한방물리요법에 대한 문헌적 고찰

A Literatural Study on the Traditional Korean Medical Physiotherapy

  • 최보미 (대전대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과교실) ;
  • 홍서영 (대전대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과교실)
  • Choi, Bo-Mi (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dae-Joeon University) ;
  • Hong, Seo-Young (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dae-Joeon University)
  • 투고 : 2011.03.15
  • 심사 : 2011.04.12
  • 발행 : 2011.04.30


Objectives : The purpose of this study is to establish literatural evidence about traditional Korean medical physiotherapy through literatural review. Methods : Applicable paragraphs which were related to the traditional Korean medical physiotherapy were phrased from in "Hwang-je-nae-gyung(黃帝內經)", "Yumun-sa-chin(儒門事親)", "Geum-guei-yo-ryack(金匱要略)", "Eui-hack-ip-mun(醫學入門)", "Gyung-ack-jeon-seo(景岳全書)", "Eui-hack-gang-mock(醫學綱目)", "Dong-eui-bo-gam(東醫寶鑑)" where were archiving of Oriental or Korean medicine literatures. Searched paragraphs were analysed for establishing historical and theoretical bases of Korean medical physiotherapy. Results : 1. Theromtherapy is originated from yu(熨), hot hand, warm, water bath, warm earth, fumigation, lamp, torchlight and brazier. Matching indications are various musculoskeletal pain and diseases, skin diseases such as chronic inflammation, frostbite, gynecological and urogenital diseases such as uterine myoma, lower abdominal pain, metrorrhagia, breast diseases, digestive tract diseases such as vomiting, diarrhea, stomachache and also it treats cardiovascular disease. Other matching indications are sunstroke, rhinorrhea, psycosis and anal pain. And it used helping acupuncture therapy. 2. Cryotherapy is originated from lengfu(冷敷), lengtie(冷貼), cold stone and cold water. Matching indications are various fever disease, skin diseases such as acute inflammation, wound, fever skin disease, otorhinolaryngological diseases such as acute sore throat, otitis, stomatitis, nasal bleeding and contusions, abrasions, burn and dysuria. In addition, it treats extremity coldness, chillness, stomachache caused to accumulate fever. 3. Physiotherapy by circulating meridian system is originated from manipulation such as pushing, massage and beating to therapy point. Matching indications are musculoskeletal diseases such as various muscular pain, heavy sensation, convulsion, urogenital diseases such as dysuria, lower abdomen pain, digestive tract diseases such as stomachache, and paralysis due to blocked meridian system. And other matching indications are psycosis, leprosy, hypoesthesia, acute stroke. In addition it helps other therapy methods. In addition, the power of manipulation classify to strengthen and reduce. 4. Physiotherapy by balancing meridian system is originated from sunshine, magnet, horn, bamboo and tube. Sunshine helps improving self's care and cure inflammatory skin disease. Magnet's matching indications are paralysis, various injuries, abscess, fever and eye disease. Cupping therapy treats to skin diseases and internal diseases such as tuberculosis. Conclusions : Traditional Korean medical physiotherapy was widely used in traditional Korean medicine since ancient time based on the traditional Korean medical principle and anatomical knowledge. With modern physiotherapy and traditional Korean medicine together, effects of treatment are enhanced. And traditional Korean medical physiotherapy is appropriated to world physiotherapy's expectation.



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