In ordinary modern wester expression 'the Renaissance' was used to denote the impact made by dead Hellenism civilization in western Christendom, particularly Italian literary and artistic movement at Northern and central Italy in the late medieval period. However, A.J. Toynbee examined the renaissance from the different aspect of view. In his great work "A Study of History" in vol. IX, he succeeded in establishing the theory of historic civilization encounters in space and in time; and in time, civilization of the present and the past or between dead and infant successor contacts on the analogy of parenthood and sonship in the relation of A n.0, pparentation-and-Affiliation. The distinguished his view of 'Renaissance' was illustrated in the sense of encounters between a grown-up civilization and the 'ghost' of its long-dead predecessor. The renaissances (by the process of evocation of ghost of its parent society) has not only one single aspect of literary and artistic field but also in politics, law, science and philosophy, languages and literatures and visual arts, and religion. The main theme of this study is to examine the development of libraries and its historical meaning through Toynbee's literary renaissance. His renaissance of Languages and Literatures has three typical steps: They are: 1st step-to restive the dead literature's remains: 2nd step-to remaster their meaning: 3rd step-to reproduce them in counterfeits... Through its first and second steps, collecting and editing, annotating by compiling an anthology, thesaurus, lexicon or encyclopedia, and in its third step publishing mostly imitation of classics took place. Toynbee depicted the five outstanding eminent representatives of literary renaissance who had a n.0, ppeared on the state of history down to the time of writing. They are: Assurbanipal, Constantine prophyrogenitus, Yung Lo, K'ang Hsi, and Ch'ien Lung and the last four had all been emperors of imperia rediviva. As the result of the examination of these five emperors with three steps of literary renaissance, the common result may be summarized as follows: 1. Those emperors of imperia rediviva interested in intellectual work and study, they also were deeply involved in collecting classics in an ostensible reason. 2. There were strong political intention of collecting materials as an a n.0, ppeasement policy of civilization by transferring scholars energies to an intellectual field. 3. Under the rulers of a resuscitated universal state, the literary renaissance were a product of political plane and that the total size of collection and work were huge. 4. Since there were strong exercise of sovereign power, an active censorship by distortion and elimination was inevitable. 5. There existed newly developed strained atmosphere between grown-up and long-dead parent civilization, whenever the book collection movement had occurred. 6. Over adhesion to the parent civilization caused imitation of classic work and the creative activities were stagnated.stagnated.