Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference (한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집)
Korea Water Resources Association
- Semi Annual
- Agriculture, Fishery and Food > Aquaculture
- Agriculture, Fishery and Food > Fisheries Resource Management/Fishing Environment
A method for the numerical simulation of two-dimensional free-surface flow resulting from the propagation of regular gravity waves over topography with arbitrary bottom shape is presented. The method is based on the numerical solution of the Euler equations subject to the fully nonlinear free-surface boundary conditions and the appropriate bottom, inflow and outflow conditions using a hybrid finite-differences and spectral-method scheme. The formulation includes a boundary-fitted transformation, and is suitable for extension to incorporate large-eddy simulation (LES) and large-wave simulation (LWS) terms for turbulence and breaking wave modeling, respectively. Results are presented for the simulation of the free-surface flow over two different bottom topographies, with constant slope values of 1:10 and 1:20, two different inflow wave lengths and two different inflow wave heights. An absorption outflow zone is utilized and the results indicate minimum wave reflection from the outflow boundary. Over the bottom slope, lengths of waves in the linear regime are modified according to linear theory dispersion, while wave heights remain more or less unchanged. For waves in the nonlinear regime, wave lengths are becoming shorter, while the free surface elevation deviates from its initial sinusoidal shape.
The characteristics of Boussinesq starting forced plumes were investigated in this study. Two distinct periods in the transient plume penetration were identified, namely the Period of Flow Development (PFD) and Period of Developed Flow (PDF). PFD refers to the time period whereby the penetration rate is governed by the complex vortex dynamics initiated by the exit conditions that can include vortex coalescence, vortex leapfrogging, pinching off of the head vortex from the trailing stem and the eventual reconnection. The pinch-off and reconnection leads to an overshoot of the plume front which is a common observation reported in previous studies. The penetration rate in PDF is more predictable and depends on the continuous feeding of buoyancy and momentum into the head vortex by the trailing buoyant-jet stem. Similarity solutions are developed for PDF to describe the temporal variation of the penetration rate, by incorporating the behavior of an isolated buoyant vortex ring and recent laboratory results on the trailing buoyant jet. In particular, the variations of velocity ratios between the head vortex and trailing buoyant jet are analytically computed. To verify the similarity solutions, experiments were conducted on vertical starting forced plumes using planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF).
To immobilize the pollutants from wastewater in situ, two phosphatic clays collected from different areas in Egypt (eastern and western Sebaia, Aswan-Isna, Upper Egypt) used to remove contaminant ions from industrial wastewater. Obtained results confirmed the strong relationship between phosphatic clay and Pb elimination from wastewater. The sensitivity classification of phosphatic clay toward ions retained as described in three categories: highly sensitive to retain Pb , Al and Cr ; moderately sensitive for Mn; and weakly sensitive for Band Zn. Data suggested that large fraction of Pb removed by phosphatic clays stayed intact under a wide variation in extracting solution pH (3-11). In situ immobilization is considered a promising technique that has the potential to remove contaminant ions from wastewater. Two important factors need to be considered when applying this technique: The first, is the clay must be effective and selective under different composition of wastewater. The second, is the immobilized ions should be stable and non-leacheable under varying water conditions. Phosphatic clays with
$Pb^{2+}$ were suitable to achieve these two factors. Possible mechanism for removal$Pb^{2+}$ by phosphatic clays is the formation of fluoropyromorphite through the dissolution of fluoro and hydroxyl apatite by its precipitation from solution, beside, Pb complexation at phosphatic clay surface at P-OH sites. -
Due to their slow degradation properties, hydrophobic organic contaminants in estuarine sediment have been a concern for risks to human health and aquatic organisms. Studies of fate and transport of these contaminants in estuaries are further complicated by the fact that hydrodynamics and sediment transport processes in these regions are complex, involving processes with various temporal and spatial scales. In order to simulate and quantify long-term attenuation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in the Elizabeth River, VA, we develop a modeling approach, which employs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's water quality model, WASP, and encompasses key physical and chemical processes that govern long-term fate and transport of PAHs in the river. In this box-model configuration, freshwater inflows mix with ocean saline water and tidally averaged dispersion coefficients are obtained by calibration using measured salinity data. Sediment core field data is used to estimate the net deposition/erosion rate, treating only either the gross resuspension or deposition rate as the calibration parameter. Once calibrated, the model simulates fate and transport PAHs following the loading input to the river in 1967, nearly 4 decades ago. Sediment PAH concentrations are simulated over 1967-2022 and model results for Year 2002 are compared with field data measured at various locations of the river during that year. Sediment concentrations for Year 2012 and 2022 are also projected for various remedial actions. Since all the model parameters are based on empirical field data, model predictions should reflect responses based on the assumptions that have been governing the fate and sediment transport for the past decades.
The sea water and the soil of surface zone in lagoon have many physical relations between each other by both physical phenomena such as tidal motion and wave action, and activity of a creature which lives in soil zone. The soil zone has an activity of filtering the sea water at lowering tide and also the organic materials in sea water are supplied into the soil. And small creatures such as small crab eat organic materials. Usually the surface zone of lagoon becomes under the sea water in two times of a day and also is coming in two times under the sunshine and it becomes dries up conditions. Authors made the field observation at Sanbannse lagoon in Tokyo bay in several times between 2002 to 2004. The observation has been done in a half period of tide in October and November 2002 and also full tide observation is made in July 2, 2003 in summer and November 26, 2003 in autumn. In 2004, three times observations of full tide has been made in three times as June 22, July 20 and December 14. This report is the summary of results on these observations focusing on the soil surface zone and sea water at under ground and wave breaking zone.