by using B & K equipment have proved that the vibration isolators are quite effective in reducing the vibration transmission. The operators felt much less discomfort when they used the sprayer fitted with the isolators developed for the purposes, as compared to the existing arrangement.
History , achievement and future of direct-wet-rice-seeding technique in Korea and problems encountered in on-farming research were introduced. Some farmers are very eager to lower production cost and save labor. Their effort results in several direct-wet-seeding methods and seeding machines. The design problems and improvement points related to the direct -wet-rice-seeding machines were drawn out of field test.
A kinetmatic stirling engine with a domed heater was designed, fabricated and test. In designing and fabrication of the engine various problems were confronted and solved. Among various parts of the engine, cooler and main seal needed sophisticated techniques to fabricated in order to prevent leakage of working gas from the parts and to ensure their proper functions in the engine. The engine had a series of experiment at various working gas pressure, heater temperatures and engine speeds to evaluate its performance. Indicated and brake power outputs and indicated and brake thermal efficiencies were determined from the experimental data. The engine resulted a little inferior performance to that of the GPU-3 engine of which performance was well reported . Several recommendations were made to improve the performance of the engine during the evaluation of its performance.
The model of rotary tillers under side loads established here is statically in determinate system. By means of FEM method, the deformation of side gearbox and right side board are calculated. Therefore the side deformations of rotary tillers under different lateral loads are discussed systematically. The results show that the rotary tiller system would bear the loads and deform unequally. Author's calculation also indicates that the lateral deforming values of right side board and side gearbox are almost the same, and more than 98% of the loads is born by the side.
In order to improve the adaptability of rice transplanter to seeding with different length when transplanting multicropping rice in south China. The seedling separating planting mechanism is resynthesized in the paper. According to the agronomy requirements of seedling's transplanting, optimum motional path of the tip point of planting needle is obtained. by applying the established kinematic model of the separating planting mechanism, the relevant software is compiled. On the basis of the features of the problem, the constrained optimization method is utilized to solve the problem with 24 restrictions. Thus, the optimum structure parameters are obtained to satisfy the path points accurately.
Taking a bledes axle of rotary tiller as a example, this paper discusses influences of four loading essential factors, which are strengthened amplitude, cycle times, loading sequence and loading frequency. in fatigue life. Determination principles of above four factors and monitoring methods of fatigue damage by local strain are dealt with. The actual field testing check of farm machinery is rapidly simulated by laboratory program fatigue test can shorten the period of development and improvement of a product. In the time of in-door simulation test, damage monitoring and four loading essential factors, which are strengthened amplitude , cycle times, loading sequence and loading frequency, have to be dealt with . If these problems are solved successfully, it is possible to accelerated test speed, reduce costs and manhours, and raise accuracy of test result. However strengthening method, loading pattern and influence of loading frequency on test result have not so far been discu sed systematically, damage monitoring is even more a difficult problem. Authors have studied above problems with the object of blades axle of rotary tiller.
A portable torque and power measurement system for small farm equipment based on instrumented pulley was developed. The prototype pulley was machined from mild steel, with spokes serving as strain beams. Strain gages mounted to the spokes sense the bending strain due to the torque and convert this into millivolt output. Calibration results showed the torque-millivolt relationship was linear, while hysterisis and error were less than 1% fs. For power measurements, an additional tachmeter with dcvoltage output is necessary. With the tachometer , error in power measurement was +-1.03W or 0.2% fs. Field tests showed that for ease of installation, no machine alteration needed and safety, this system had advantage over other methods for small farm equipment.
A direct draft measurement system was developed based on the swingle tree- the rear component of the single-animal harnessing (or yoking) system . The prototype was made from a tube, on which four strain gages were attached. The pull of the draft animal through the flexible pull chains or ropes causes the beam to bend, The bending strain is sensed by the strain gages and the bridge converts this to a voltage signal. Counterweights keep the tube correctly oriented if the angle of pull changes , while end bearing follow the variations in the angle of pull. Hence, the voltage output is proportional to the draft. the device has highly linear response, acceptable sensitivity negligible error and hysteresis. It is suitable for electronic data acquisition, non-intrusive , easy to attach and detach and is reasonably priced.
The forces acting on tractor three-point linkage were analyzed including the rear cover action of a rotary tiller which is ignored usually. The relation of link force and tillage resistance is expressed as a linear form. The link forces vary with tilling torque from negative force to positive in the free-link, though in the fixed-link they increase without change of force sign. The effects of the rear cover resistance appeared in the link forces in the fixed-link.
Okinawa Prefecture is located in the southernmost part of Japan and has a subtropical climate. A lot of tropical fruits such as pineapples, mangoes and papayas are produced. Pineapples were mainly supplied to the canning industry. Since April 1990, the Japanese Government released the foreign trade restriction of canned pineapples and pineapple juice in accordance with GATT. Okinawan Farmers have been expanding the customers from the processing industry to the fresh market. During the recent year, fully mature, high quality pineapples which have 15 Brix in sugar content are produced in green houses on Okinawa. Prices are 2 to 3 times those of the imported pineapples. At present, they are sorted manually, and this sorting might cause the pineapples to lose their reputation. NIR applied fruit sorters have been developed and operated for apples and peaches in Japan . NIR applied tests were carried out to consider the feasibility into the NIR technique for measurement of the NIR a alysis suggests adequate correlations between sugar content and NIR reflectance properties of pineapples and mangoes.
In order to evaluate the quality of peaches non-destructively, the surface color and spectral reflectance of KURAKATAWASE, MIBAEKTO and OKUBO cultivar were measured. Also an attempt was made to correlate reflectance characteristics with quality evaluation parameters such as chlorophyll, anthocyanin , soluble solid , and firmness.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of the non-destructive quality evaluation for food by the acoustic non-linear parameter B/A which is a measure of the non-linearity of the state equation of the medium in terms of pressure and density. The B/A of water, corn oil O/W(oil in water) emulsion and milk were measured by using a sound velocity measuring system. The B/A value of water was measured for ascertaining reliability of our experimental system. Corn oil W/W emulsion was prepared as a model of milk . It was proved that the B/A value of O/W emulsion was related to the oil concentration by a law of mixture. We applied this result to milk and obtained satisfactory results for predicting the milk fat concentration.
The purpose of this study is to develop a crop-row detector which can be applied to an automatic row following control for cultivators or thinning machines. In this report, a possibility of new crop-row detecting method was discussed. This detecting method consists of two principal means. One is the hardware means to convert the two dimensional crop-row vision to the compacted one dimensional information. The conversion is achieved by a color line sensor and a rotating mirror. In order to extract crop-row , R and G signals of RGB color system are used. The locations of two different points on the target row are detected by this means. Another is the software means to estimate the offset value and the heading angle between the detector and the target row which can be assumed as a straight line. As a result of discussion, it was concluded that this detecting method would be accurate enough for practical use.
For more accurate height/depth control of the agricultural implements , the soil surface as a reference position should be measured as accurate as possible. A new measurement system using microwave was developed to detect the true soil surface even under plant and/or vegetation. Two-frequency continuous-wave radar was used as the measurement system. It could estimate the distance to the target by measuring the phase difference between two different frequencies continuous-waves which reflected on the target surface. The system performance was evaluated on the barely field where the average height of barley was 91.5 cm. The experimental results showed that the system performance was not affected by the existence of barely. The maximum measurement errors were 8.91 com and 8.44cm for two different experimental plots.
A non-contact sensor for detecting distance from field surface to a predetermined location of a tractor will be useful to control precise height of implements such as tillage machinery, mowers etc.. An optical and an ultrasonic sensors were designed and fabricated . The indoor and outdoor experiments were conducted to obtain the static and dynamic characteristics of the two sensors at several moisture levels of four soils and on the soil surface with a designed shape. The results revealed that the optical sensor is unsuitable for soils with high moisture content but showed better detecting accuracy on the irregularity of soil surface.
Identification of rice paddy fields and estimation of their areas from the images taken by LANDSAT-5/TM were attempted. The results were verified by aerial photographs and also by ground observations. Changes of the spectral characteristics of rice plants were measured with a portable spectroradiometer during the growth period. Analyzing these characteristics, an index was developed for evaluating the growth and the yield of rice . Applying the index to the data observed by LANDSAT-5.TM on Sep. 26, 1986, Oct .20, 1989 and Sep, 21, 1990, it was confirmed that the estimated derived from the index agreed with actual values. The results well demonstrated its feasibility for evaluating the yield of rice by a satellite like LANDSAT-5/TM.
Two field test installations are discussed. In the first one a new ammonia sensor and an accurate ventilation rate sensor are combined. They are installed in the exhaust chimney in a ventilated pig house. The relative humidity and the room temperature are measured as well. In the second one, an in situ NH
$_3$ longrightarrowNO converter with subsequent NOx analyser is also being added for accurate ammonia measurement . In this way , the continuous measurement of the total NH$_3$ emission can be obtained , the performance of the NH$_3$ sensor can be evaluated, and the ammonia reduction techniques can be tested. The outputs of measurement are fed into a data acquisition system then to a PC in the laboratory. There has been realised the first test installation with which research on the new ammonia sensor is carried out. The primary research results are presented. -
This paper presents the progress of the development of a nondestructive technique for the classification of normal, septicemic , and cadaver poultry carcasses by the Instrumentation and Sensing Laboratory at Beltsville, Maryland, U.S.A. The Sensing technique is based on the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of poultry carcasses.
Air shipment affords the quickest possible delivery of horticultural products. The price of air shipped horticultural products are relatively high as most of these products are perishable. Usually the temperature in the cargo compartment is not controlled during flight. Thus, special attention should be paid to procooling prior to shipment. The environmental condition during transportation of horticultural products is an essential parameter for maintaining the quality of perishable products. Commonly horticultural products were loaded by ULD(Unit Load Devices) as a container or pallet in the aircraft (except for small aircraft) . Therefore, inside temperature of the container and cargo compartment came into question. Scarce literature on the relationship between environmental condition and quality changes of horticultural products during air shipment can be found. By the stand point of keeping fresh quality, investigations on the actual condition of air shipments were carried out to improve the technique during the distribution process of fresh horticultural products. Temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, carbon dioxide, ethylene, impacts, and changes in quality during the air shipment of snapbeans, okras and chrysanthemums were measured. Temperature was measured by recording thermometers, relative humidity by recording hygrometers, atmospheric pressure by a strain -guage type pressure sensor, carbon dioxide by testing tubes, ethylene by sampling bags and a gaschromatograph, impacts and vibrations by impact recorders and a 3D accelerometer. Relationships between environmental conditions and quality changes during air shipments were clarified. It was expected from investigations into actual shipments that the ventilation and insulation properties of air freight containers were related to the quality of agricultural products. Aircraft can no directly load and unload trucks into them. The transshipment is inclined to cause shocks and vibrations, and to invite damages within a short time.
The changes of quality of Fresh Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) was studied in this research work by investigating the effect of low
$O_2$ content and high$CO_2$ content, well known as CA Treatment in storage, on the respiration rate and PPO Activity that was the main factor in Shiitake quality decay. CA Condition was conducted in 3 research periods that combined the$O_2$ content(1%, 5% and 10%) and$CO_2$ content (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) and air treatment as the control. The lower$O_2$ content was the lower respiration rte that was showed in combination the lower respiration rate that was showed in combination of 20%$CO_2$ and 1%$O_2$ (the lowest), and the control air treatment was the highest . Very low$O_2$ content, conversly, did not show a satisfying result to the product. -
Coolstore air relative humidity (RH) is an important factor affecting the quality of horticultural products, particularly via product moisture loss. RH also has an important effect on the performance of the refrigeration evaporators and can affect the strength of paper-based packaging materials. In a large New Zealand apple coolstore, RH increased from about 75% early in season to 90% at the end, as activities in the coolstore and external conditions changed. A steady-state analysis of sensible and latent heat entry and heat removal during four typical operational periods over the season was carried out. Predicted RH was in good agreement with measured dat. For the coolstore studied, evaporator surface area and the occurrence of pre-cooling within the coolstore were the design and operational factors having greatest effect on RH. Door protection and management, and floor insulation were the next more significant factors. The method of analysis has more general application and ould be used in a variety of situations so that design for optimum RH can be performed systematically.
Direct freezing tests of soybean seed by liquid nitrogen were carried out at various moisture contents and the following important conclusions were drawn from the results of temperature measurements of soybean seed and photographs of bubbles generated on its surface : 1) Assuming that the temperature gradient in a soybean seed is negligible because of its small seed size and the freezing ratio is followed the Heiss's formula, and a differential equation based on the heat energy balance was introduced . The equation was easily solved by the Runge-Kutta-Gill method and the predicted values of the temperature were in good agreement with the observed data. 2) The photographs of bubble generation during freezing showed the boiling mode was nucleate, and then the most suitable formula on the nucleate boiling heat transfer was introduced from many formulate proposed up to now by fitting the calculated values based on the formula to the observed data. The formula used for the predict on of the seed temperature was as follows:
$\frac{{\partial}T_s}{\partial\theta}\;=\;-\frac{{\alpha}(T_s\;-\;T_L)^{3.3}}{W(C_s\;-\;\frac{{\delta}m(CT_s\;+\;{\sigma})}{T_s^2})}$ where C = difference of the specific heat between pure ice and water m=moisture content of soybean seed$T_s$ = seed temperature$T_L$ = Temperature of liquid nitrogen W = mass of soybean seed$\alpha$ = proportional constant$\delta$ = constant depends on variety or the type of seed$\theta$ = time$\sigma$ = latent heat of melting of pure ice This study will give important information in the hydro-freezing technique by liquid nitrogen, available as a new technique of processing agricultural products in the near future. -
Two types of solar energy-latent heat storage system have been developed to minimize the fossil fuel consumption and maximize the solar energy utilization in greenhouse heating during the winter season. The one was installed on the greenhouse floor, and the other in the underground of the greenhouse . Sodium suphate decahydrate was selected as a highly concentrative solar energy storage medium and its unstable thermophysicla properties were adjusted by some additives. Thermal efficiency of them was analyzed by numerical and experimental method.
Improving the legal system is one of the key points in strengthening the control of environment . The coordination of economic development with environment protection and the legislation in Guangdong since 1980 is described. Some proposals for stimulating the economy by enhancing the environment protection in accordance with the law are offered.
For satisfactory greenhouse culture, environmental factors must be kept in proper conditions. Therefore, it is important to know relations between environmental conditions and greenhouse systems. In this study, the environment variations and distributions in different types of greenhouses were measured and analyzed. The elements of environment analyzed were temperature , relative humidity, illumination, carbon dioxide and wind velocity. The analyzed greenhouse types were three different types. One of them, A type, was propagation model type by government and the other one, B type, was multiple continuous arches type which was made by farmers himself. The last one, C type, was single arch type which has no environment control system without manual temperature keeping method. The results of this study can be used for reasonable greenhouse environments managements and control.
In order to establish a fully automatized pest control in the a greenhouse , the authors developed a prototype of microcomputer installed spraying vehicle which traveled along the furrows. Since a power sprayer mounted on the vehicle was driven by gasoline engine, plants grown in the greenhouse might be injured by the gas exhausted from the engine. Thus , effects of exhausted gas on photosynthetic rate and the shedding of flowers and buds of plants were examined. At first, effects of exhausted gas on photosynthetic rate of potted sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and eggplant(Solanum melongena L.) plants were examined. In a closed vinyl house the engine was operated for 5 minutes and plants were exposed to the gas for 2hours in the daytime on a fine day. Photosynthetic rate did not significantly decreased by the treatment in both species. Secondly, effects of ehtylene on the shedding of flowers and buds of sesame (Sesamum indicum L. ) were examined. In the closed and partiall opened vinyl house, the engine was operated for 5 minutes and potted sesame plants were exposed to the gas for 12 hours in the night. In partially opened vinyl house, ethylene concentration decreased to 0 ppm 3 hours after the engine was stopped and flower and bud did not shed. In contrast, when vinyl house was closed ethylene concentration was 0.75 pm even 12 hours after the engine was stopped and flowers and buds shed markedly and epinasty was observed in upper young leaves. As mentioned above , it was revealed that injury of plants in the greenhouse caused by the gas exhausted from a gasoline engine could be prevented by providing suitable ventilation.
In China, the membrane greensheds are chiefly for yielding vegetables, using simple & easy methods to control the microclimate. The yield of the vegetable is raised & the lack of variety of vegetable in the slack season is overcome. This paper presents the general planning , the environmental control and the reformed designs of such greenshed in China.
This study was carried out to develop an environment -controlled vegetable growth system. The control objects considered were light, temperature, humidity,
$CO_2$ concentration and the conditions of nutrient solution such as pH , EC and dissolved oxygen. A monitoring system was developed to measure the above environmental factors, fresh weight and$CO_2$ consumption rate. The overall performance of the developed system was reasonably acceptable for vegetable growth. by the lettuce growing test, it was shown that the developed system had a good repeatability , and the growth responses could be measured satisfactorily. -
In farms, forestry centres and greenhouses, the system can be used in growing seedlings of crops , breeding of plant and vegetables in cold areas. It may control all the activities automatically in temperature, humidity , sprinkling and heating. This is a closed-cycle control system controlled automatically by single-chip microcomputer. (MCS-51) The purpose of this system is to shorten the experimental cycle of crops , improve the survival rate of crops breeding, and ensure the growth of vegetables in the cold areas. Therefore, it can be used widely.
The development of composting techniques is essential to the low input sustainable agriculture. This paper resents an evaluation of composting system, compost materials, aeration & temperature effects, compost maturity , and operational concerns for compost utilization. The composting of organic waste is markedly affected by the nature of the feedstock and the operational temperature employed for the process. These two major parameters are critically examined in this paper, with references to the decomposition of the organic waste. Future research should concentrate on the indications of stability and environmental problems.
Individual farming involving small land parcel (0.5 to 1.0ha) is declining because it is uneconomic and unable to incorporate modern technological innovation to improve its production efficiency. A centrally managed medium scale mechanised rice share farming was implemented at Permatang Pauh, Sebeerang Perai, Malaysia in 1988-1991 for eight seasons on a contiguous 57 ha rice land rented from 100 owners. Ten participants were chosen to participate in this project which perpetuated from revolving fund of MR 165.000. The objective of the project was to overcome problem of production efficiency and to provide a stable income to farmers operating on a medium and full time basis. Mechanisation was given prime emphasis to optime and reduce labour requirement and meeting the targeted crop scheduling. Direct seeding and mechanical transplanting methods of crop establishment were adopted. Land preparations, crop establishment and crop care were done using machineries purchased by the group. Selected participants were trained to operate machineries which composed 2 and 4 wheel tractors, mechanical transplanters, motorised seeders and sprayers. Harvesting and transportation of rice to the mills were done on contractual basis using combine harvesters and bulk handling via 3-4 ton lorries respectively. The net clean yield (less 10-20 percent deduction at rice mills) obtained in such project has contributed to stabilise the production and income of participating farmers.
Three basic experiments in agricultural machinery management , strengthening the construction of socialized service system, facilitating the two-level management system in rural areas and carrying through the principle of " paid service ' are described and the main methods of strengthening agricultural machinery management are developed in this paper.aper.
With the development of modern agriculture, a new cultivating method with high efficiency, good quality and low energy consumption should be developed to satisfy agricultural requirements. After comparing various cultivating patterns and summerizing research results, the submerged up-cut rotary cultivation is predicted to have bright futures and still some problems need to be solved.
The response of salt affected rice soils to salinity reclaimation by flushings and chemical amelioration by lime and gypsum were evaluated . Soils with good drainage system responded well to simple reclimation . The effects of seawater intrusion were reduced efficiently in a very short time. Yields of rice crops recovered to their potential level within one to two seasons of cropping. Soil profile strength was also improved under well drained areas. However, when drainage system was ineffective the problems of salinity and soil strength remained unsolved. Under both condition, water depth management played important role in the survival of rice crop under the sline soil conditions.
In order to reduce the production cost and improve the quality of dairy feed, several dairy feed mill model suitable for Korean farm size are developed. Also, capital requirement and operating costs of the model mill are analyzed. And these analyzed data are compared with the commercial feed production cost, in order to test whether the model mills are suitable or not in Korean dairy farm. Also optimum model is recommended depending on size of dairy farm. As a result, developed model mill(TMR) is very useful in Korea dairy farm not only reduce production cost up to 78% but also improve the qualities.
The constructed closed recycling system discussed in this technical report will be economically viable in future for the production of fish and vegetable in earth, space station and space colony, further, it will contribute a lot in the prevention of pollution in the world's ecological system. To make combined system, water management (Nitrification) is required, and it took 45 days to breed microorganism which facilitates this process. After this period , the recycle was confirmed to be working .Using derived equations, the expected nutrient characteristics of waste water were determined and it was found that the resulting nutrient balance was almost same as that in hydroponic solution when KOH was added to maintain pH level. Reverse osmosis (RO) system could solve the problem of the low nutrient concentration . It was found that plants grow well in fish waste water which was produced using RO system. RO system could combine fish and plant production through the advantageous use of separated high concentration water for plant and permeated water for fish in integrated combined system.
Considerable controversy exists about the trend of animal traction effects on crop production in dryland farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This problem arises on account of the failure of the few available empirical studies to recognise the important of technological experience of the individual adopting farmers. This study hence addresses this issue by examining the effects of experience in animal traction technology (ATT) on farm size, cropping emphasis, total crop output and farm productivity. It is based on farm management survey data on 42 small holder farm households fro Ghana. Thirty of these households used animal traction technology (ATT) fro crop cultivation and the rest, mainly hand-hoe. The animal traction sub-sample is classified into three groups according to farmers' years of experience with the technology , thus , those with 1-2, 3-10, and more than 10. Evidence from the study shows that the progression of years of experience with ATT leads to inten ification of labour and land use systems, enhancement of degree of motivation to enter into the market economy, increases in total crop output and farm productivity resulting for decreases in cultivated acreages. The implication of the findings is that institutioal and technical support that do accompany the introduction of such technologies should be structured to last for a relatively longer period to accomodate the learning process.
With the purpose of labour reduction in tea plucking operation with portable type machine, the influence of frame angles and tea leaves weight on the grasping forces of each finger were investigated. At the measurement of the grasping force of each finger except for thumb, grip strength dynamometers were attached at the grasping position of the frame instead of handle grips. A series of measurement was carried out changing frame angles of the tea plucking machine and the weight of tea leaves. With the obtained results of the experiments , the influences of the frame angles and the weight of the tea leaves on the grasping forces of each finger were analyzed. Some reasonable suggestions for the labour reduction in the tea plucking operation with portable type machine were obtained in the aspect of normalizing the balance of the grasping force on each finger and these suggestions are expected to contribute the labour reduction of the tea plucking operation.
On the basis of the data collected from various fields , the energy input output state in the crop-growing sub-system in Guangdong is estimated and analyzed. Results show that the input of the artificial supplementary energy is approximately 201x105 Kcal/ha. year and the input and output ratio equals 1 : 4.73. Measures for improving productivity and speeding up the development of agricultural mechanization in Guangdong are eventually suggested.
Energy saving is a very important subject for research workers nowadays. While most people are concerning with the modern methods, the authors investigated this problem from another angle- the chinese traditional methods of energy saving. The tunnel with technique and its combination with computer simulation and fuzzy compressive judgement methods are discussed. Earth heat green house, marsh gas, solar energy underground storage system, storing of nature cold sources, have been introduced in this paper.
The so-called northern Agricultural Engineering of Farmer's courtyard Energy Ecological System is a courtyard-type energy ecological synthetic application system, that combines into one the biogas pool, pig house, toilet and plastic -membrane greenhouse in a fully-closed condition in farmer's court yard, a combination of farming with breeding industry, with bioga as the key linkage , by taking full advantage of solar energy and through bioenergy conversion technique in accordance with ecological principle.
Over 40 per cent Indian population needs to be attended for nutritional improvement. Traditional nutritious food resources though abundantly available but presently less used, if incorporated in the diets, can yield low-cost nutritionally balanced diets. The linear programming (LP)model was used for optimization of food resources to satisfy protein -energy requirements of hard working rural poor. Soybean-a highly nutritious food legume-available at reasonably low price was included along with chick -pea and pigeon -pea for comparison .The three cereals predominantly used in Indian diets -rice, wheat and sorghum -and three typical leafy vegetables namely, spinach , drumstick leaves and rajagira (Amaranths paniculantus) leaves were used for optimization . The contribution of food legume was restricted to supply only 50 per cent of daily protein requirement for maximum protein value. The quantities of other food stuffs namely , milk , sugar , tubers etc. were restricted to nati nal per capita availability. the nutrition satisfaction levels in per cent RDA by the model are 149-250 for protein , 51-106 for fat, 134-362 for iron an d143-1158 for Vitamin-A. Quantities of food legumes, cereals and leafy vegetables ranged from 289-601, 3000-3700 and 360-1200 g/day respectively for a reference family of five hard working rural poor. Daily food resources cost ranged from US$ 0.6 to 1.0 for the family. Amongst food legumes, soybean based diet combinations provide maximum nutritional benefits at minimum cost indicating its suitability for wider adoption by hard working poor.
The hydraulic coconut dehusking machine consists of three main parts ie. The frame , the power unit including the hydraulic accessories, the lifting and dehusking mechanisms. Two sets of the hydraulic coconut dehusking machine were developed . their hydraulic and electrical control circuits were connected in series to enable them operating contemporaneously. Two operators are required to operate the machine. Each of them put a coconut on the lifting mechanism in order to start the working cycle automatically. As a result, the nut are immediately pushed up and seized by the holding teeth under the supplement of the hydraulic reducing circuit. After that the dehusking mechanism started operating via the sequence circuit. At the end of the cycle, both mechanisms return to their original positions. Some remaining fibrous is taken out manually from the nut subsequently . The continuous dehusking speed was found to be 22.2 seconds per 2 coconuts.
Two types of baby corn silk detachment systems called fixing and moving baby corn and based on applying frictional force on the silk were developed and evaluated. In the fixing mode the baby corn was fixed on a pin and a hollow frictional cylinder was moved concentrically and vertically along the baby corn towards the branch end. In the moving mode the baby corn was forced vertically towards the tip to pass through the same silk detachment cylinder. Traveling speeds of the detachment cylinder and the baby corn were 44.5 and 166.9 mm/s. In the fixing mode at silk moisture content of 91 % (w.b) silk detachment efficiencies at low and high speeds were 99.1 and 99.2%. The silk detachment efficiencies in the moving mode at low and high speeds were 96.6 and 98.5%. Damaged baby corn at low speed was less than at high speed in both modes. Minimum damage was nil in the fixing mode at low speed and the maximum was 47.5% in the moving mode at high speed. The damaged was due to ovaries r moval at the base near the joint between the baby corn and the branch.
In order to prevent bodily injuries frequently suffered in using bush cutters, especially from spattered stones, we developed a unique new cutting system equipped with a fixed blade on top of the rotary blade, and checked into the mowing performance of the cutter. From experimental test of mowing efficiency and measuring test of physical stress (O
$_2$ consumption and heartbeat rates) , the new cutting system with a fixed blade proved that it keeps good cutting performance with lower peripheral speed of the rotary blade(22m/sec), compared to that of ordinary cutting blade, yielding more safety in operation. Weight of the cutter head is, however, heavier than that of ordinary machine by about 70% which increased a physical stress on the operator with slightly faster heartbeat rates. In mowing along edge of concrete wall, the operator enjoyed using the cutter with no anxiety , owing to function of the fixed blade. -
A mathematical model was developed to quantify the separation process of threshed grain-straw mixtures. It was made to predict the separation loss from a separation unit consisted of stationary crimped sieve with rotating inner rotor. Experiments were performed to prove the mathematical model by changing various levels of pertinent variables for rice. Good Agreement between the simulated results and observed data under the various test conditions, such as inclination angle of the separator, vane pitch, rotor speed, MOG/G ratio, feed rate, and crop variety and moisture content, were confirmed.
A flywheel-type, inclined axis chopper for small-area rice and livestock farmers, has been developed at IRRI Agricultural Engineering, The prototype is belt-driven by a 2.6kW engine and uses four angled blades rotating below a fixed counteredge. Manual feeding is facilitated by a convenient spout presenting the crop to the inclined blade housing and also suction created by the rotating blades . The distance between the rotating blades and the bottom of the housing determines the length of chops, set here for 25 cm. The unit would cost $200 without the engine. Tests with napier grass, corn stalks , and rice straw showed satisfactory performance within the acceptable clearance, speed and moisture content ranges of the material presented. Highest capacities were 1186, 1148 and 744kg/hr for napier grass, corn stalks and rice straw, respectively. Corn stalks required the highest power demand at 2.3kW engine would be adequate as power source. The chopper performance was comparable to higher cost commercial chippers in terms of capacity and specific energy.
A principle for the determination of reel stagger, based on reel kinematics and crop stem deflection , is proposed. Equation derived theoretically and information obtained empirically are combined to obtain an algorithm for the determination of reel stagger. The algorithm has yet to be evaluated on actual combine harvesters in the harvesting mode.
Optimization was considered from three perspectives ; minimum grain loss, minimum damaged grain loss, and minimum power consumption. Factors affecting combine performance were classified as control , adjustable , and environmental. Control and adjustable factors were optimized by the parameter design developed by Tajuchi. Environmental factors were used as input for optimization Optimum range for control and adjustable factors are presented. Parameter design was adequate to obtain the optimum levels of control factors and optimum range of adjustable factors.
An attempt was made to mechanize the infield transportation system in a cocoa plantation. A small trailer was designed and fabricated and used with a commercial 2-wheeled walking tractor modified into a 4-wheeled tractor-trailer unit to suit the plantation conditions. The transporter had a capacity of 800 kg and could be loaded with about 1000 cocoa pods at a time and was well within the towing capability of a 10 hp tractor. Time and motion studies were conducted on a 30 acre, 6 year old cocoa plantation intercropped with coconut to compare manual and the tractor-trailer combination in relation to infield transportation. The total time taken to harvest 80 trees manually was computed to be 24 manuhours per hectare whilst the tractor-trailer combination required 18manhours.
The performances of three same type of vibrating potato diggers were estimated by observing the potato separation and material flow on the bottom plate. Four-bar mechanism were adopted for three diggers and pairs of eccentric cams on both sides of driving shaft were used as driving link of the diggers. Each machine was tested with different amplitudes , frequencies, and travels speeds. Blade performance were observed in three categories : Impossible forward travel , acceptable operation, and unsatisfactory potato digging , but good material flow. Three parameters were used to set marginal values that enable the machines operate for potato digging, and the parameters were compared to select best one. Three parameters are λ,
$\rho$ , and K.λ is the ratio of vibrating speed to travel speed,$\rho$ is the ratio of blade acceleration to travel speed, and K is the ratio of blade acceleration to gravitational acceleration. K value of 2 or more is suggested to be used as design and evalu tion criterion of the vibrating digger. -
A prototype motorised hand-held mango harvester was designed and fabricated at the faculty of Engineering , University of Agriculture Malaysia. The harvester is aimed at reducing the harvesting operation time, improving the working comfort during the operation and increasing the harvesting capacity. The mango harvester consists of gripping and detaching devices, a power transmission shaft with a 12 V battery operated motor and an aluminium pole together with a collecting chute. Preliminary observation on the harvester's performance showed significant and satisfactory results. It was found out that the magno harvester was capable of harvesting on an average six seconds for each fruit detachment. Further study is being conducted to improve the efficiency and capacity of the mango harvester.
We research ed on the noise control of a head feeding type combine harvester. It is a kind of combine harvester developed in Japan. And at present, it is used by most Japanese farmer. For a head-feeding type combine harvester it is very difficult to determine the sources of noise because it is a combination of reapers and automatic , threshers and several running parts. However we succeeded in finding out the sound sources of combine harvesters and analyzing their sound by the using sound intensity method. The sound intensity Method is a very up-to-date method to measure and analyze Sound Intensity Levels and sound directions at several measuring point sin a specified area. In this research, first a conventional sound level measurement method is used and secondly the sound intensity method. The first method shows a rather great limitation in allowed exposure duration. The second method shows pin-points the engine itself as being the main source of noise, causing sound flows a ross the operator's seat.
A precision planting system using computer controlled technology for mulching cultivation was developed and tested . The system consisting of a micro-computer, several optical fiber sensors and control actuators realized the mechanization of the precision planting operation. The film hole positions, existences of a seed on shutter were detected and the planting speed was measured. The shutter opening mechanism and a seed metering device driven by a stepping motor were controlled, automatically . The planting timing of the shutter opening mechanism were analyzed from a video camera motion analysis, theoretically. The results showed a sufficient accuracy of a seed planted into the center a film hole with a variety of planting speeded. The gravity point positions in film hole of seeds planted by the system just were within the area of +-5mm of the hole center when the hole diameter was 40mm.
The system is designed for the production and processing of feed, fertilizer, sugar , and grain. It can be used to weigh and transport automatically their pellet, power or nonstickness materials. In this system, we use discontinuous totalising automatic weighing instruments to weigh materials. It is a closed-cycle control system controlled by industrial controlling computer STD bus. The system used for processing grain and feed can improve the quality of products , carry out scientific management, increase productivity and decrease the intensity of labour
A prototype of the feeding-milking robot was developed in the Hungarian Institute of Agricultural Engineering in 1988-89. Before starting with the operation tests the cleaning system had to be elaborated . The cleaning system has two parts. Those are the complete cleaning of the system, producing a practically sterile state, as well as flushing through the milking device between milking of two cows. Separate electronic sensor development was necessary for both system which can connect to the control system of the robot. To clean the system pneumatic air input was applied. As an effect of the local adjustment of the electronic control system optimal flow conditions can be formed what is more favourable comparing to the earlier solutions of cleaning due to the mechanical effect. In the flushing through overpressure air is applied. The air and the cleaning liquid input duration can be adjusted to the local conditions. The electronic control unit can be connected to the electric ircuits of robot.
Liquid feeding of hogs can be controlled by using feed-level-sensors in the troughs. In this way restricted feeding with computer control of the eating time is possible. For this purpose the feed supplied is adjusted according to the eating time of the previously fed portion. With ad libitum feeding the same sensors can provide for a clean trough once a day and thus help to overcome sanitary problems. The effect of the feeding systems on daily intake and performance of hogs are dealt with.
This paper presents the design of an automatic propellant system model in order to improving tractive performance of tractor. The theoretical basis of automatic control , the characteristics and function of the system, and the kinematic analysis are also discussed.
An autonomous lan vehicle for agriculture(ALVA-II) was developed. A prototype vehicle was made by modifying a commercial tractor. A Navigation sensor system with a geo-magnetic sensor performed the autonomous operations of ALVA-II, such as rotary tilling with headland turnings. A navigation sensor system with a machine vision system was also investigated to control ALVA-II following a work boudnary.
We have developed an agricultural hydraulic robot to operate in the agricultural field. Using the robot, automatic harvesting experiments of watermelon were done. The results are as follows. First, the gripper should be modified its finger. Second, the manipulator and the gripper should be known precisely about dynamic characteristics of them in order to control adequately. Therefore, a new gripper was manufactured on trial by modifying its finger, and in order to known dynamic characteristics of the manipulator and the new gripper, the system identification was carried out with experiments.
Agricultural hydraulic robot which was reported in Part Ⅰ had been developed . The robot satisfied performance to intend before development. For actual use, however, it have been necessary to reduce manipulator weigh and to simplify construction of hydraulic control valve. Then, working stress of manipulator link and pressure fluctuation of hydraulic circuit were measured. Step and frequency response tests were done subject to amplitude of reference voltage of 0.1 , 0.3 , 0.5 and 1.0v. and delivery pressure of 3.5 and 5.0MPa. Working stress were about 25% comparing with fatigue strength, Thus, mass of manipulator might be reduce to 30 %. In hydraulic control system, virtual natural frequency of 6.5Hz is produced from the combination of drain passage area shortage of servovalve. Further , because of passage area shortage , working pressure at both side of cylinder was acted on. This phenomenon prevent utilize effectively engine power. Then, control valve for new model was p oposed.
In this paper, it is reported that manipulator and hand-required for harvesting tomato were studied. At first, basic physical properties of tomato plant were investigated such as position of fruit, length of stems and leaves, width between ridges and son on . Secondly , basic mechanism of articulate manipulators with 5 to 7 degree of freedom were investigated by using evaluation indexes such as operational space, measure of manipulatability , posture diversity and so on. From the results, an articulate manipulator with 7 degrees of freedom was selected and the manipulator was manufactured as a trial according to the mechanism. Thirdly , physical properties about fruit and peduncle of tomato were also researched such as diameter, length , picking force and so on. Based on the properties , tomato harvesting hand with absorptive pad were also made as a trial. Finally, after the hand was attached to the manipulator, harvesting experiment was done in greenhouse . It was observed th t the robot could harvest satisfactorily , not only since the robot adapted to physical properties of tomato plant was manufactured but also since phyllotaxis of tomatoes was so methodical that all fruit clusters emerged in the same direction.
Germinatin and early growth of tobacco seedlings in trays containing many cells is increasing in popularity . Since 100 % germination is not likely , a major problem is to locate and replace the content of those cells which contain either no seedling or a stunted seedling with a plug containing a viable seedling. Empty cells and seedlings of poor quality take up valuable space in a greenhouse. They may also cause difficulty when transplanting seedlings into the field. Robotic technology, including the implementation of computer vision, appears to be an attractive alternative to the use of manual labor for accomplishing this task. Operating AGBOT, short for Agricultural ROBOT, involved four steps : (1) capturing the image, (2) processing the image, (3) moving the manipulator, (4) working the gripper. This research seedlings within a cell-grown environment. the configuration of the cell-grown seedling environment dictated the design of a Cartesian robot suitable for working ov r a flat plane. Experiments of AGBOT performance in transferring large seedlings produced trays which were more than 98% survived one week after transfer. In general , the system generated much better than expected.
With the object of doing mechanical grafting of cucurbitaceous vegetables, the grafting robot was developed in 1989. This robot consists of the following components : feeding wheels, grippers, conveying wheels, cutters , fixing clipper, discharger , controller and power supply. One cycle time to produce a grafted plant is about 3 seconds, Results of some cucumber grafting tests : successful grafting rate of 98 percent and after acclimation, a successful agglutination rate of 95 percent. These techniques are now transferring to the private company. The commercial robot will come into the market in this year.
This study was investigated to evaluate whether brown rice drying could reduce the rice production cost. Characteristics of brown rice drying was experimentally determined. With brown rice drying, the higher energy efficiency could be obtained. Therefore, this method is effective to cost reduction . However, there are some problems , for example occurrence of fissuring and preservation of rice quality.
Three types of solar grain dryers, namely , the solar grain bin dryer, the solar greenhouse rotary drum dryer and small scale solar green house tray dryer, have been tested. The results showed that each type of solar grain dryer has its feature. These solar drying units have three main advantages : (1) Required commercial energy to remove 1Kg moist from rough rice is only 5.3% to 15.8% of the energy consumed by common heated dryer : 2) The area of solar drying system is only about 10% of the area of the sunny ground to give equal drying capacity ; (3) There are good drying quality in the moisture uniform , germination percentage, and grain color.
Experimental were conducted to obtain information on the effect of airflow rates and bed depths on the resistance of coffee cherries and coffee beans available locally (Coffea Liberica). The airflow used were in the range of 0.06 to 0.6 cu. m/s-sq.m. The moisture content of the coffee cherries ranged from 10 % to 50% (wet basis) and that of coffee beans ranged from 12% to 30% )wet basis). Two methods of filling were used i.e. loose fill and packed fill. Pressure drops across the material bed in a vertical column were measured at several depths using inclined manometer. The pressure drop increased directly with air flow rate as well as bed depths. The effects of air flowrates and moisture contents on the resistance in terms of pressure drip per unit bed depth were analysed. The pressure drop per unit depth across the material bed varied slightly due to different depth. The resistance to airflow decreased with the increase in moisture content for loose fill. However, the effect of moisture content is not apparent for packed fill.
Thin-layers of wheat and barley are dried at near-ambient temperatures(3.5
$^{\circ}C$ -5$0^{\circ}C$ ) in order to obtain the intrinsic drying data. The well established apparatus was modified to enable it to record all the sample weight data in still air by using a purpose -built automatically controlled sliding valve. The air could be diverted in less than 0.5seconds and a 7 second period was required to attain a steady weight reading. With this apparatus, very smooth drying curves were obtained. The data of sample weight , drying temperature and dew point temperature wee recorded continuously . The drying process was terminated when the moisture content change in 24 hours was less than 0.004 d.b. This was achieved by drying a sample for about a week . The final points were recorded as the dynamic equilibrium moisture content(EMC). The drying data were than fitted to the exponential Newton model and the dynamic EMC data were fitted to the Modified-Chung-Pfost Model . All the fitted parameters are given and comparison is made with previous published data. The comparisons who that the current drying constants are lower than the previous data, the dynamic EMC data obtained for wheat and barely agree with the previous data. The results show that to obtain the drying constant in the exponential Newton model, adequate drying time is necessary. -
There will be about 0.25 to 0.3billion tons of grain product including rice, wheat and corn etc. each year in China. An energy analysis on grain drying system on which electricity , oil , coal or sun power and batch, tower with thick or thin layer of grain, infra red radiation. fluidized flowing types grain drying systems were made and compared for the sake of energy saving is shown in this paper.
A small scale solar greenhouse tray dryer suitable for one or few farmer households is designed in place of sunny ground to dry various agricultural products. The tests on the drying of paddy, groundnut and radish slices by this drying unit have been made. The results indicated that this drying unit had a good heat collecting property, a low heat consumption (4518.7-5676.1 KJ per kg water removal) , a high heat utilizing efficiency (43.75%-54,25%) , a low operation cost (0.057 kwh-0.078 kwh per kg water removal) and good drying quality.
Boundary element method was used to solve heat conduction problem for predicting temperature distribution in grain storage bin. Temperature of grain in storage is one of the three main abiotic factors, besides the intergranular gas composition and the grain moisture content, that determine the keeping quality and control measures used to protect grain from insects and damaging microflora. Collecting the temperature data at various points in the storage bins at different time of the day over a period of time is one way of finding the temperature distribution, this method requires a lot of time, cost and labour and less efficient. However data so collected serve useful purpose of being used to validate predicted temperature distribution using mathematical models. Mathematical models based on physical principles can potentially predict with accuracy the temperature distribution in a grain storage bin. Using the boundary element model the effect of bin wall material, ambient emperature, bin size etc. on temperature distribution can be studied. A knowledge of temperature distribution in stored grain not only helps in identifying active deterioration , but also gives an indication of potential for detection.
High moisture content of barley seeds, which were carried to the laboratory within 10 minutes after harvest, were stored in air tight bottle at constant temperature, and the individual moisture contents the grains were measured at predecided tim intervals. The theory of predicting the moisture movement between two kinds of different moisture content grains was tried to apply to the prediction of the moisture distribution and tried to apply to the prediction of the moisture distribution and the comparison of the predicted values with the observed dta showed the good suitability of the theory. The shape of the moisture distribution predicted form the theory were similar to the observed ones for the temperature range of 10 to
$50^{\circ}C$ . This study will be useful in designing the mix-storage facility or dryer. -
The objective of this paper was to simulate the effect of intermittent forced aeration on cooling rate of stored paddy. Two-dimensional mathematical models were used to predict temperature in a paddy storage bin subjected to intermittent forced aeration.
A simulation modeling is necessary for the optimal design of a rice processing plant, which consists of a facility (a silo system) of rice drying and storage and a rice mill plant. In a rice processing plant, the production scheduling and the decision on capcity of each unit based on a queuing theory is very important and difficult. In this study a process-oriented simulation model was developed for the design of a rice drying and storage system with SLAMSYSTEM. The simulation model is capable of simulating virtually all the processing activities and provides work schedules which minimize total processing time , mean flow time and bottleneck of the plant system and estimate drying time for a batch in a drying silo. Model results were used for determination the size and capacity of each processing unit and for analyzing the performance of the plant . The developed model was actually applied to construct a grain silo system for rice drying and storage.
A power operated 90.5 hp electric motor) grain flour separator was designed and developed for separation of grain (wheat, corn, chickpea and soybean) flour into various fractions based on the size of the particles of the product. The separator agitating mechanism, feed control, cylindrical separator unit and an eccentric mechanism. The machine was tested for wheat ( variety ; Sujata) flour separation into four fractions, viz ; semolina, Gr-I and II, flour (coarse) and white (fine) flour. Wheat samples (6.8% m.c., db) were first pearled by CIAE pearler for 15.8% bran removal . The pearled wheat grains were then milled for semolina by a burre mill. The product and machine characteristics were determined at different capacities varying from 24 kg/h to 143 kg/h. It was found that 76 kg/h capacity gave reasonably best results in terms of purity and recovery of semolina vis-a-vis the market product. The energy requirement of the machine at no-load was found to be 230 W and at load c nditions, it varied between 36.3-6.4 KJ per kg of fead seperation. The macine could be used by small flour millers small/medium size traders and retailers and other processors for making available various flour products of different particle size in the market for ready use of the consumers.
A power operated (0.5 hp electric motor) grain flour separator was designed and developed for separation of grain (wheat, corn, chickpea and soybean) flour it no various fractions based on the size of the particles of the product. The separator is made of mild steel and consists of a hopper, power driven agitating mechanism, feed control , cylindrical separator unit and an eccentric mechanism. The machine was tested for wheat (variety : Subjata) flour separation into four fraction, viz : semolina ; Gr-I and II, flour (coarse) and white (fine) flour. Wheat samples (6.8% m.c., db) were first pearled by CIAE pearler for 15.8% bran removal . The product and machine characteristics were determined at different capacities varying from 24 kg/h to 143 kg/h. It was found that 76 kg/h capacity gave reasonably best results in terms of purity and recovery of semolina vis-a-vis the market product. The energy requirement of the machine at no-load was found to be 230 w and at load conditio s, it varied between 36.3-6.4kj per kg of feed separation. The machine could be used by small flour millers, small/medium size traders and retailers and other processors for making available various flour products of different particle size in the market for ready use fo the consumers.
land application of sewage sludge requires careful monitoring because of its potential for contamination of surface water and groundwater. A rainfall simulator was used to investigated the effects of freshly applied sludge on runoff of sediment and nutrients from agricultural crop lands. Rain was applied to 16 experimental field plots. A three run sequence was used to simulate different initial moisture conditions. Runoff, sediment and nutrient losses were monitored at the base of each plot during the simulated rainfall events. Sludge was surface applied and incorporated at conventionally -tilled plots and surface applied at no-till plots, at rates of 0, 75, 150 kg-N/ha. No-till practices greatly reduced runoff, sediment , and nutrient losses form the sludge treated plots, relative to the conventional tillage practices. Incorporation of the sludge was effective in reducing nutrient yields at the conventionally-tilled plots. This effect was more pronounced during the third rain torm, with wet initial conditions. Peak loadings of nutrients appeared during the rainstorm with wet initial conditions.
Soil deep loosening technique can improve the soil structure and increase the air permeability and water permeability of soil. It can increase the yield of crops in a large scale, particularly the plants with deep root system. This paper introduced the study on the deep loosening technique of sugarcance in Jinpen Farm where the soil is heavy caly with high ground water table. The implement and method of deep loosing, the experiments and results are include in this paper. The experimental results showed that the yield of sugarcane increased more than 20% after deep loosing.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of tillage and cropping management systems in reducing the movement of nitrate and pesticides in surface and sub-surface flow. Nitrate and pesticides in runoff and sub-surface tile flow have been monitored for two years from fields with various tillage and cropping management practices. Samples have also been obtained along the mainstream of the watershed. Concentrations of nitrate an pesticides differed little among specific sampling locations along the river, but they definitely followed a seasonal cycle. Nitrate concentrations from the tile drains varied considerably between fields depending upon the cropping management systems used, with concentrations varying seasonally as inthe river.
Agriculture in Swaziland is the most important sector of the economy from the stand point of export earning, rural employment and dependency for family food. But, inspite of 65.5 percent of the household being busy in food production for family consumption in Swaziland, the import bill of food and live animals is rising from E119.7268 million in 1987/90 (An.St.Bul.1988) . A typical farm size, based on holding's growing crops, is only 1.93 ha which may prohibit owning a four wheel tractor for farm operations. The traditional hand tools are just not efficient and comfortable to operate in order to exploit full potential of the land. There are over 120.000 draught animals which have potential to be utilized in farming. The two wheel-tractor is another energy source which can be used for many farm-operations.
Further evaluation and modification were done on the new concepts plow (frontal plow), a plow which inverts the soil furrow without lateral displacement . First, kinematics of soil cutting section was analyzed and an experiment was conducted to report draft and power requirement. Second, function of main moldboards was examined and modification was made. As a result of the modification , force applied to the moldboard was reduced, but the furrow inversion became less stable.
In order to derive homogeneous remould soil sample, which is very important for obtaining reliable experimental results in terra-mechanics research, the characteristics of two clay soils at high moisture contents after remoulding treatment were investigated . It was found that with the remoulding process employed the coefficients of variation was less than 1.2% for the soil density and the soil could be treated as fully saturated soil. Therefore, the remoulded and will restore after a period of time. Some suggestiions were given follow the results of the drop cone test.
Field experiments were conducted to determine the optimum combination of performance parameters of a single-shank, tractor-mounted oscillating subsoiler. Tests were conducted at frequencies of oscillation of 3.7 , 5.67, 7.58, 9.48 and 11.456Hz ; amplitudes of 18, 21, 23.5, 34 and 36.5 mm ; and forward speeds of 1.84, 2.19 and 3.42 kmph at moisture content close to the plastic limit of the soil. It was observed that there was a reduction in average draft but an a increase in average total power requirement for oscillating than non-oscillating subsoiling. The draft and power ratios were significantly affected by the forward speed, frequency and amplitude. Their combined interaction expressed in terms of the velocity ratio parameter( the ratio of peak tool velocity and forward speed) however has the strongest influence. At the same velocity ratio, the draft reduction and power increase were less at higher amplitude of oscillation . As the oscillating frequency is increased toward the soil resonance the draft requirement becomes less. For the field conditions tested. the optimum operation was obtained at an amplitude of 36.5mm, frequency of 9.48Hz and speed of 2.19 kmph with a draft ratio of 0.33 and a power ratio of only 1.24.
The effect of loading speed on soil failure was studied by using a high speed triaxial compression test. Tests were conducted at 0.35-6.2m/s loading speed to compress soil specimens of sandy loam at different moisture contents. The axial stress at fracture increased with increase in loading speed up to certain critical speeds, however they decreased as the speed up to certain critical speeds, however they decreased as the speed increased further. Experiments were also conducted in the field of sandy loam soil with the vibrating tillage tool. Tests were done at 0.33-0.85m/s tractor speed oscillating frequency 13.7hz and oscillating amplitude 59mm. The maximum oscillating velocity of tillage tool was 2.5m/s. It was observed that for the oscillating operation, initially draft slightly increased with increase in forward speed and then it decreased .For the non-oscillating operation, draft increased continuously with increase in forward speed. Approach of studying soil failure in the laboratory test can be related to the field experiments.
Current finite element analysis programs for soil cutting process with tillage tools require mainframe computers. Several special treatments in developing a microcomputer FEM program were introduced to increase the capacity for solving large problems and reducing the total time cost. The program was evaluated by solving one 3-D example on a 489 microcomputer. The results showed a close agreement with the laboratory soil bin test.
Many investigations have been carried out concerning tillage tool performance, including energy requirement . Since the performance of tillage could also be evaluated through the change of soil , then it is necessary to investigate the soil cutting process and the pattern of soil failure. This study was conducted using indoor soil bin, STILT (Soil Tillage Tool Interaction) system. The result shows that the soil bin experiments could provide the clear understandings about phenomena of soil failure. The movement of sil , the successive failures was clearly visualized. The relations between the horizontal and vertical forces to the linear motion blade, the shear force on the shear plane which devides soil layer into several segments were indicated by the fluctuation/vibration of the recorded resistance and forces. The results show that the horizontal force(Fx) and vertical force (Fz) develope their frequencies as the change of velocity of blade (10, 20, 40 mm/sec) for each cutting angle (35, 45, 60 degrees). Resultant force of Fx and Fz are much influenced by the cutting angle.
One of the important restraint conditions for determination of rotary tiller parameters is whether the outside of front cutting surface on blade in rotary tiller pushes untilled soil in operation. By theoretical analysis and graphic verification on computer, no sil-push conditions is put forward and formula for calculating the position angle of its bent line derived, as is convenient for selection of rotary tiller parameters and design and drawing of its blade.
This paper discussed the action on soil of two-sided wedge in high speed curve movement, with the emphasis on the deformation of soil and its cutting resistance.
This paper describes the research and development of Walking Tractors and Tillage Implements for Phase I (1991-1992) . The project consists of : (1) the study and need for the development of the walking tractors for Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries ; (2) the comparison in the use of the walking tractors and their transmission systems that are made in Thailand and aborad : and (3) the design of future walking tractors for Asian farmers in developing countries. The design of the walking tractors is concentrated to provide the ease to farmers, especially the elderly and female which will play an important role in the future agriculture of Thailand due to the lack of manpower. In addition , the design of the walking tractors is also aiming for small-scale farmers, the majority that have limited land capital. The walking tractors consist of several components but the most important one is the " Transmission System" . Thus, the research is concentrated in the devel pment an design of the a new transmission system. The new machine , currently developed, is named after the Chulalongkron University as " Chular Walking Tractor " , model SPJS -60. The tractor uses a 6-7 horsepower diesel engine with three forward gears and one reverse gear. The tractor also uses the latest gearing technology so called planetary gearing system with steering clutches system that never been used in any earlier model. The advantages of the planetary gearing system are : (1) the final drive gear can be small, and can be designed to provide higher strength with less wearing resistance, (2) the system eliminates a shaft which is used in other systems, thus reduces the weight and the manufacturing cost . Furthermore, the Chular Walking Tractor has an additional power take off shaft that can be used or linked with other standard agricultural implements.
A study on optimum operation performances of power efficiency, economy and exhaust emissions for a tractor was conducted. A mathematical model of multiple degree polynomial equation was applied to established the function of solid multiple parameter curves for specific fuel consumption (ge), cabon monoxide (CO) ,hydrcarbons (HC) and cabonaceous smoke (Rb). The optimum operation theorems for economy operation indicated by ge and for exhaust emissions described by Co , HC and Rb were obtained from analytical method and performance test data. The optimum operation theorems could exhibit optimum operation working points, curves, and regions. The optimum matching relations of engine speed and transmission parameters were analyzed by using computer simulation methods in accordance with the tractor specifications , actual farm working conditions in a typical drawbar pull work such as plowing , the optimum operation objective function, the ideal transmission ratio, practical gear shif ing positions and practical travel speed of the tractor TN55 medel. The results of the anlayzes indicated clearly that the optimum power efficient operation, energy saving and pollution reducing would be realized if the tractor would be operated according to theoptimum operation methods.
Physical parameters in the forward direction of the tractor , which mainly affects the vibration characteristics of the tractor dynamic model, were able to be identified in a short time by using the Gauss-Newton method with extremum searching based on the data obtained from a forced vibration experiment. It was clarified that a period for the updating of the parameter estimates method has effects on the convergence accuracy of identification for the spring constant in the forward direction of the tractor.
A mathematical model has been developed for the simulation of static stability of agricultural tractors. The model was based on Reichmann's model but modified to improve its shortcomings for practical applications. Two examples of model simulation were presented and showed its usefulness in evaluating the control and stability loss boundaries.
In order to analyze lateral control in the forward manuever of a tractor- trailer combination , a human operator model and a kinematic vehicle model were utilized for the operator/vehicle system. By combining the vehicle and operator models, a mathematical model of the closed-loop operator/vehicle system was formulated. A computer program was developed so as to simulate the motion of the tractor-trailer combination . In order to verify the operator/vehicle system model, the results of the field trials were compared with the simulated results. There was found to be reasonably good agreement between the two.
In order to analyze lateral control in the backward maneuver of a tractor -trailer combination , a kinematic vehicle model and a human operator model with time delay were utilized for the operator/vehicle system. The analysis was carried out using the frequency domain approach. The open-loop stability of the vehicle motion was analyzed through the transfer functions. The sensitivity of the stability of the vehicle motion. to a change in the steering angle, was also analyzed. A mathematical model of the closed -loop operator/vehicle system was then formulated. The closed -loop stability of the operator /vehicle system was then analyzed. The effect of the delay time on the system was also analyzed through computer simulation.
The influence of tire characteristics is investigated by the simulation of an agricultural tractor. First the simulation of the tire is discussed. Different models are proposed and evaluated on their validity and their applicability . Also the practical measurement of some parameters is discussed. In a second paragraph the tractor model used in presented. In a second paragraph the tractor model used is presented. In the third part some results of the simulation are communicated . Beside the normal motions along and around the lateral axis, special attention is attracted on the hop. But one of the conclusions is that the simulation of hop is not possible without non-linear elements.
The objective of this study is to measure contra-retractive adhesion and lift resistance acting on the rim section of a circular wheel for analyses of their effects on the dynamic load. A circular iron wheel was used for experiments. A part of the wheel rim was cut off, and transducers which can measure normal and tangential forces were installed in this section. Experiments were conducted on a laboratory soil bin which was filled with clayey soil under wet and dry conditions. The mechanism of generating contra -retractive adhesion on a circular wheel were analyzed by the experiments and motion analyses of the wheel. Effects of lift resistance on dynamic load were analyzed by measured forces under wet soil conditions in comparison in comparison with those under dry conditions. The showed that a part of the lift resistance were transferred to the dynamic load. These results may become basic data and ideas for analyses of tractor dynamic under wet soil conditions.
The purpose of this study is to propose a new dynamic model of wheels and agricultural tractors through verification of the existence of " lift resistance " and "perpendicular adhesion" which also can be called " contra-retractive adhesion". The existence of these forces was proved through experiments including the development of a sensor which can measure the forces acting on a wheel accurately. Consequently " perpendicular adhesion ratio" which is defined as the ratio of the perpendicular adhesion to the distributed load was observed to be in the range of 0.05 to 0.3. This means the influence of the " lift resistance " is comparable to that of motion resistance in wheel dynamics. The perpendicular adhesion ratio was observed to decrease logarithmically with the increase of ground contact pressure, and to increase linearly with increase of the travel speed of the wheel . Some examples to express the new dynamic model compared to the conventional dynamics are explained.
The Japanese type combine harvester has adopted rubber crawlers for the driving mechanism from first production . However, combine harvesters with movable track rollers in the rubber crawler system have been adopted recently for the purpose of stability at the time of climbing over the footpaths between rice fields, as the results of the machines becoming large. However, the dynamic characteristics of movable track rollers have not been clarified. For this reason, the design of movable track rollers depends on trial and errors. It is known that vibration characteristics of the vehicle with movable track rollers are different from the vibration characteristics of the vehicles with fixed track rollers even though the track roller arrangements are the same. Therefore, the theoretical analyses of movable track rollers must be hurried in order to formulate a reasonable track roller arrangement design. the authors have studied the vibration characteristics of the rubber crawler ve icle with fixed track rollers. in this study, the dynamic model of the vehicle with movable track roller sis compared with the dynamic model of the vehicle with fixed track rollers. Next, motions are simulated to analyze the movable track rollers by expanding the motion equation which were constructed for the dynamic model of the fixed track rollers.
Test of Caterpillar Challenger 65 tractor which has rubber tracks, and articulated four wheel drive tractor with dual wheels and a mechanical front wheel drive tractor were conducted on an unplowed and plouwed wheat stubble field. The following parameters were analyzed : tractive efficiency (ηv), net tractive coefficient (
$\phi$ n), slip ($\sigma$ ) , drawbar pull(Fv), drawbar power (Pv) and forward velocity(v). The maximum net tractive coefficient was established at the tractive efficiency of 0.60 on the unplowed wheat stubble field : for the Challenger 65 tractor 0.855 ; 4WD 0.624 and MFWD 0.534 and on the plowed wheat stubble field with the tractive efficiency of 0.40 for the Challenger 65 tractor 0.82 : 4WD 0.57 and for tractor MFWD 0.48. -
The authors propose in this research the equation to calculate the velocities, accelerations and penetration angles of the locus of lug motion for the rubber crawler mechanism. In these equations with some values of factors, motion characteristics of all points or faces of the lug in the front-half a rubber crawler. After that we also consider the reactionary force from the soil to the lug by computing the removed soil area for the purpose of understanding a relation between crawler lug and the soil in the terms of estimating trafficability.
The shape optimization procedure applying finite element method was carried out for the specific purpose of analysis of a tractor chassis frame. Minimization of the mass as an objective function is executed under multiple constrained conditions of nodal displacements and stresses. The optimization process executions were succeeded in converging into single optimum solution. Although mass reduction and stress alleviation were attained by 40% and 26 to 24% respectively , the geometry of the shape is so complicated for fabrication that the refinement of the geometry is of necessity.
An advanced design environment , which is based on adaptive and knowledge -based finite elements (INTELMESH), has been developed. Unlike other approaches, INTEMMESH incorporates the information about the object geometry as well as the boundary and loading conditions to generate an
${\alpha}$ -priori finite element mesh which is more refined around the critical regions of the problem domain. INTEMMESH is designed for planar domains and axisymmetric 3-D structures of elasticity and heat transfer subjected to mechanical and thermal loading . It intelligently identifies the critical regions/points in the problem domain and utilize the new concepts of substructuring and wave propagation to choose the proper mesh size for them. INTEMMESH generates well-shaped triangular elements by applying trangulartion and Laplacian smoothing procedures. The adaptive analysis involves the intial finite elements analyze and an efficient${\alpha}$ -posteriori error analysis involves the initial finite element anal sis and an efficient${\alpha}$ -posteriori error analysis and estimation . Once a problem is defined , the system automatically builds a finite element model and analyzes the problem though automatic iterative process until the error reaches a desired level. It has been shown that the proposed approach which initiates the process with an${\alpha}$ -priori, and near optimum mesh of the object , converges to the desired accuracy in less time and at less cost. Such an advanced design/analysis environment will provide the capability for rapid product development and reducing the design cycle time and cost. -
In a case of mushroom (Lentinus Edodes L.) , visual features are crucial for grading and the quantitative evaluation of the growth state. The extracted quantitative visual features can be used as a performance index for the drying process control or used for the automatic sorting and grading task. First, primary external features of the front and back sides of mushroom were analyzed. And computer vision based algorithm were developed for the extraction and measurement of those features. An automatic thresholding algorithm , which is the combined type of the window extension and maximum depth finding was developed. Freeman's chain coding was modified by gradually expanding the mask size from 3X3 to 9X9 to preserve the boundary connectivity. According to the side of mushroom determined from the automatic recognition algorithm size thickness, overall shape, and skin texture such as pattern, color (lightness) ,membrane state, and crack were quantified and measured. A portion of t e stalk was also identified and automatically removed , while reconstructing a new boundary using the Overhauser curve formulation . Algorithms applied and developed were coded using MS_C language Ver, 6.0, PC VISION Plus library functions, and VGA graphic function as a menu driven way.
Visual features of a mushroom(Lentinus Edodes L) are critical in sorting and grading as most agricultural products are. Because of its complex and various visual features, grading and sorting of mushrooms have been done manually by the human expert. Though actions involved in human grading looks simple, a decision making undereath the simple action comes form the results of the complex neural processing of the visual image. And processing details involved in the visual recognition of the human brain has not been fully investigated yet. Recently, however, an artificial neural network has drawn a great attention because of its functional capability as a partial substitute of the human brain. Since most agricultural products are not uniquely defined in its physical properties and do not have a well defined job structure, a research of the neuro-net based human like information processing toward the agricultural product and processing are widely open and promising. In this pape , neuro-net based grading and sorting system was developed for a mushroom . A computer vision system was utilized for extracting and quantifying the qualitative visual features of sampled mushrooms. The extracted visual features and their corresponding grades were used as input/output pairs for training the neural network and the trained results of the network were presented . The computer vision system used is composed of the IBM PC compatible 386DX, ITEX PFG frame grabber, B/W CCD camera , VGA color graphic monitor , and image output RGB monitor.
Representing knowledge uncertainty , aggregating evidence confidences , and propagation uncertainties are three key elements that effect the ability of a rule-based expert system to represent domains with uncertainty . Fuzzy set theory provide a good mathematical tool for representing the vagueness associated with a variable when , as the condition of a rule , it only partially corresponds to the input data. However, the aggregation of ANDed and Ored confidences is not as simple as the intersection and union operators defined for fuzzy set membership. There is, in fact, a certain degree of compensation that occurs when an expert aggregates confidences associated with compound evidence . Further, expert often consider individual evidences to be varying importance , or weight , in their support for a conclusion. This paper presents a flexible approach for evaluating evidence and conclusion confidences. Evidences may be represented as fuzzy or nonfuzzy variables with as associat d degree of certainty . different weight can also be associated degree of certainty. Different weights can also be assigned to the individual condition in determining the confidence of compound evidence . Conclusion confidence is calculated using a modified approach combining the evidence confidence and a rule strength. The techniques developed offer a flexible framework for representing knowledge and propagating uncertainties. This framework has the potention to reflect human aggregation of uncertain information more accurately than simple minimum and maximum operator do.
The software for unmanned control of three row typed rice combine has been developed using fuzzy logic. Three fuzzy variables were used : operating status of combine, steering, and speed. Eleven fuzzy rules were constructed and the eleven linguistic variables were used for the fuzzy rules. Six sensors were use of to get input values and sensor input values were quantified into 11 levels. The fuzzy output was infered with fuzzy inferrence which uses the correlation product encoding , and it must have been defuzzified by the method of center of gravity to use it for the control. The result of performance test using graphic simulation showed that the intelligently unmanned control of a rice combine was possible using fuzzy logic control.
Estimation of daily and seasonal evaportranspiration is essential for water resource planning irrigation feasibility study, and real-time irrigation water management . This paper is to evaluate the applicability of neural networks to the estimation of evapotranspiration . A neural network was developed to forecast daily evapotranspiration of the rice crop. It is a three-layer network with input, hidden , and output layers. Back-propagation algorithm with delta learning rule was used to train the neural network. Training neural network wasconducted usign daily actural evapotranspiration of rice crop and daily climatic data such as mean temperature, sunshine hours, solar radiation, relative humidity , and pan evaporation . During the training, neural network parameters were calibrated. The trained network was applied to a set of field data not used in the training . The created response of the neural network was in good agreement with desired values. Evaluating the neural networ performance indicates that neural network may be applied to the estimation of evapotranspiration of the rice crop.
The color image of the rose was segmented by the cluster analysis on the color space into the characteristic sub-regions, the degree of bloom of the flower was represented numerically base on the segmented image and judged by the artificial neural network system whose input variable were the characteristic regions. Judgement by neural system were compared with that of the farmers and it was found that degree of agreement were fairly good.
This study was intended to examine feasibility of sizing and color grading of Fuji apple with black/white image processing system , to develop a device with which the whole surface of an apple could be captured by one camera , to develop an algorithm for a high speed sorting , and to examine the effects of blurring on the performance of the experimental fruit grader.
In the 90 years or so since the beginning of the 20 th century , orchard growing and agricultural fields in Japan have undergone considerable change in terms of production volume, a seen in Fig. 1. as this change in volume progressed, sorting and packing machines have also grown from the first wooden tools, almost too simple to be called " machines" into sophisticated devices that bring together diverse technologies such as machinery , electronics, and optics. Nowadays, Japan/s agricultural industry is facing unprecedentedly serious labor shortage and the rapid aging of its experienced growers and producers, In additions, Japan has changed from a society oriented towards high-volume production and consumption to a more selective society which prefers smaller volume with the tastes of naturally ripended produce. With consumer trends changing there is a new demand on the part of growers for equipment that can not only measure the external quality of produce , but can measure inte nal quality as well.
Rattan has found various engineering application, especially in furniture industry, however its potential engineering application has not been fully realized because of lack of information of its mechanical properties . It is therefore the objective of this paper is to report some of the recent research work conducted to investigate some of mechanical properties of rattan. The principal tests performed were compression strength parallel to grain in green and dry conditions.
Expression of chinese cabbage was conducted in order to investigate its dewatering behavior. Chipped cabbage was packed into cylinder and pressed by piston up to the predetermined pressure on Instron-1000. The rates of dewatering were affected domintantly by the applied pressure, but not significantly by the packed amount of cabbage in the cylinder. The pressure effect was increased very abruptly at first, but the increase rate was very low at high pressure greater than 20 MPa, showing great deviation from linear dependence of flow rate on pressure in Darcy's Law. Therefore, water expression from cabbage was not Newtonian flow of water through cell wall. In fact, the squeezed water contained a lot of solid particles, showing destruction of cell wall. The content of solid particles in expressed water was only slightly lower than the dry matter content of fresh chinese cabbage, determined by drying oven method.
Creep tests were performed to determine the nonlinear viscoelastic properties of apples and pears with the creep experiment apparatus designed in this study. Compressive creep characteristics of fruits were tested at two kinds of storage conditions, four periods of storage and three levels of initial stress. Ten replications were made at each treatment combination. The creep behavior of the fruits could be well described by the nonlinear viscoelastic model as a function of initial stress and time. however, for each level of initial stress applied, the compressive behavior of the samples was satisfactorily represented by Burger's model. For all sample fruits, the longer the samples was stored, the higher the instantaneous elastic strain was observed, and the creep progressed at a high rate. These phenomena were even more remarkable on the fruit stored at the normal temperature storage rather than at the low temperature storage.
Five textural characteristics , epicarp strength, deformation , firmness , toughness and penetration time were calculated from force/deformation curves obtained by pressure testing tomato fruits. The fruits were harvested at either the mature-green or red maturity stages. The effects of changing the probe diameter and cross-head speed were investigated on force/deformation characteristics of tomatoes. It was confirmed that increasing of cross-head speed and probe diameter highly significantly effect all textural of the characteristics mentioned above , except epiarp strength of red tomatoes at 200 mm minute cross-head and penetration time of red and green tomatoes after 200mm minute and 100 mm minute cross-head respectively.
Recently , it has been popular for family use to sell a watermelon by the piece such as a half or a quarter. Therefore, it has been necessary to detect and sort out hollow or overripened watermelons before they are shipped. Previously, inspection and rejection of hollow or overripened watermelons were carried out by skilled inspectors with their experience and intuition based on the traditional slapping method. In recent years many inspectors have became older and are going to retire. Thus automatic quality measuring devices have to be developed. There are many reports on the measurement of internal quality for watermelons with non-destructive methods. However, there is no online device to detect and measure both hollow and ripeness of watermelons until now. We have developed the model MWA-9002 online device to detect hollow and measuring the ripeness of watermelons by acoustic impulse. The developed of this devices has enables accurate distinction and rejection at the same level of the skilled inspectors, and also has saved labor. Nowadays nine automatic watermelon sorting and packing facilities applied this device have installed in Japan.
Optical methods were developed to examine their feasibility for quality evaluation of peanut with pod. Surface color and internal quality of peanut were measured without contact. The surface color of peanut was measured by light reflectance at a region of visible wavelengths. Its characteristic was high correlated with a visual grading of peanut. A trial machine for the color grading of peanut was developed using an optical sensor and it was considered to compare with the visual grading. The spectral reflectance at a region of near infrared wavelengths from 1,200 to 2,500nm was measured , and the chemical components of peanut were related to spectral reflectance at special wavelengths. The protein, fat and moisture contents of peanut were estimated by the near infrared methods. An infrared imaging method was developed to evaluate the internal quality of peanut with pod. As thermal characteristic of peanut with pod was deeply related to internal quality , the quality of peanut can be evaluated by temperature changes on the surface of peanut. Measurement of surface color, near infrared reflectance and thermal imaging were shown to be very effective in grading of peanut with pod.
The purpose of this study is to examine the purification efficiency of the septic tank method which has been applied by the most of Korean livestock farms, in terms of anaerobic and aerobic treatment. Except several days in summer, BOD of effluent shows 1,500 -3,000 ppm by anaerobic process. In most cases , it exceeds according to the seasons show an increase by decrease of temperature. The removal effect on T-N is hardly found. The suspended solids contents of effluent are reduced to the level of 50-90%. Although BOD contents of effluent are kept high in the beginning, the removal rate of BOD shows 80 percent in the latter half by the aerobic treatment . The removal efficiency of total nitrogen does not appear through the experimental period, but the contents of T-N are not increased in the aerobic process unlike in the anaerobic process. The total phosphorous contents in effluent keep a constant level of 14 mg/L in average. The removal rate of phosphorous shows 91 percent i the last stage.
Application of water-saving self-feeders can reduce water consumption of pigs by more than 50% . so the feeding-watering system one of the most important way of the reduction of the slurry. Bioactive deep litter housing can eliminate slurry. Matured urine, faeces and litter can use for the purposes of soil conditioning and fertilizing . Water-saving slurry handling technology can halve manure dilution so it can double the nutrient content of the slurry. By using of straw bale biofilter for reducing emissions of pig houses makes fattening of pigs possible close to populated area. Developed rate control system for slurry application make avoiding over-fertilization possible , can fulfill better the demand of nutrient of plants. By means of computer aided manure utilization system area distribution of soil characteristics can determinate . The system is suitable for planning the utilization of manure and slurry in environment -friendly way.
The purification of sewage deriving from agricultural and food industries is today a serious problem mainly in areas characterized by intensive production plants. The solution examined in this work, involves a system of natural evaporation which employs special panels with a large evaporating surface constituted by an internal cellular structure in polyethilene. Using renewable energy they allow to speed up the natural evaporating effect thus eliminating some drawbacks such as swamps and obtaining sewage concentration with relatively low costs. The institute of agricultural engineering has carried out tests on the disposal of sewage deriving from two very important production sectors; pig-breeding and olive oil production . at a were gathered in order to verify the operating capacity of plants and their variables . On the remaining concentrated part tests were also carried out in order to know its chemical and chemical-physical features and to study the possibility for its us .